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Permit Number: T18CM07904
Parcel: 14019277A

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: WALK THRU - COMM

Permit Number - T18CM07904
Review Name: WALK THRU - COMM
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/18/2018 TOM WEIDEMAN BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Good morning Rick,

The three separate plan sets for building 5, building 6 and the Alamosa plans for buildings 5 and 6 have been reviewed for completeness and the following items have been identified for correction. Once corrections have been made please re-submit for plan approval. Once the plans are approved permits will be issued for construction.

1. Roofing Plan, sht. 1 of 4 - delete or relocate the duplicative digital signature that's covering the notes for buildings 5 and 6.

2. Roofing Plan, sht. 1 of 4 - Clarify, for correct panel numbers being placed on the buildings, the nomenclature at the bottom of the roofing sheet where it calls out building 5, 14 areas, 48 panels per area and similar nomenclature on the same page for building 6, 15 areas, 36 panels.

2. Alamosa Plan, Bill of Materials, sht. 1 of 5 - delete or relocate the duplicative digital signature that's covering the notes for buildings 5 and 6.

3. These solar reviews were submitted 10/12/18, although the applications are dated 10/01/18. Either re-submit all applications with the correct submittal date or acknowledge by email confirmation that the date on the application should be 10/12/18.

Should you have any questions please contact me.


Tom Weideman