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Permit Number: T18CM05193
Parcel: 14002010A

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - NEW

Permit Number - T18CM05193
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
07/16/2018 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Approved
07/16/2018 ERIC NEWCOMB BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Sheet 2G0.001; Code Analysis: The analysis indicates 96 occupants, but then notes no occupants and no restrooms required. Please add a note to this sheet indicating per discussion with and approval by the Building Official, this structure will not be accessed by the public, and no occupant load or plumbing fixtures will be required. The Certificate of Occupancy will indicate 0 occupants.
2. Sheet 2G0.001: Please add a north arrow to this sheet.
3. Sheet 2S0.001; General Structural Notes (Special Inspections): The City of Tucson requires all lettering (upper and lower case) to be a minimum of 3/32" in height. Please revise.
4. Sheet 2S2.001; Foundation Plan Notes (Boxed Note): Please add to the note "The final sealed metal building plans and forces must follow the IBC Section for processing deferred submittals".
5. Sheets 2S2.001, 2A2.100, 2A2.200, and 2A2.300: Please coordinate and verify the north arrow on these sheets.
6. Sheet 2S3.001; Detail 102: Are Details 102A and 102B used on this project? Please verify and remove as required.
7. Sheet 2A2.100 (Floor Plan); Sheet 2A4.001 (Elevations): The elevation indicators on the plan do not match the direction indicated on the elevations. Please verify.
8. Sheet 2A2.100; Door Schedule: The door hardware was not located in these drawings. Please add or indicate a reference on this sheet.
9. Sheet A6.001; Detail 1: Please indicate this detail on a plan or section. It was not located in these drawings.
10. Sheet A6.001: Please indicate all details on this sheet on plans or sections, or reference the structural Sheet 2S3.001.
11. General; Structural Calculations (Soil Report): Per the IBC Section 107, the geotechnical report must be prepared by a registered design professional. Please have that individual stamp, sign, and date the seal, and include the expiration date of the seal on the report.
12. General: Please provide the Special Inspection Certificate.
13. General: Please provide written responses to all review comments.
07/23/2018 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Ventilation (i.e. exhaust) is required for enclosed parking garages per Sections 403.3 and 404, IMC 2012. Provide ventilation calculations and a mechanical design to provide the required exhaust flow rate for the parking garage.
07/31/2018 DAN SANTA CRUZ ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Please address the following electrical plan review comments. Also provide a written response.
#1. Ref; One Line Diagram.
(a) Correlate the identifications of the new panel 'LMSUB' and transformer 'TMSUB' with the one line diagram.
(b) Distinguish between new and existing electrical equipment on the One Line Diagram.
(c) Verify that the 15KVA transformer (if utilized) is sized properly to satisfy the demand load of panel 'LMSUB'.
#2. Specify the location of '2SES'.
#3. Provide for a UFER (concrete encased grounding electrode) and other required bonding at the new building. NEC 250.50, 250.32, 250.104.
#4. Provide complete compliance with the Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code for the exterior lighting.
#5. Provide complete compliance with the 2012 IECC for the lighting.
#6. Provide complete load calcs for the electrical service including the new panels.
Ref; 2012 IBC 107.2.1, 2011 NEC
08/01/2018 DAVID RIVERA ZONING REVIEW Reqs Change FROM: David Rivera
PDSD Zoning Review Section

PROJECT: T18CM05193 - New Building #2 (Truck Depot Parking - TEP) Related to DP18-0088
Building Plan Review (1st Review) Tucson Electric Power
3950 E Irvington Road - Zoning is PAD 34 / per Rezoning Case C9-18-03

TRANSMITTAL DATE: August 1, 2018

DUE DATE: August 8, 2018

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

1. COMMENT: Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with the approved version of the development package. While the building footprint is consistent with the DP as it relates to the zoning review purview (Building footprint, Height, square footage, site conditions etc.) zoning cannot approve the building plans until the building plans have been approved by the PDSD Commercial Plans Reviewers.

2. COMMENT: Zoning will review the building plans on the next submittal as it relates to the zoning review purview and compare the building plan footprint, building height, and square footage and location to ensure consistency with the DP.

3. COMMENT: If any changes are necessary due to the PDSD Commercial Plan Reviewer's comments that affect or change the building footprint, height, or square footage, the DP will need to be updated prior to approval of the building plans by Zoning.

4. COMMENT: Once the plans have been reviewed and approved by the PDSD Commercial Plan Reviewers and zoning has verified consistency with the DP, the building plans can be approved by zoning.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, Contact David Rivera on Tuesday or Wednesday at (520) 837-4957 or by email David.Rivera@tucsonaz.gov or contact Steve Shields, (520) 837-4956 or Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov


1) Engineering has reviewed the building plans and they appear to be in conformance with the approved DP. Engineering cannot approve the plans as there are outstanding commercial review comments.
2) Engineering can conduct an over the counter review/approval once any outstanding review comments have been addressed and a new work flow opened. Call or Email to schedule

John Van Winkle, P.E.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
09/20/2018 SVALENZ1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed