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Permit Number: T18CM04263
Parcel: 14043013B

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - NEW

Permit Number - T18CM04263
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
06/06/2018 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Approved
06/14/2018 DAVID RIVERA ZONING REVIEW Reqs Change FROM: David Rivera
PDSD Zoning Review Section

PROJECT: T18CM04263 - New Building (DPS - Airplane Hanger)
Building Plan Review (1st Review) AZ D.P.S.
1910 E. Aero Park Boulevard - I-2 Zoning


DUE DATE: June 27, 2018

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

1. COMMENT: Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with the submitted development package. While the building footprint is consistent with the DP as it relates to the zoning review purview (Building footprint, Height, square footage, site conditions etc) zoning cannot approve the building plans until the PDSD Commercial Plans reviewers have approved the building plans.

2. COMMENT: Zoning will review the building plans on the next submittal as it relates to the zoning review purview and compare the building plan footprint, building height, and square footage and location to ensure consistency with the DP. (Include a copy as reference of the approved and PDSD stamped version of the DP with the next building plan submittal.)

3. COMMENT: If any changes are necessary, due to the PDSD Commercial Plan Reviewer's comments that affect or change the building footprint, height, or square footage, the DP will need to be updated prior to approval of the building plans by Zoning.

4. COMMENT: Once the plans have been reviewed and approved by the 3rd Party and PDSD Commercial Plan Reviewers and zoning has verified consistency with the DP, the building plans can be approved by zoning.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, Contact David Rivera on Tuesday or Wednesday at (520) 837-4957 or by email David.Rivera@tucsonaz.gov or contact Steve Shields, (520) 837-4956 or Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov

RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: As noted by the zoning comments
06/14/2018 ERIC NEWCOMB BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Sheet C1; Hangar Classification: Please add the following restrictions to the third bullett point: welding and fuel tank repair/maintenance.
2. Sheet C1; Code Review Checklist: Reference is made to the IBC Table 1021.2(2) for exit travel distance. This table is for stories with one exit. Since three exits for the building are provided, the IBC Table 1016.2 may be used for maximum exit access travel distances. Please revise on the drawing.
3. Sheet C1; Code Review Checklist: The occupant load analysis does not indicate the conference room as an assembly occupancy. Please verify.
4. Sheet C100; Site Plan: Per the IBC Section 412.4.1, exterior walls less than 30 feet from lot lines or public ways will require a fire resistance rating of one hour and follow the requirements of Section 705. Please indicate on the site plan the building setback distances from the property lines.
5. Sheets A1 through A5: Please darken dimensions, door numbers, note numbers, room identification numbers, etc. so the sheets are legible.
6. Sheet A1; Legend Notes: Note 1 references diagonal bracing a wall. Please add a detail for that condition, indicating brace size and spacing, and the connection quantity and length at the top of the partition and to the structure above.
7. Sheet A1; Floor Plan: The interior walls separating the hangar area from the office area indicate a one hour fire resistance rating (Legend note 2). In this note, please add the Code Section reference for the requirement of that fire resistance rating.
8. Sheet A1 (Floor Plan); Sheet A2 (Window Schedule): The interior window 2 at the conference room is in a fire resistance rated wall. Please indicate in the window schedule the required rating.
9. Sheet A1 (Floor Plan); Sheet A2 (Bath/Toilet Elevation A): Please provide an elevation for the bath/toilet that indicates the side wall grab bars (per the ICC/ANSI Figure 604.5.1).
10. Sheet S1; Foundation Plan: Add the plan note reference on the plan for Note 4 at the control joints. In Note 4, please add a reference to Detail 201 for the control joint.
11. Sheet S2; Details 203, 204, and 205: A note indicates to see the plan for the hairpin reinforcement. The length of the hairpins was located on the plan, but the reinforcement size was not found. Please verify.
12. General: Please provide an exiting plan in this submittal, indicating exit access travel distances to each exit, occupant exit loads, and required exit widths (IBC Section 1005).
13. General: Concerning the fire resistance rated walls, please add a note to reference the IBC Sections 714 (for penetrations), 715 (for joint systems), 716 (for opening protectives), and 717 (for duct and air transfer openings).
14. General: Please provide written responses to all review comments.
06/19/2018 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Verify that the hangar floor is sloped to floor drains that discharge through an oil separator to the sewer or to a vented sump. Reference: Section 412.4.3, IBC 2012.
2. Connect piping to the water heater per manufacturer's recommendations. Reference: Section 502.1, IPC 2012.
3. Revise detail 4/P-5 to show the T&P relief terminating over the mop basin with an air gap. Reference: Section 504.6, IPC 2012.
4. Clarify detail B/P-5: is the water heater gas-fired or electric?
5. Clarify the material to be used for the water distribution piping within the building. Reference: Section 605, IPC 2012.
6. The developed length of the hot water supply piping appears to be greater than fifty feet; provide a method for maintaining the temperature of the hot water supply system. Reference: Section 607.2, IPC 2012
7. Provide the rim elevation and inverts of the next upstream and downstream sanitary manholes. Determine the need for a backwater valve per Section 715.1, IPC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson.
8. Provide the basis used for determining the size of the rain gutters. Show how the proposed 8"x8" downspouts are to connect to the proposed 6" gutter. Reference: Sections 1106.1 and 1106.6, IPC 2012.
9. With regard to detail C/P-5, what is a "gaslock"?
10. Verify the developed lengths for the gas piping from the meter to each load. The developed length from the meter to GH-3 has dimensions totaling 32.5' not the 15 feet noted in the gas appliance table. Similar issues exist for all of the other gas loads. Reference: Section 402.4, IFGC 2012.
11. Provide air for combustion, ventilation and dilution of the flue gases for the proposed water heater. Reference: Section 304, IFGC 2012.
12. Revise the design of the vent for the water heater per Sections 503.6.8 and 503.6.9.2, IFGC 2012.
13. Provide the minimum sidewall clearance recommended by the manufacturer for the vent terminals for the gas-fired unit heaters. Reference: Section 503.3.3, IFGC 2012.
14. Installation of the horizontal vent shall comply with the manufacturer's requirements with respect to dimensions, materials (e.g. terminal cap, vent pipe, thimble, etc.), and slope of the vent. Reference: Section 503.3.3, IFGC 2012.
06/19/2018 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Demonstrate energy code compliance for the building envelope using calculations based on the current code and with components that correspond to the building shown for this activity (e.g. use COMcheck). Reference: Sections C101.3, C101.5, C103.2, C303, and C401.2, International Energy Conservation Code 2012.
2. Show how one of the "Additional Efficiency Package Options" (C406, IECC 2012) is to be accomplished. Reference: Section C401.2, IECC 2012.
3. Revise the heating and cooling load calculations; there is no "Tucson AZ safety factor". Use the extended capacity tables supplied by the AC unit manufacturer and the exterior design conditions shown in Section 302.2, IECC 2012, as modified by the City of Tucson to determine the unit size.
4. Show that each rooftop unit has a thermostatic control that provides for off-hour and set-back control, automatic shutdown and automatic start-up control (i.e. the thermostat is capable of automatically adjusting the start time of the HVAC equipment in order to bring the interior conditions to the desired temperature at the start of occupancy) and, if the thermostat does not require manual changeover from the heating and cooling modes, it restricts set point overlap. Reference: Section C403.2.4, IECC 2012.
5. Provide structural calculations and details to show how the fan coil units are supported by the building structure. Reference: Section 302.1, IMC 2012.
6. Show the size, routing, and termination of the primary condensate drains for the fan coils. Reference: Section 307.2.1, IMC 2012 as amended by the City of Tucson.
7. Ventilation calculations for HVAC systems supplying multiple zones shall take into account the different occupancy loads in each zone. Revise the ventilation calculations based on the requirements of Sections 403. through 403., IMC 2012. Reference: Section 403.3.2.3, IMC 2012.
8. Secure the refrigerant circuit access ports of the condensing units to prevent unauthorized access. Reference: Section 1101.10, IMC 2012.
06/27/2018 DAN SANTA CRUZ ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Please address the following electrical plan review comments. Also provide a written response.
#1. Assign a branch circuit number for all power, lighting , and mechanical equipment. NEC 408.4
#2. Provide a complete luminaire schedule for both interior and exterior lighting.
#3. Provide full compliance with the 2012 IECC for the lighting.
#4. Provide full compliance with the 2012 Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code for the exterior lighting. See chapter 104 for Plan Submittal Requirements. This Code can be printed or downloaded from www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd.
#5. The electrical panel label on the floor plans is printed to light. Please re- print with darker lettering.
#6. Ref; Plan Sheet E4.
(a) Show the conduit, conductor sizes and types for the service secondary conductors.
(b) The 4- 4/0 conductors are undersized for the total calculated service load of 311.6 amps. NEC 220, 230.31, 310 15B(16).
#7. Ref; Plan Sheet E2. What is the purpose of the disconnect switch shown behind the helicopter tail rotor.
Reference Codes; 2012 IBC sec 107.2.1, 2011 NEC, 2012 IECC, Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code.

1) Engineering has reviewed the building plans but cannot approve them at this time. Once the development plan (DP) has been reviewed and approved, Engineering will review the building plans to ensure conformance with the approved DP
2) Engineering can conduct an over the counter review once the above comment has been addressed

John Van Winkle, P.E.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
07/02/2018 KROBLES1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed