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Permit Number: T18CM03866
Parcel: 11516019T


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - TI

Permit Number - T18CM03866
Review Name: COMMERCIAL - TI
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
08/28/2018 ERIC NEWCOMB BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Sheet T2.1; Code Review: At this time, it has been noted that a Letter of Completion will be provided for this tenant improvement (no change of use or added square footage). If a Certificate of Occupancy is being requested for the entire hotel building, the occupant loads must be indicated on the drawings for each floor. The first floor occupant load will include this tenant improvement plus the first floor units. Please verify and revise the drawings as required.
2. Sheet T2.1; First Floor Occupant Load Table: This table does not include the occupant load for the Lobby (64). Please add to the table.
3. General: Please provide written responses to all review comments.
09/05/2018 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change The secondary roof drains are required to limit the depth of rainwater on a roof in case all of the primary roof drains are blocked. Will the deflected roof structure be capable of supporting the maximum water depth if only the overflow drains are open? See Sections 1101.7 and 1108.3, IPC 2012. [Second comment: The architectural roof plan (A4.1) shows the porte cochere with a ridge running roughly North-east to South-east so that two roof drains are located North-west of the ridge and two overflow roof drains are located South-east of the ridge. Do you intend to have four pairs of roof-drain/overflow drains, one pair located in each corner of the porte cochere?] [Initial comment: Clarify the roof drainage plan for the revised porte cochere. Show how the secondary (overflow) roof drains are able to limit the rain load on the roof structure. Reference: Sections 1101, 1106 and 1108, IPC 2012, and Sections 1611.1 and 1611.3, IBC 2012.]
09/06/2018 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Comment not resolved; provide structural details showing how each hood will be supported from the building structure (see Section 507.6, IMC 2012). [Second comment: The general installation and maintenance manual for commercial hoods (the manufacturer appears to be CaptiveAire) does not provide the information needed to determine if the hoods comply the relevant codes or will be installed properly in this building. Provide a complete mechanical design for each hood along with structural details showing how each hood will be supported from the building structure (see Section 507.6, IMC 2012). Correct mechanical note #1 on the exhaust fan schedule to require a fan listed to UL 762 for use with a Type I grease hood, not Type II. Coordinate detail 9/M4.1, showing the installation of a utility set fan as shown on sheet M2.6 rather than an up-blast centrifugal fan. Revise detail 10/M4.1 to show the installation of a scheduled exhaust fan. Reference: Sections 506, 507, and 508 IMC 2012.] [Initial comment: Provide the specifications and operating parameters for the two kitchen hoods supplied by others and show how both the hoods and the exhaust ducts are to be installed. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.]
09/14/2018 DAN SANTA CRUZ ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Please address the following electrical plan review comments. Also provide a written response.
3rd Review.
#1. Response from STEEN to comment #1. "Site lighting work was deleted from project".
New review comment. Per Plan Sheet E2.1. It appears there are new or retrofitted exterior luminaires on the building walls type 'EE'and 'CC', 46 total. These exterior luminaires are not exempt from having to meet the Outdoor Lighting Requirements as previously stated. The existing luminaires on this parcel may have been installed prior to the adoption of the Outdoor Lighting Code (OLC). Because the exterior lighting is proposed to be altered under the scope of this project, per section 104.1 the site is required to meet the requirements as stated in section 104. Provide evidence on the plans that the proposed work will comply with this Code.
#2. Response from STEEN to comment #2. "Light fixture schedule location in the Specifications and was emailed to the plan reviewer on 8/14/18".
New review comment. As stated in previous comments there are no Specifications for the lighting or schedule located in this 3rd submittal. The electrical plan reviewer has no record of an emailed luminaire schedule. And even if it was emailed the required information needs to be included in the plan set. 2012 IBC 107.2.1, 2011 NEC, City of Tucson Commercial Plan Submittal Requirements (Electrical).
#3. Response from STEEN to comment #3. (a) "Refer to Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Schedule, General Notes and numbered Notes".
New review comment. No complete panel schedules including load calcs, panel or circuit designations for new equipment or relocated equipment, no disconnecting means or fuse sizes or types shown. Does MCA mean minimum or maximum circuit amperage?
(b) "We added 2500 volt amps to existing panel. Total load on panel is 49,984 VA. This equals 139 amps on a 200 amp panel.
New review comment. What panel ? And why 2500 VA ?
Ref; 2012 IBC sec 107.2.1, 2011 NEC, 2012 Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code, City of Tucson Commercial Plan Submittal Requirements. www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd
Dan Santa Cruz
Commercial Plan Review, City of Tucson