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Permit Number: T18CM03866
Parcel: 11516019T


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - TI

Permit Number - T18CM03866
Review Name: COMMERCIAL - TI
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
05/22/2018 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Approved
05/29/2018 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Complete details 4/M4.1 and 8L (see the dimensions with the question marks). Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
2. Verify that the specified sensor faucet for the public lavatories has an automatic time-out that can be set so that it will dispense a maximum of 0.25 gallons per metering cycle. Reference: Section 416.6, IPC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson and Section 606.4, ICC/ANSI A117.1-09.
3. If the showers P-3 and P-3A do not have a pre-fabricated receptors, provide details to show that the construction of the receptors complies with the requirements of Section 417.5.2, IPC 2012.
4. Appliances (e.g. soda dispensers, ice makers, etc.) to be directly connected to the water supply system that do not have listed, integral backflow preventers or integral air gaps conforming to Section 608.13.1, IPC 2012 require backflow prevention. Specify the type of backflow prevention device required for each water connection (Water supply connections to beverage dispensers shall be protected with backflow preventers conforming to ASSE 1022.). Reference: Sections 608.1, 608.3, and 608.16.1, IPC 2012.
5. Verify that the discharge from the dishwasher (kitchen equipment number 17) and the glass washer (kitchen equipment number 73) will be 140 degrees Fahrenheit or less. Reference: Section701.7, IPC 2012.
6. Provide cleanouts for all horizontal drains (e.g. the new pool restroom and the new bar area). Cleanout shall be sized for the pipes they serve. Reference: Sections 708.3.1, 708.5, and 708.7, IPC 2012.
7. Verify that the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department will allow the floor sinks located in the guest kitchen and the food prep room to bypass the grease interceptor. Reference: Section 1003.3, IPC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson.
8. Clarify the roof drainage plan for the revised porte cochere. Show how the secondary (overflow) roof drains are able to limit the rain load on the roof structure. Reference: Sections 1101, 1106 and 1108, IPC 2012, and Sections 1611.1 and 1611.3, IBC 2012.
9. Provide a natural gas schematic showing both the existing and the new loads and the developed lengths of the piping to each new load and the maximum developed pipe length for the main gas line. Reference: Sections 402.1 and 402.3, IFGC 2012 and Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
05/31/2018 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Provide heating and cooling load calculations that justify the capacities of the heating and cooling equipment specified for the project. Reference: Sections C302.2, C403.2.1, C403.2.2, and R403.6, IECC 2012 as amended by the City of Tucson, and Section 312.1, IMC 2012.
2. Show the size, routing, and termination of the condensate drains for the PTAC units. Reference: Section 307.2.1, IMC 2012 as amended by the City of Tucson.
3. Provide calculations demonstrating adequate ventilation for the individual suites using the current code. Reference: Sections 403.2 and 403.3, IMC 2012 and Section R403.5, IECC 2012.
4. Provide the specifications and operating parameters for the two kitchen hoods supplied by others and show how both the hoods and the exhaust ducts are to be installed. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
06/05/2018 ERIC NEWCOMB BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Sheet T2.1; Code Review: The codes listed include the 2012 Existing Building Code and the 2012 International Building Code. For clarity, the two codes may not be used in combination with each other. Requirements must follow either the EBC or the IBC, but not a combination of the two.
2. Sheet T2.1; First Floor Fire Ratings: It appears the Food Prep/Kitchen area is being separated from the Lobby, the Corridor, and the Exercise Room with one hour fire partitions. Please verify the separation is required per the IBC Sections 508.2.4, 508.3, and 508.4.
3. Sheet T2.1; First Floor Fire Ratings: Are the rolling counter shutters (between the Lobby and the Food Prep areas) fire resistance rated for one hour? Please verify.
4. Sheet AS1; Pool Plan: Please complete the P3 call-out at the fire pit.
5. Sheet AS1; Section 4: Please indicate the required footing reinforcement (two bars are indicated).
6. Sheet AS1; Section 4: Is reinforcing required in the 4" concrete wall base? Please verify.
7. Sheet AS2; Pool Restroom Sections 7 and 9: Please add a reference note to the 8" concrete block walls to "See Structural".
8. Sheet AS2; Elevation 7: Per the ICC/ANSI Figure 604.5.1, the vertical grab bar should be located 39" to 41" from the back wall. Please revise the 3'-6" dimension on the elevation.
9. Sheet A1.6; Partition Schedule: Please add a note to indicate where these partition types are located on the plans (Sheet A7.1).
10. Sheet A4.1; Roof Plan: The section cut 1/A6.11 should be revised to 2/A6.11. Please verify.
11. Sheets A5.1 and A5.2; Section 1: Please provide the 6" metal stud gauge and how it is connected to the roof assembly and to the ceiling framing. Provide additional details as required, or add a note to reference the structural drawings.
12. Sheet A5.2; Detail 2: At the metal stud pop-out, please provide the 6" metal stud gauges and how they are connected to the roof assembly and to each other. Provide additional details as required, or add a note to reference the structural drawings.
13. Sheet A6.4; Section 2: At the metal stud parapet, please provide the 6" metal stud gauges and how they are connected to the roof assembly and to each other. Provide additional details as required, or add a note to reference the structural drawings.
14. Sheet A6.7; Section 1: Please provide the 8" metal stud gauges and how they are connected to the roof/wall assemblies and to each other. Provide additional details as required, or add a note to reference the structural drawings.
15. Sheet A6.8; Section 2 and Details 3 and 4: Please provide the 8" metal stud gauges and how they are connected to the roof/wall assemblies and to each other. Provide additional details as required, or add a note to reference the structural drawings.
16. Sheet A6.10; Section 1: Please provide the 8" metal stud gauges and how they are connected to the roof/wall assemblies and to each other. Provide additional details as required, or add a note to reference the structural drawings.
17. Sheet A7.1; Enlarged Plan: Per the IBC Section 1108.2.9.1, dining and drinking areas require a minimum of 5% of the total seating to be accessible and distributed throughout the area. On this sheet, please indicate the total number of seats, the total number of required accessible dining surfaces, indicating their location on the plan. In addition, indicate the accessible table surfaces are a maximum of 34" above finish floor.
18. Sheet A7.1; Enlarged Plan: Per Sheet T2.1, the walls around the Kitchen/Food Prep area are one hour walls. Several new portions of the walls indicated on this plan are referenced as D Partitions, which are not fire resistant rated per the Partition Schedule (Sheet A1.6). Please verify.
19. Sheet A7.9; Elevations 2 and 16: Per the ICC/ANSI Figure 604.5.1, the vertical grab bar should be located 39" to 41" from the back wall. Please revise the 3'-6" dimension on the elevation.
20. Sheet A8.1; Plan 4: Per the ICC/ANSI Figure 604.3, the accessible king restroom does not meet current accessibility requirements for the water closet/lavatory layout. Please verify.
21. Sheet A8.3; Elevations 15 and 18: Per the ICC/ANSI Figure 604.5.1, the vertical grab bar should be located 39" to 41" from the back wall. Please revise the 3'-6" dimension on the elevation.
22. Sheet ID7.2; Plan 3: Please complete the P3 call-out in the Guest Laundry.
23. Sheet ID8.1; Plans: Please complete the G call-outs in the Guestrooms.
24. Sheet S1.1; Pool Restroom Footing and Foundation Plan: Please provide structural calculations for the masonry walls.
25. General: Please provide written responses to all review comments.
06/06/2018 DAVID RIVERA ZONING REVIEW Reqs Change FROM: David Rivera
PDSD Zoning Review Section

PROJECT: T18CM03866 - Hyatt Place (Travelers Accommodation - 91-Unit Hotel)
Building plans (1st Review)
1375 West Grant Road - I-1 Zoning


DUE DATE: June 18, 2018

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed.

1. COMMENT: Zoning has reviewed the building plans but cannot approve them at this time. The proposed modifications to the interior and modifications to the building Facades and Porte Cochere and Pool Restroom do not affect any zoning requirements. The use of the building and site is not changing or adding additional units requiring additional parking.

2. COMMENT: In addition, the building plans must be approved by the PDSD commercial plans reviewers before zoning can approve the plans.

3. COMMENT: Once the plans have been approved by all Commercial Plans reviewers and no site changes are made that affect zoning requirements, zoning will stamp and sign the building plans as it pertains to the zoning review purview.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, Contact David Rivera on Tuesday or Wednesday at (520) 837-4957 or by email at David.Rivera@tucsonaz.gov or contact Steve Shields, (520) 837-4956 or Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov
06/13/2018 DAN SANTA CRUZ ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Please address the following electrical plan review comments. Also provide a written response.
#1. Ref; Plan Sheet E1.1. Site note #3. What are the 2 #10 in ¾" conduit for? Locate panel '1D' on the plan.
#2.Ref; Exterior Lighting. Provide full compliance with the 2012 Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code. See Chapter 104 for the required plan submittal requirements and provide all the required information on the plans. Provide a complete luminaire schedule that includes shielding, color temperature, lumen output, quantities, type. The Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code can be printed or downloaded from www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd.
#3. Provide a complete luminaire schedule that correlates with the floor plans for the interior luminaires.
#4. Ref; Plan Sheet E3.5 Roof Plan. Provide disconnecting means and fuse sizes where applicable and designate a branch circuit or feeder and panel, conductor sizes and types for all new or relocated mechanical equipment. Ref 2011 NEC art 408.4, 430, 440.
#5. Ref; Plan Sheet E4.1 (Units). Per general note #1, the power and lighting have been re- designed for these units. Please reflect these units on the demolition plans. Assign branch circuits, conductor sizes and types, and panel designations for all the devices and luminaires. Also provide complete panel schedules for the panels associated with these devices and other equipment such as mechanical. Provide for Tamper Resistant receptacles. 2011 NEC art 406.13, 408.4.
#6. Ref; Plan Sheet E5.1.
(a) Provide for GFI protection of all 125 volt receptacles located in the kitchen, food prep areas, wet areas, as required per 2011 NEC art 210.8
(b) Why are there 2 panel schedules for panel 'FP' ? Should one of them be panel 'FPB' ?
Ref; 2012 IBC sec 107.2.1, Tucson Outdoor Lighting Code Ord. # 10963, 2011 NEC