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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: COMMERCIAL - TI
Permit Number - T18CM02298
Review Name: COMMERCIAL - TI
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
04/09/2018 | MARTIN BROWN | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
04/17/2018 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | 1. The water heaters produce both 140 and 120 degree Fahrenheit water. Clarify the water distribution drawings to differentiate the two hot water streams. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012. 2. Clarify detail 2/P3.1. The water heater has two hot water return systems but only one has a pump. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012. 3. Verify that the specified sensor faucet for the public lavatories has an automatic time-out so that it will dispense a maximum of 0.25 gallons per metering cycle. Reference: Section 416.6, IPC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson and Section 606.4, ICC/ANSI A117.1-09. 4. Horizontal branches shall connect no closer than ten diameters downstream of the bases of vertical stacks. Reference: Section 704.3, IPC 2012. 5. The size of a storm drainage pipe shall not decrease in the direction of flow (see detail 5/P1.2). Reference: Section 1101.5, IPC 2012. 6. Show the minimum slope for the horizontal roof drain and overflow roof drain leaders. Reference: Sections 1106 and 1108, IPC 2012. |
04/18/2018 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Completed | |
04/20/2018 | ROBERT SHERRY | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | 1. Provide the storage quantity of nitrous oxide (and oxygen, if used). The maximum allowed storage quantity of oxidizing gases without a fire-rated room is 504 cubic feet at NPT. Reference Section 105.6.8, IFC 2012. 2. Provide energy code compliance calculations for the additions to the building envelope. Provide sufficient detail on the drawings to evaluate the energy compliance of the additions to the building envelope. The information shall, as a minimum, include U-factors of the envelope systems and fenestration components, along with the R-values of the insulation and the SHGC for the fenestration. Reference: Sections C101.4.3, C101.5, and C103.2, International Energy Conservation Code 2012. 3. Provide calculations demonstrating adequate ventilation using the current code. Reference: Section 403.2, IMC 2012. |
04/23/2018 | ERIC NEWCOMB | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | 1. Sheet G1.2; Second Floor Code Plan: In the Accessory Assembly area, the east exit width requirement calculation (in box) only indicates 20 occupants. Please revise. 2. Sheet G1.2; Code Analysis: Please indicate on the plans the various common paths of egress travel and exit access travel distances. 3. Sheet A0.2; Enlarged Plan 1: Key note 25 indicates a flag pole with a concrete footing. Please provide structural calculations for that footing. 4. Sheet A2.1; Floor Plan: Please indicate on this plan where the existing one story building ends and where the new two story building begins. 5. Sheet A2.1; Floor Plan: The exterior walls all have building elevation indicators that reference Sheets A5.8 and A5.9. Those sheets were not included in this submittal. Please verify. 6. Sheet A2.1; Floor Plan: The enlarged plan indicator at Elevator 1003 is illegible. Please revise. 7. Sheet A2.2; Floor Plan: It appears there is a shaft located east of Room 2101, with Wall Type A2 on all sides. Per the IBC Section 713, shaft enclosures shall be constructed as fire barriers with a fire resistance rating of one hour. Please indicate this in the Wall Types on Sheet A10.1, and include a U.L. listing number for that assembly. 8. Sheet A2.2; Floor Plan: It appears there is a shaft located south of Room 2200B, with Wall Types A2 and A4. Per the IBC Section 713, shaft enclosures shall be constructed as fire barriers with a fire resistance rating of one hour. Please indicate this in the Wall Types on Sheet A10.1, and include a U.L. listing number for that assembly. 9. Sheet A2.2; Floor Plan: The exterior walls all have building elevation indicators that reference Sheets A5.8 and A5.9. Those sheets were not included in this submittal. Please verify. 10. Sheet A3.2; Ceiling Plan: Please indicate the exit signage on this plan. 11. Sheet A4.1; Roof Plan: The exterior walls all have building elevation indicators that reference Sheets A5.8 and A5.9. Those sheets were not included in this submittal. Please verify. 12. Sheet A4.1; Keynotes: Add a note to Keynote 405 to reference Detail 4/A4.2 (in addition to plumbing note). 13. Sheet A4.2; Detail 8: The vertical column is a steel pipe (a TS indicates a square steel tube). Please revise. 14. Sheet A5.1; Building Elevation 2: Near Grid X, clear up the section cuts so they are legible. 15. Sheet A6.1; Enlarged Plan 3: This restroom indicates Room #1342 (first floor), but is also used at Room #2303 and #2210 (second floor). Please indicate this on the plan. 16. Sheet A6.1; Enlarged Plan 3: These restrooms indicate Room #1004 and 1005 (first floor), but are also used at Room #2007 and #2008 (second floor). Please indicate this on the plan. 17. Sheet A10.1; Wall Types: Please indicate wall stud gauge for each wall, or reference a note/specification with that information. 18. Sheet S1.0; General Structural Notes (Foundations): Please provide one copy of the soil report referenced in Note 1. Verify the 2000 psf soil bearing value at 1'-6" below grade. 19. Sheet S1.5; Detail 25: Please provide structural calculations for the light pole foundatiion design. 20. Sheet S2.0 (Foundation Plan); Structural Calculations (Page 16): The column at Grids 5.5 and Z indicate a HSS6x6x5/8 in the calculations and HSS6x6x1/4 (C8) on the foundation plan. Please coordinate and verify calculations match submittal drawings. 21. Sheet S2.0; Notes: Notes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 were not located on the plan. Please verify. 22. Sheet S2.0; Foundation Plan: Detail 116 is indicated below Grid B between Grids 10 and 11, between Grids 5.5 and 6.5, and between Grids 4 and 5. Should this detail indicator be removed at those locatioins? Please verify. 23. Sheet S2.1; Framing Keynotes: Notes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 were not located on the plan. Please verify. 24. Sheet S2.1; Second Floor Framing Plan: Details 203 and 204 appear to be reversed at Grids 13 and X. Please verify. 25. Sheet S2.1; Second Floor Framing Plan: Detail 216 is indicated at Grids 7.5 and B, at Grids 7.5 and Y, and at Grids 7.5 and X. Are these locations correct? Please verify. 26. Sheet S2.1 (Second Floor Framing Plan); Sheet S5.1 (Detail 332): The location of the detail indicator on the plan would suggest this detail is for the connection of a steel tube to a steel tube (no column). Please verify. 27. Sheet S2.1; Second Floor Framing Plan: Detail 218 is indicated at several locations on Grids 7.5 and 9.5. This detail indicates steel joists on steel beam connections. Please verify. 28. Sheet S2.2; Roof Framing Plan: Detail 302 is indicated along Grid V at Grids 7.5, 10.5, and 13. The column orientation on the plan does not match that shown on the detail. Please verify. 29. Sheet S2.2; Roof Framing Plan: Detail 315 at Grids 13 and X and Grids 7.5 and X is not correct at those locations. Please verify. 30. Sheet S2.2; Roof Framing Plan: Detail 316 at Grids 13 and Y is not correct at that location. Please verify. 31. Sheet S2.3 (Framing Plan); Structural Calculations (Page 8): The beam on the north end indicates a W18x40 on the framing plan and a W21x44 in the calculations. Please coordinate and verify calculations match submittal drawings for steel beams, joists, columns, bracing, and foundations. 32. Sheet S3.0; Detail 104: A note at the exterior dimension indicates "18" min. at Sim.". No similar details were located on the plan. Please verify. 33. Sheet S3.0; Detail 105: The 18" dimension should be measured from the finish grade or finish floor (use lower elevation). Please indicate on all applicable details. 34. Sheet S4.1; Detail 224: Please indicate the existing glue lam beam, wood joist, and roof deck in this detail. 35. Sheet S5.1; Detail 322: Please indicate the angle size in Note 4. 36. Sheet S5.1; Detail 322: Should there be a connection of the soffit studs to the extended top chord of the joist? Please verify. 37. Sheet S5.1; Detail 321: The section cut "X" indicates Note 2 at the pipe column, but calls out a metal stud. Please revise. 38. General: Several structural sections indicate "For size, type, and number of bolts, see Typical Bolt Schedule". Please reference on the details where that schedule is located. 39. General: Please provide written responses to all review comments. |
04/25/2018 | DAN SANTA CRUZ | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | Please address the following electrical plan review comments. Also provide a written response. #1. Provide full compliance with the 2012 IECC for the lighting. #2. Verify light source color temperature not to exceed 3500K for the under canopy lighting. Section 402.1, Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code. #3. Provide for a Selective Coordination study for the OCPD's and approval by the Registrant of record. 2011 NEC art 240.12, 700.27. Reference: 2012 IBC sec 107.2.1, 2012 IECC, 2011 NEC, Tucson/Pima County Outdoor Lighting Code. |
04/26/2018 | MMORENO1 | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with the approved development package. While the building footprint and the site revisions are consistent with the approved DP as it relates to the zoning review purview (Building footprint, Height, square footage, site conditions etc) zoning cannot approve the building plans until the Commercial Plans reviewers have approved the building plans. Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with the approved development package. While the building footprint and the site revisions are consistent with the approved DP as it relates to the zoning review purview (Building footprint, Height, square footage, site conditions etc) zoning cannot approve the building plans until the Commercial Plans reviewers have approved the building plans. FROM: Michael Moreno PDSD Zoning Review Section PROJECT: T18CM00270 - New Building Building Plan Review (1st Review) El Rio Community Health Center 6950 E Golf Links Road TRANSMITTAL DATE: April 26, 2018 DUE DATE: April 26, 2018 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and any redlined plans along with a detailed response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments were addressed. 1.COMMENT: Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with the unapproved development package. While the building footprint and the site revisions are consistent with the unapproved DP as it relates to the zoning review purview (Building footprint, Height, square footage, site conditions etc) zoning cannot approve the building plans until the Commercial Plans reviewers have approved the building plans. While the building footprint is consistent with the footprint on the DP as it relates to the zoning review purview (Building footprint, Height, square footage, site conditions etc.) zoning cannot approve the building plans until development package is approved. 2.COMMENT: Zoning will review the building plans on the next submittal to assure consistency with PDSD approved and signed DP. Once the DP is approved by zoning the building plans can be approved. If you have any questions about this transmittal, Contact Michael.Moreno@Tucson.az.gov at any time during the week |
04/27/2018 | JOHN VAN WINKLE | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | T18CM02298 Engineering requires that DP18-0016 be approved prior to approving the building plans. Current building plans are in general conformance with the development package. Engineering can provide and over the counter review of the building plans once the DP is approved John Van Winkle, P.E. John.VanWinkle@tucsonaz.gov 520-837-5007 |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
05/14/2018 | QJONES1 | APPROVAL SHELF | Completed |
05/14/2018 | QJONES1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
05/14/2018 | QJONES1 | REJECT SHELF | Completed |