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Permit Number: T17CM08657
Parcel: 132130610

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - NEW

Permit Number - T17CM08657
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
11/29/2017 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Approved
11/30/2017 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Provide a site drawing showing the size, route, and slope of the building sewer and the location of its connection to the public sewer. An approved development plan is not to be used for construction of on-site utilities (e.g. water service to the building, building sewer, etc.). Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
2. Detail 4/P0.2 shows a thermostatic mixing valve (TMV) installed at the water heater. Provide a specification for this valve. Reference: Section107.2.1, IBC 2012.
3. The faucet specified for the mop sink (Chicago 897-CP) is equipped with an atmospheric vacuum breaker and it is not intended for continuous pressure operations (e.g. a hose equipped with a shut-off nozzle). Reference: Section 303.2, IPC 2012.
4. Provide at least two drinking fountains for this building per Sections 1109.5 and 2902.1, IBC 2012 and Section 410.2, IPC 2012.
5. Provide automatic faucets for the restroom lavatories, each dispensing a maximum of 0.25 gallons per metering cycle. For accessibility, specify that the dispensing cycles will last for at least 10-seconds. Reference: Section 416.6, IPC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson and Section 606.4, ICC/ANSI A117.1-09.
6. Show the size, route, and termination of the T&P relief pipe from the water heater. Note that termination of the excess pressure relief from the water heater over an elevated service sink is not an approved location. Reference: Section 504, IPC 2012.
7. Per Tucson Water, the water pressure range for this address is expected to be 41 to 48 PSI. Verify the pressure range with Tucson Water (contact: Ray Munoz at 520-837-2207) and revise the water pressure calculations as needed. Reference: Section 604.6, IPC 2012.
8. The minimum flow pressure for the specified water closet, drinking fountain, thermostatic mixing valve (TMV-1), and the mop sink faucet is 20 PSI. Revise the design criteria of the water distribution system to provide a flow pressure of 20 PSI as prescribed by the fixture or appliance manufacturer. Reference: Section 604.3, IPC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson.
9. Provide a full-open valve for the water service at the building entrance. Reference: Section 606.1(2), IPC 2012.
10. The water heater entry in the Plumbing Equipment Schedule calls for both 110 degrees Fahrenheit maximum temperature and an outlet temperature of 125degrees Fahrenheit. Clarify the operating conditions for the water heater. The minimum hot water inlet temperature for TMV-1 is 120 degrees Fahrenheit. In addition, hot water (defined as being greater than or equal to 110 degrees Fahrenheit), is required for the service sink and the mop sink. Reference: Section 607.1, IPC 2012.
11. The developed length of the hot water supply piping from the water heater to the hose bibb appears to be greater than fifty feet; provide a method for maintaining the temperature of the hot water supply system. Reference: Section 607.2, IPC 2012.
12. If the specified water heater is not part of an automatic recirculating hot water system or does not have integral heat traps, provide 0.5" of insulation with a maximum conductivity of 0.27 BTU per inch/h F on the first 8 feet of supply and discharge piping. Reference: Section C404.5, IECC 2012.
13. The specifications for the service sink faucet (Cambridge 28T9) indicate that the faucet is "Not for potable water." Provide non-potable water signage per Section 608.8, IPC 2012.
14. Provide a detail showing how the termination of the plumbing vent will be protected from birds entering or blocking the vent. Reference: Section 903.6, IPC 2012.
11/30/2017 ROBERT SHERRY WATER REVIEW Reqs Change Provide the size of the water meter proposed to serve this building and the size of the backflow preventer associated with the water meter. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
12/01/2017 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Revise the sequence of operation for the restroom exhaust fan so that all of the air supplied to the restrooms will be exhausted (i.e. all of the air supplied to the restroom is to be exhausted during the hours of operation even if the lights are off). Reference: Section 403.2.1 (4), IMC 2012.
2. Revise the ventilation calculations using the areas and occupancy types that are shown on the plans (e.g. no storage room on the plans and the sales area appears to be greater than shown on the calculations). The City of Tucson did not adopt ASHRAE Standard 62.1 for ventilation calculations and the 2012 IMC only references the ASHRAE Standard for the purpose of calculating the system ventilation efficiency (Ev). Provide calculations to show that the ventilation system is sized in accordance with Section 403.3, IMC 2012; for HVAC systems serving multiple zones (e.g. FC-1), see Section 403.3.2.3, IMC 2012.
3. Secure the refrigerant circuit access ports of the condensing unit to prevent unauthorized access. Reference: Section 1101.10, IMC 2012.
4. Provide a COMcheck Envelope Compliance Certificate to demonstrate energy code compliance. Reference: Section C103.1, IECC 2012
5. Show how R-5.7 continuous insulation (i.e. no parallel thermal paths) is being obtained using batt insulation between z-furring channels for the exterior walls. Reference: Section C402.1.1, IECC 2012.
6. Specify that the required U-factors and Solar Heat Gain Coefficients (SHGC) for the fenestration and doors shall be NFRC-certified. Reference: Section C103.2, IECC 2012.
7. Provide heating and cooling load calculations that justify the capacities of the heating and cooling equipment specified for the project. Reference: Sections C302.2, C403.2.1, and C403.2.2, IECC 2012 as amended by the City of Tucson, and Section 312.1, IMC 2012.
8. Show the location of the thermostat for FC-1. Reference: Section C403.2.4, IECC 2012.
9. Clarify the installation of the low-intensity infrared heater. Show the mounting height and specify the required clearances to combustible materials. Reference: Sections 305.1, 305.8, and 305.10, IFGC 2012 and Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
10. The 4" single-wall pipe connected to the burner of the infrared heater and terminates above the roll-up door appears to be the combustion air inlet, not the vent for the unit. If so, show the vent and the location of its termination. Reference: Section 305.1, IFGC 2012 and Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
12/11/2017 ERIC NEWCOMB BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Sheet T1.1; Building Code Analysis (Area): The Building Code analysis indicates there is no occupancy separation in this building. Per the IBC Section 508.3.2, the allowable building area shall be based on the most restrictive occupancy group. Per Table 503, the allowable area for the M occupancy classification is 12,500 SF, and for the S-1 occupancy classification is 17,500 SF. The 12,500 SF controls, and is greater than the total actual area. The method indicated on the drawing is for separated occupancy groups, and should be revised on the drawing.
2. Sheet T1.1; Building Code Analysis (Egress Occupant Load): The occupant load for the storage indicates a factor of 500 SF/occupant. Per the IBC Table 1004.1.2, mercantile storage should use a factor of 300 SF/occupant. Please revise the drawing.
3. Sheet T1.1; Buildiing Code Analysis (Exit Access): Per the IBC Table 1014.3, the common path of egress travel is a maximum of 100' for the S-1 area, and 75' for the M area. Please indicate those values on the drawing.
4. Sheet T1.1; Building Code Analysis: Please indicate on the drawing the number of required exits per the IBC Section 1021, and indicate the number of exits provided.
5. Sheet T1.1; Building Code Analysis (Required Plumbing Fixtures): The storage (S-1) indicates 'Not For Public Utilization'. However, per the IBC Section 2902.3, 'Employees shall be provided with toilet facilities in all occupancies. Employee toilet facilities shall either be separate or combined employee and public facilities'. Please revise on the drawing. Indicate the required number of plumbing fixtures per the IBC Section 2902.1.1 (fractional numbers for each occupancy).
6. Sheet T1.1; Deferred Submittals: Should the metal building be included in the deferred submittal section? Please verify.
7. Sheet A3.1 (Roof Plan); Sheet A4.1 (Elevations): Please revise the elevation titles (direction of elevation) to match the roof plan orientation.
8. Sheet A6.1; Egress Notes and Symbols: Is the symbol for a one hour fire rated barrier applicable to this project? Please verify.
9. Sheet A6.1; Enlarged Showroom Plan: Per the IBC Section 1109.5.1, two drinking fountains shall be provided. This is not indicated on the plan. As an alternative, a single-point-of-use water dispenser (connected directly to a water supply, but no drain required) may be used if drinking cups are provided so standing and wheel chair bound occupants can easily reach them. Please provide this information on the drawing.
10. Sheet A7.5; Enlarged Restroom Plan: The interior elevation marker indicates Sheet A6.3. Please revise.
11. Sheet A8.5; Detail 3: Please darken the font for the dimensions in this detail.
12. Sheet S2.1 (Foundation Plan); Sheet S8.1 (Detail 2): The plan indicates Detail 2/S8.1 at two door locations on the south wall. Should these be 3/S8.1? Please verify.
13. Sheet S7.1: The City of Tucson requires all lettering (upper and lower case) to be a minimum of 3/32" in height. Please revise the tables in Details 2, 3, and 4.
14. Sheet S8.1; Detail 4: Please indicate the dimension from the outside face of the concrete wall panel to the centerline of the column and footing per Sheet S2.1.
15. Sheet S10.1; Details 1 and 2: Please indicate the dimensions from the outside face of the concrete wall panel to the centerline of the steel beam.
16. Sheet S10.1; Detail 3: Please indicate the dimension from the outside face of the concrete wall panel to the centerline of the steel column.
17. General: Please provide written responses to all review comments.

FROM: Steve Shields
Principle Planner

PROJECT: Uhaul - 1265 E. Benson Hy.
Building Plan (1st Review)

TRANSMITTAL DATE: December 21, 2017

1. The building plans have been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed.

2. Zoning has reviewed the building plans for compliance with development package (DP) DP16-0156 and the building plans match the DP but until all other PDSD review agencies have approved the building plans zoning cannot approve.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4956
12/21/2017 DAN SANTA CRUZ ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Please provide complete compliance with the Tucson/Pima County Outdoor lighting Codefor the exterior lighting, as outlined per section 104. This Code can be printed or downloaded from www.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
01/03/2018 ARUIZ1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed