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Permit Number: T17CM07618
Parcel: 11808094P

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - TI

Permit Number - T17CM07618
Review Name: COMMERCIAL - TI
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/19/2017 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Provide a 3" floor drain to drain the entire floor area of the laundry room. Reference; Section 412.4, IPC 2012.
10/19/2017 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Clarify the ventilation notes on sheet m201. All of the notes refer to a dining room (of varying floor areas) with operable doors and windows but the architectural drawings do not list any dining rooms and all of the windows are fixed. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
2. Provide make up air for the three dryers. Reference: Section 504.5, IMC 2012.
3. Demonstrate energy code compliance for the alterations to the building envelope based on the current code (e.g. new fenestration and new exterior walls). Reference: Sections C101.4.3, C101.5, C103.2, C303, and C401.2.1, International Energy Conservation Code 2012.
10/19/2017 JVINCEN1 FIRE REVIEW Approved
10/30/2017 ERIC NEWCOMB BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Sheet CS100: Verify that outdoor seating area is included in the occupant load calculations. Reference IBC 1004.5
2. Sheet CS100: Verify bench seating has been calculated in accordance with IBC 1004.4 and included in the occupant load.
3. Sheet A101: Keynote 13 denotes that a minimum of 20% of seating is to be accessible but the Accessibility Calculation indicates 15%. Verify and coordinate.
4. Sheet A101: Door D2 is denoted as an exit on Sheets A102 & E300 and therefore shall swing in the direction of egress. Reference IBC 1008.1.2102
5. Sheet A101 Outdoor Seating: Provide/identify accessible route for outdoor seating area.
6. Sheet A101 keynotes: keynote 29 references Detail x/xxx; verify and revise as necessary to reference correct detail. Also, verify the detail is included on the drawings.
7. Sheet A101/CS100: Sheet A101 Keynote 37 denotes a "beer overflow drainage" therefore this space shall be classified as an A-2 Occupancy rather than A-3. Please revise.
8. Sheet CS100 Plumbing: With regards to the comment above, A-2 Occupancy, provide updated restroom calculations. Revise as necessary to comply with IBC Table 2902.1.
9. Sheet A101 Outdoor Seating: Identify accessible seating for outdoor area.
10. Sheet A101 & CS100: On Sheet A101, clearly identify areas of each use/occupancy group.
11. Sheet A101 Sliding Door D4: Horizontal sliding door D4 is identified as being part of the means of egress on sheets A102 & E300. Therefore, this door shall meet the requirements of IBC 1008.1.2 & 1008.1.4.3. Verify and revise.
12. Sheet A101: Include on the drawings detail(s) for ADA Restroom(s) which include grab bars, mounting locations, heights etc. Reference ANSI A117.1-2009 Figures 604.3, 604.4, 604.5.1, 605.5.2
13. Sheet A102: Several dimensions appear to be incorrect (740', 1120' etc). Verify and revise.
14. Sheet A104 Door Schedule: 100A door type D1 is denoted in the schedule as a pair 6'0" in width but the drawings indicate 3'0" single leaf door. Verify.
15. Sheet A104 Door Schedule: 103B Mechanical/Water Heater Room is identified on the drawings as 103D. Verify
16. Sheet A300 Building Section 1: Detail 1/A500 denoted at the soffit area in the section drawing is an elevation drawing at the bar area. Verify
17. Sheet A400 Section Detail 4: Handrail extensions shall return to a wall, guard or walking surface. Revise detail to include this requirement. Reference IBC 1012.6
18. General Structural: Provide a Special Inspection Certificate for all required Special Inspections denoted on Sheet S100.
19. Sheet S200 Shear Wall Schedule: The shear wall schedule uses Mark SW & SW1 but the walls are identified on the drawing as SW1 & SW2. Verify and coordinate.
20. General: Provide written responses to all comments.