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Permit Number: T17CM04938
Parcel: 11711096D

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - TI

Permit Number - T17CM04938
Review Name: COMMERCIAL - TI
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
07/07/2017 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Condensate from the Type II exhaust duct may not terminate in an area that is not capable of absorbing the condensate flow without surface drainage (e.g. onto a sidewalk as noted in detail 1/M2.0). Reference: Section 307.2.1, IMC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson.
2. Type II exhaust systems shall be independent of all other exhaust systems (e.g. environmental air exhaust). Reference; Section 501.2, IMC 2012.
3. Show how the proposed termination of the Type II exhaust duct complies with requirements (2) and (7) of Section 506.4.2, IMC 2012 (i.e. 10-feet from property line and not directed onto a walkway).
4. Specify how the positively pressurized exhaust duct is to be sealed. Reference: Sections 506.4.1 and 603.9, IMC 2012.
07/07/2017 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Connection of potable water to an appliance (e.g. ice machine) requires the use of a backflow prevention method identified in Table 608.1 or Sections 608.13.1 through 608.13.9, IPC 2012.
2. Provide separate indirect waste pipes for each compartment of the 3-compartment sink to protect against cross-contamination or fouling. Reference: Sections 801.2 and 802.1.8, IPC 2012.
07/13/2017 ERIC NEWCOMB BUILDING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Sheet 1.0 Code Review: Please include the calculation for required accessible seating and indicate location on the plans.
2. Sheet 2.0 Floor Plan Wall Legend: Wall W-2 is denoted as 2x4 framing. Sheet S1.0 Code Review denotes the construction type as II-B, non-combustible. New walls would need to be of non-combustible construction to maintain the II-B construction type. Please clarify and revise as necessary. Reference IBC Section 602 for construction types.
3. Sheet 2.0 Floor Plan: Wall W-2 is indicated as 2x4 framing while dimensioning is denoted as 5 ¼". Please clarify and revise as necessary.
4. Sheet 2.0 Floor Plan: Please provide a wall detail for Wall W-2. Include framing material, spacing, anchoring/attachment to structure, finish material, bracing with type, size and number of fasteners to be used, etc.
5. Sheet 2.0 Floor Plan General Notes: Please remove notes which reference the restrooms as there is no indication of the restrooms being in the scope of work.
6. Sheet 2.0 Floor Plan: In the NE portion of the building there is a note "existing 5' 5 ½". Please indicate what is existing.
7. Sheet 4.0 Exterior Elevations Detail 2a: Please indicate the type, size and number/spacing of fasteners to be used for the sign attachment.
8. General: Provide written responses to all comments.