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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: COMMERCIAL - TI
Permit Number - T17CM03812
Review Name: COMMERCIAL - TI
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
05/23/2017 | MARTIN BROWN | FIRE | REVIEW | Reqs Change | Without separation, the two areas of A-3 must be combined, triggering requirement for fire sprinklers. |
05/25/2017 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | PDSD TRANSMITTAL FROM: Steve Shields Principle Planner PROJECT: S & S Theater T17CM03812 Building Plan (1st Review) TRANSMITTAL DATE: May 25, 2017 1. The building plans have been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed. 2. It appears that this project is a change of use that requires additional vehicle parking. Provide a vehicle parking space calculation that demonstrates that the entire site meets vehicle parking requirements. 3. Until the above comments have been addressed and all other PDSD review agencies have approved the building plans zoning cannot approve. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4956 |
05/30/2017 | ERIC NEWCOMB | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | 1. Sheet A1; Code Review Checklist (General Building Summary): Per the IBC Section 303.2, the occupancy classification for a theater should be A-1. Please verify. In addition, please indicate the revised occupancy classification in the plumbing fixture calculations. 2. Sheet A1.0; Code Review Checklist (Occupant Load and Exiting): In determining the total occupant load, 3194 SF is indicated as accessory use and uses 300 SF/occupant. Please indicate on the calculation how this SF was determined. Break down the 3194 SF to identify where it is located. This is 57% of the total SF. 3. Sheet A1.0; General Notes: Note 16 indicates a soil report shall be provided. The structural calculations indicate the foundation design was based on the IBC soil bearing values. Please coordinate. 4. Sheet A1.0; Code Review Checklist (Plumbing Fixture Calculations): Separate facilities are required for the male and female occupants, therefore an accessible restroom must be provided for each. Please remove the note that one ADA restroom is required. Indicate on the plan one restroom for males and two restrooms for females (one may be unisex) are required. 5. Sheet A2.0; Ground Floor Plan: Unisex restroom 123 is located behind the stage area, restricting access for public use. The required toilet facilities shall be available at all times for public use when the building is occupied. This restroom was used in the total fixture count and should be accessible to the public per the IBC Section 2902.3.1. 6. Sheet A2.0; Keynote 42: Please provide on the drawings a detail of the removable railing (member sizes, heights, connection to the dock slab, etc.). 7. Sheet A2.0; Ground Floor Plan: Door 102A (in common breakroom 102) when fully open appears to reduce the required egress width by more than one half, therefore violating the IBC Section 1005.7.1. Please verify. 8. Sheet A2.0; Ground Floor Plan: Door 115A is identified in Keynote 47 as a pair of 3'-0" x 10' doors. On Sheet A5.1, they are identified as 3'-0" x 8' doors. Please coordinate. 9. Sheet A2.0; Ground Floor Plan: Door 102A appears to close over Door 102B. Once closed, Door 102B would not be able to open for exiting. Please verify, and indicate an egress path from this space on Sheet A2.2. 10. Sheet A2.0; Keynotes: Note 30 indicates the drapery at the exit routes and doors are to be provided by the tenant. Per the IBC Section 1003.6, the egress path of travel shall not be interrupted by any building element other than a means of egress component. Please verify. 11. Sheet A2.0 (Floor Plan); Sheet A5.1 (Door Schedule): The north corridor (112) has several door/wall openings (112A, 113A, 114A, Keynote 3, Keynote 7) that are not indicated as being rated in the door schedule or in the keynote. Please verify. 12. Sheet A2.0 (Floor Plan); Sheet A5.1 (Door Schedule): Doors 117A, 117B, 120A, and 120Bare in a two hour fire resistance rated wall (A), but the door schedule indicates no rating. Please verify. 13. Sheet A2.0 (Floor Plan); Sheet A5.1 (Door Schedule): Door 115A is in a two hour fire resistance rated wall (D), but the door schedule indicates no rating. Please verify. 14. Sheet A2.0 (Floor Plan); Sheet A5.1 (Door Schedule): The south corridor (115) has doors 103C and 114B that are not indicated as being fire resistance rated in the door schedule. The wall schedule indicates a two hour fire resistance rating. Please verify. 15. Sheet A2.0 (Floor Plan); Sheet A2.1 (Wall Types); Sheet A5.1 (Door Schedule): Please verify all doors are fire resistance rated as required for the wall listing. 16. Sheet A2.0; Floor Plan: Keynote 41 indicates an accessible hatch in the scenic shop storage (108). Does this opening require a fire resistance rating? Please verify. 17. Sheet A2.0 (Floor Plan); Sheet A2.1 (Wall Types): Does the existing wall type H have a fire resistance rating? Please verify and indicate on the drawings. 18. Sheet A2.1; Keynotes: Note 7 indicates drapery to be provided and installed by the tenant. Please provide on the drawings specifications for the drapery regarding flame spread and smoke density per the IBC Section 806. Provide specifications for all draperies/curtains on the drawings. 19. Sheet A2.1; Keynote 7: Please provide mounting details on the drawings for the draperies/curtains. Include all draperies/curtains on the drawings. 20. Sheet A2.1; Floor Plan: The landing on the attic side of the stairs at Door 203A does not appear to meet the landing depth per the IBC Section 1009.8. Please verify. 21. Sheet A2.1; Keynote 22: Please provide a detail on the drawings for the removable guard rail, including height, width of openings in the rail, and mounting details. Reference these details on all removable guard rails on this project. 22. Sheet A2.2; Egress Floor Plan: The egress path passes through a common corridor of an adjacent occupancy. The IBC Section 1014.2 requires all doors serving the corridor to remain unlocked when the theater is occupied. Please verify and indicate on the drawings. 23. Sheet A2.2; Egress Floor Plan: Stairs from the floor above in the adjacent tenant space converge at the egress path near door 101B. Include on the plans that occupant load from the stair in regards to exit sizing of the egress doors. 24. Sheet A3.0; Reflected Ceiling Plan: Please locate and identify on the plan the required signage per the IBC Section 1110 for accessible entrances, directional signage per the IBC Section 1110.2, and other signage per the IBC Section 1110.3. 25. Sheet A4.0; Plan 1: Please revise the family restroom titles per comment 4. 26. Sheet A4.1; Keynote 25: Please provide mounting details on the drawings for the pipe rail system, and verify with the structural engineer of record that existing building components can safely supporte the additional loading. Note 25 also indicates to reference the reflected ceiling plan for the pipe rail system. Where is that reference? 27. Sheet A5.1; Door Schedule: The IBC Section 1008.1.10 indicates egress doors in group A occupancy classifications shall be provided with panic hardware. Some of the doors have general notes on plan sheets referencing panic hardware, but hardware sets in the door schedule do not list panic hardware. Please verify. 28. General: Please provide a Special Inspection Certificate for soil preparation and epoxy anchors. 29. Sheet S1.0; Post Installed Anchors: Epoxy anchors in concrete Hilti HIT-RE-500 ICC Report 2322 is no longer valid. Please revise. 30. Sheet S1.0; Post Installed Anchors: Epoxy anchors for concrete masonry Hilti HY-150 ICC Report 5193 is no longer valid. Please revise. 31. Sheet S1.0; Post Installed Anchors: Expansion bolt Simpson Strong Bolt ICC Report 1771 is no longer valid. Please revise. 32. Sheet S1.0; Post Installed Anchors: Screw-in anchors Simpson Titen HD ICC Report 2173 is no longer valid. Please revise. 33. Sheet S1.0 (Foundations); Structural Calculations (Sheet 1): The City of Tucson allows 1500 PSF soil bearing at 1'-6" below the lowest grade. Please revise the notes. 34. General: Please provide written responses to all review comments. |
06/01/2017 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Reqs Change | Verify the location of the existing 2" water meter and backflow protector - the location shown on the "site plan" has a ¾" water service pipe but no water meter according to Tucson Water data. |
06/02/2017 | ROBERT SHERRY | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | 1. Coordinate the submitted heating/cooling load calculations for HP-1 with the design for HP-4 and the mechanical COMcheck component description. According to the design drawings, HP-1 is existing and HP-4 is new. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012. 2. Coordinate the ventilation calculations for HP-1 with the rooms being supplied by HP-1 (e.g. room 120 is not included but the stage, room 117, is included). Room 121 is the stage entry not a storage room. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012 and Section 403.2, IMC 2012. 3. Provide ventilation for room 108. Reference: Section 403.2, IMC 2012. 4. Revise the flow symbols in room 105 to show air being supplied to the room. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
06/09/2017 | ARUIZ1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |