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Permit Number: T17CM02530
Parcel: 13815014G

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - TI

Permit Number - T17CM02530
Review Name: COMMERCIAL - TI
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/07/2017 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Needs Review
04/21/2017 ROBERT SHERRY WATER REVIEW Needs Review
04/21/2017 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Needs Review DP must be approved first.
Reviewer: Chris Anderson, April 24, 2017

The note requesting a reduction in occupancy on sheet A0.1 states that the gymnasium is “accessory” to the educational use of the building. However, 2012 IBC 508.2.1 limits accessory occupancies to no more than 10% of the building area on the story in which they are located. The gymnasium consists of approximately 50% of the floor area. Revise this note.
The exit discharge shown for the exit door at the bottom right corner on Building #3-Life Safety Plan Level 1 on sheet A0.1 is incorrect. The occupant discharge should be 154 instead of 62 as 92 occupants from the 2nd floor will also discharge through these doors. Ref. 2012 IBC 107.2.1.
Building elevation keynotes on sheet A3.2 do not correspond to keynote markers on the elevations this sheet. Review and revise. Ref. 2012 IBC 107.2.1.
Keynote 5 refers to “City of Tucson Guidelines” for the new ramp railing on sheet A3.2. This is incorrect. The ramp railing must meet all requirements of the 2012 IBC chapter 10 and ICC ANSI A117.1 chapter 405 for handrails and guards. Revise note and provide details for compliance. Ref. 2012 IBC 107.2.1.
Building Section keynote 3 on sheet A3.3 calls out “rigid insulation between furring strips” over masonry walls. Wall sections on sheet A3.4 call out this insulation as R-13. The 2012 IECC Table C402.2 requires (prescriptively) minimum R-5.7 continuous insulation at mass walls. Either provide continuous R- 5.7 insulation or submit building envelope COMcheck showing that cavity insulation is adequate.
No wall insulation is shown in wall sections 1/A-3.4, 3/A3.4, 2/A3.5 and 4/A3.5. Provide prescriptive insulation per note 4 above or submit an envelope COMcheck. Ref. 2012 IBC 107.2.1.
Wall sections 2 and 4/A3.5 do not match the walls shown by callout on building sections 4 and 5/A3.3. Ref. 2012 IBC 107.2.1.
Wall insulation on wall sections 2, 4 and 5/A3.4 and 1, and 4/A3.5 is shown stopping just above suspended ceilings. Show insulation extending to bottom of roof deck. Ref. 2012 IECC Table C402.2.
The architectural floor plan shows all exterior walls to be type WT-1, solid masonry, however enlarged elevation 5/A3.2 indicates that portions of the walls will be adhered masonry veneer. Clarify all locations for masonry veneer on the plans and elevations and provide wall sections and details through veneered portions of walls. Ref. 2012 IBC 107.2.1.
On sheet A3.2 an Add Alternate is shown for pre-engineered awning structures by Westerner (keynote 13). Add “Pre-engineered awnings plans, details and structural calculations sealed by an Arizona registrant (Alternate 3)” to the Deferred Submittals list on sheet T1.0. Ref. 2012 IBC 107.2.1.
On toilet room elevations, sheets A4.0 and A4.1, provide grab bar dimensions and accessory mounting height dimensions or provide a comprehensive legend for accessible mounting heights and dimensions. Ref. 2012 IBC 107.2.1.
Keynote 8 referencing “ADAAG” is incorrect. The adopted accessibility Code is ICC/ANSI A117.1-2009.
The State of Arizona elevator code requires a sump in the elevator pit. Show on architectural and structural plans with dimensions.
On stair detail 9/A8.0 show the 42” vertical guard dimension starting at nosing of the first tread rather than at the ground. Ref. 2012 IBC 1013.3(2).
The envelope COMcheck on sheet A9.0 appears to represent new Building 3 although it is not labeled as such. The following comments apply:
There are 2 exterior walls missing from this COMcheck. Add these assemblies and rerun program. Make sure that SF for all doors and windows are reflected in the assemblies.
The floor area shown is only 533 SF while the building is 14,302 SF.
Cavity insulation for masonry walls is R-13 and not R-15 according to the wall sections.
Reviewer: Chris Anderson, April 24, 2017

On Plumbing Fixture Schedule, sheet P6.1, please verify that the proposed faucets for LAV and WF-1 will dispense no more than .25 gallon per metering cycle per City of Tucson amendment to the 2012 IPC.
Reviewer: Chris Anderson, April 24, 2017

On the Packaged Pump Schedule – Building 3, sheet M5.1, the cooling ambient air dry bulb is shown as 107-degrees F summer design temperature. Per City of Tucson amendment to the 2012 IECC, the summer Db design temperature must be 104-degrees F. Revise schedule and reselect heating and cooling unit if needed to comply.
Provide heating and cooling load calculations summary sheets to justify the capacity of selected equipment. Ref. 2012 IECC C403.2.1 and C403.2.2. Use 104-degrees F summer DB outdoor design temperature with 66-degrees F design wet bulb temperature, and 32-degrees F winter DB outside design temperature per City of Tucson amendment to the 2012 IECC. Per IECC C403.2.1 and C403.2.2 “the output capacity of heating and cooling equipment and systems shall not exceed the loads calculated in accordance with Section C403.2.1.”
Economizer Note on sheet M5.1 and COMcheck state that economizers are not provided; however note 1 for RTU-7 in the Packaged Heat Pump Unit Schedule – Building 1 states that an economizer will be provided. Please explain.
04/28/2017 GERRY KOZIOL WWM REVIEW Reqs Change The following is needed for Sewer Connection Fee Application Approval:

Need civil drawing showing location of connection to the existing on-site private sewer and need to show location, size and serial number of all water meters on the property.

PCRWRD & COT Water indicate only one existing 1-1/2” water meter #13738862 on this property. (user fees since 2008).

Do buildings #1, #2 and #3 all connecting to this existing 1-1/2” water meter?

*Drawing P3.1 indicates a new 1-1/2” water meter for new building #4. Fee: $27,030.00.

Need to clarify building numbers on drawings. Some do not match.

*In particular buildings #3 & #4

Need Type III Capacity from Kurt Stemm – 520-724-6607.