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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Plan Number - T15SE00031
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
06/29/2015 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Completed | PDSD TRANSMITTAL TO: Planning and Development Services Department Rezoning Section FROM: Steve Shields Lead Planner PROJECT: Verizon Cell Tower - New Cell Site 602 W. Ajo Way, Parcel 119-18-036A - R-2 Special Exception - SE-15-31 TRANSMITTAL: June 29, 2015 The proposed "Wireless Communication, limited to wireless communication towers and antennae", located on parcel 119-18-036A, zoned R-2. The use falls under UDC Table 4.8-2 PERMITTED USES - URBAN RESIDENTIAL ZONES - Permitted as Special Exception Use, [2] Zoning Examiner Special Exception Procedure, Section 3.4.3. The following Use Specific Standards apply: 4.9.4.I.2, .3 & .6.a. 1. The following dimensional Standards apply see TABLE 6.3-2.A: DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR THE R-1, R-2, R-3, MH-1, & MH-2 ZONES a. Minimum site area = 5,000 Sq. Ft b. Proposed site area = Not provided c. Maximum building height allowed = 25 feet d. Building height proposed = 10'-8" e. Maximum Lot Coverage = N/A If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Steve Shields, (520) 836-4956 or email Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov. |
06/30/2015 | KEN BROUILLETTE | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
07/01/2015 | MPADILL1 | COMMUNITY PLANNING | REVIEW | Completed | PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SE-15-31 Verizon - Ajo Way R-2 Zone (Special Exception) Plan Tucson 06/29/15 MSP Background: This is a special exception land use request in a R-2 residential zone to allow the installation and operation of a wireless communications facility (WCF) consisting of a monopalm communication tower with twelve (12) antennas, at a height of fifty (50) feet, including an unmanned pre-fabricated ground equipment shelter, located within a 20'x 35' lease area. Proposal will include live palms of varying height as part of the monopalm stealth design. The proposed WCF site will be located approximately 500 feet north of Ajo Way and approximately 275 feet west of 12th Avenue. The WCF is to be located at 602 W. Ajo Way. Site is developed with a religious and private school center, school is K through 8th grade. The applicant is proposing to locate the WCF ground equipment within an area screened by an eight (8) foot tall masonry wall. The applicant proposes a back-up diesel operated generator with a 210 gallon gas tank. Associated ground equipment will be on a concrete pad located within the masonry wall. A twelve (12) foot wide utility/access easement for the WCF site will be provided from 12th Avenue. The nearest residential unit is located approximately 290 feet to the north of the proposed WCF site. According to the Major Streets and Routes Plan, Ajo Way is designated a Gateway arterial an 12th Avenue an arterial street. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: Surrounding the WCF site to the north and west are properties zoned R-1 (low density Residential) and developed with single family residential housing, to the south across Ajo Way is zoned C-2 commercial and developed with retail and restaurant land uses; to the east across 12th Avenue is zoned C-2 and C-1 and developed with a strip commercial center and to the northeast across 12th Avenue is zoned R-2 and developed with single family residential housing. Land Use Policies: Plan Tucson (PT) identifies the special exception site in the Future Growth Scenario Map as "existing neighborhoods" category. The Plan identifies existing neighborhoods as built-out areas with residential and commercial and that may have minimal new development. The goal is to maintain the character of the neighborhood while accommodating some new development and encouraging reinvestment and new services that contribute further to neighborhood stability. Plan Tucson provides policy direction as it relates to wireless communication facilities in Chapter 3, the Built Environment, as following: LT1 Integrate land use, transportation, and urban design to achieve an urban form that supports more effective use of resources, mobility options, more aesthetically-pleasing and active public spaces, and sensitivity to historic and natural resources and neighborhood character. LT28.1.2 Require telecommunications facilities be located, installed, and maintained to minimize visual impact and preserve views. Cabling and fiber optics should be installed underground where possible, and the visual impact of cellular towers should be a prime consideration in the City's acceptance and approval. LT28.1.3 Improve the appearance of above-ground utilities and structures and extend access to high-tech wireless communications facilities throughout the city. Analysis: The applicant proposes a fifty (50) feet tall stealth monopalm wireless communication facility (WCF) to be located at the northwest corner of the Ajo Way and 12th Avenue intersection, approximately 500 feet north of Ajo Way and approximately 275 feet west of 12th Avenue. The site is developed with a religious and private school complex that has multiple buildings, playground equipment, a skateboard park and an athletic field, lighting, and landscaping, which are jointly maintain by Pima County and City of Tucson Park and Recreational Departments. The WCF is proposed in an area northwest of the school and church buildings, adjacent to skateboard park and athletic field. The Major Streets and Routes Map identifies Ajo Way as a Gateway Arterial and 12th Avenue as an arterial street. A new twelve foot wide utility/access easement is proposed from 12th Avenue to the WCF location. Ground equipment will be enclosed by an eight (8) foot tall masonry wall that will be textured and painted to match on-site buildings. Community planning staff supports additional safety measures to secure the WCF when located within a complex (private school) that include playgrounds and outdoor activities for children. As with other WCF sites to be located within school sites, staff supports the WCF ground equipment enclosure to have a top barrier such as some type of wire mesh or other material that prohibits jumping the WCF ground equipment wall enclosure. Ground equipment wall enclosure is proposed at eight feet in height and should allow walk-in and maintenance by authorized personnel. Wall should be extended in height if the proposed eight feet high wall and proposed by staff top wire mesh restricts any required activities within enclosure by authorized personnel. The fifty (50) foot tall Stealth monopalm will be located inside of the ground equipment masonry wall enclosure with a lease area of 20' x 35'. A diesel generator with a self-contained 210 gallon fuel tank is proposed for emergency backup power. However, diesel generator is not being proposed to be located within an enclosed metal cabinet to mitigate impacts to adjacent land uses. Staff would recommend diesel generator be within an enclosed metal cabinet to mitigate noise impact to area residents and community members using the recreational amenities at night, or other than during emergency back-up power services, the hours of operation and testing of diesel generator should be limited to day time hours from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The proposed ground equipment and enclosure wall texture and color theme to blend with existing on-site land uses. Plans support the proposed stealth WCF monopalm design, to help mitigate height and soften the visual view sheds of the WCF from adjacent land uses. Staff supports the applicant's proposal to include a small cluster of live palm trees. Staff recommends the live palm trees include a permanent drip irrigation system to ensure maturity of palm trees. Staff supports future collocation of WCF services, such as antennas, and microwave equipment, and to be mounted as close to the monopole and screened by the monopalm stealth design. Both monopalm and antennas should be painted to complement the natural range of colors on palm trees, to mitigate and minimize visual impacts. Ground equipment shelter (cabinets) and masonry wall and man gate(s) to be textured, finished, or painted to compliment the on-site land uses. Recommendation: The request for special exception is consistent with policy direction provided by Plan Tucson and does not require a plan amendment. Staff offers the following design mitigation measures for consideration as part of the rezoning process. 1. Wireless Communication Facility (WCF), tower shall be a stealth monopalm design; " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Policy LT1 " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 2. Wireless Communication Facility top of the monopalm (fronds) shall not exceed 50 feet in height; " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Policy LT1 " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 3. Wireless Communication Facility monopalm design shall include crown, pineapple, and cladding of pole from pineapple to ground surface; " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Policy LT1 " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 4. Wireless Communication Facility monopalm fronts must vary in length from seven to ten feet and be placed to extend above, below and between antennas with replacement of lost/damaged fronts to be completed within sixty (60) working days of observation; " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Policy LT1 " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 5. Frond and cladding (bark) panel colors shall be close to living palms colors; provide color sample; " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Policy LT1 " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 6. Masonry wall enclosure for ground equipment shall have minimum height of eight feet and maximum height of twelve feet (See condition # 8), enclosure wall to be textured and painted a color complementary to the existing on-site land uses (provide four sided enclosure wall elevations). Any graffiti to be removed within 72 hours of observation; " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Policy LT1 " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 7. Other than actual emergency back-up power shortage/use, the on-site diesel generator shall be; run/operated, tested, refuel of diesel tank, or repaired only between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Policy LT1 " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 8. Top of ground equipment wall enclosure to include a complete top cover (provide top elevation drawing). Top material may include wire mesh or other acceptable durable material. Top cover shall be in place at all times. If top cover impedes required services of WCF ground equipment, wall enclosure may be raised up to a maximum of twelve feet in height to allow full services of equipment. " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Policy LT1 " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 9. Plant 2-3 additional live palm trees surrounding the lease area to mitigate visual impact on neighboring areas. Live palms to be on a permanent drip irrigation system to ensure full maturity of live palms. Severely damaged, diseased or dead palm tree(s), associated with the WCF shall be replaced by applicant within 30 days of observation; and, " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Policy LT1 " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 10. When practical, collocate future WCF equipment on monopalm. " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Policy LT1 " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 S:UPDfiles\DevRev\CASE_REVIEW\SP-EXCPT\SE 2015\SE-15-31 full review Verizon - Ajo Way.doc |
07/10/2015 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Approved | |
07/10/2015 | HEATHER THRALL | SIGNS | SIGN CODE REVIEW | Completed | Signs Division - Review Reviewer - H.Thrall 7/10/15 Proposed cell tower/enclosure (monopalm) T15SE00031 1) No existing billboards this location. 2) Site developed as a religious use, zoned R-2 predominantly. Applicable sign district is Multi-Family Residential. 3) No existing signage within area of proposed cellular tower install. 4) No proposed signage shown on plans for cell tower enclosure; should safety signage be required: - signs shall be a max of 2 square feet sign area each - shall not be illuminated - to be mounted to the enclosure wall - to contain only generic message (such as "Restricted area; electrified components") - shall not contain commercial advertisement. |
07/13/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | ENV SVCS | REVIEW | Completed | |
07/13/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | REVIEW DUE DATE: June 25, 2015 TO: Peter McLaughlin, Rezoning Section SUBJECT: Verizon - 602 W Ajo Wy Engineering and Floodplain Review for Special Exception ADDRESS: 602 W Ajo Wy, 85710, Ward 2 LOCATION: T14S R15E Section 16 PROPERTY: 119-18-036A, W439.98' E499.98' N800' S850' SE4 SE4 8.08 AC SEC 26-14-13 FLOODPLAIN: 16th Street Wash local floodplain, FEMA zone X-unshaded, 2286L REVIEWER: Elizabeth Leibold, P.E. PRE-APPLICATION: T15PRE0023 (Pre-App meeting: 8APR15) CASE NUMBER: SE-15-31 (T15SE00031) Engineering has reviewed the proposed Special Exception application documentation for the proposed 50-foot top-of fronds monopalm wireless communication facility with associated equipment and additional palm trees at the central portion of the parcel. The proposed improvement is located within a site that is appears to be impacted by a jurisdictional floodplain of the 16th Street Wash. The City has limited hydrologic data for this floodplain. The site is already developed and it is unclear if there is proposed disturbance of existing vegetation for this proposed project. The following conditions shall be addressed during development package review, and will be required for approval of the Special Exception. Engineering advises the following based on Technical Manual Section 4- and Tucson Code Section 26-11: 1) Provide a hydrology report for this portion of the 16th Street Wash that includes the floodplain limits on the parcel and depth of jurisdictional flood. 2) If the proposed project is determined to be located in a jurisdictional floodplain (or if a hydrology report is not proposed to be submitted), a floodplain use permit would be required at time of permitting. 3) Show on plans that all equipment for the proposed structure is elevated a minimum of 1-ft above 100-year flood elevation per hydrology report, if located in the jurisdictional floodplain. Or, if a hydrology report is not provided, show on plans that all equipment for the proposed structure is elevated a minimum of 2-ft above natural grade. 4) Add a Flood Zone Note on a sheet that sates the project is located in local jurisdictional floodplain, on FIRM 2286L FEMA flood zone X unshaded, and / or other flood information as applicable. 5) Clarify total disturbance area for the project on plans. 6) Provide recordation information for any required access easement on the plans for the submittal review. Elizabeth Leibold, P.E., CPM, CFM Civil Engineer Engineering Division Planning & Development Services Dept http://pdsd.tucsonaz.gov/pdsd City of Tucson (520) 837-4934 |
07/13/2015 | JOSE ORTIZ | DOT TRAFFIC | REVIEW | Completed | |
07/13/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PARKS & RECREATION | Completed | |
07/13/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | DOT ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | |
07/13/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS | Completed | |
07/13/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | SCHOOL DISTRICT | Completed | |
07/13/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | ADOT | Completed | |
07/13/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | TDOT RTA | Completed | |
07/13/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | TDOT STREETS | Completed | |
07/13/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | OTHER AGENCIES | Completed |