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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: REZONING - IPC
Plan Number - T15SE00014
Review Name: REZONING - IPC
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
03/20/2015 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Completed | PDSD TRANSMITTAL TO: Rezoning Division Re: Acceptance of Information for Plan Compliance (IPC) FROM: Steve Shields Lead Planner PROJECT: Verizon Cell Tower - New Cell Site 4245 E GRANT RD, Parcel 110-07-341A - C-1 Special Exception - SE-15-14 TRANSMITTAL: March 20, 2015 The proposed "Wireless Communication, limited to wireless communication towers and antennae", located on parcel Parcel 133-15-2920, zoned C-1. The use falls under UDC Table 4.8-4 PERMITTED USES COMMERCIAL AND MIXED USEZONES - Permitted as Special Exception Use, [1] Mayor and Council Special Exception Procedure, Section 3.4.4 . The following Use Specific Standards apply: 4.9.13.O & 4.9.4.I.2, .3, & .7. 1. The following dimensional Standards apply see UDC TABLE 6.3-4.A: DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR THE C-1, C-2, C-3, OCR-1, & OCR-2 ZONES a. Minimum site area = 0 Sq. Ft. b. Proposed site area = 10,014 Sq. Ft. c. Maximum building height allowed = 30 feet d. Building height proposed = Not Provided. 2. The submitted plan, showing the proposed Wireless Communication is acceptable to continue the review for the zoning examiner's report. 3. The following item needs to be noted at this time: As modifications to the vehicle use area are proposed a development package will be required to show that the requirements of UDC Article 7.4 and TSM Section 7 are met. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Steve Shields, (520) 836-4956 or email Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov. |
03/25/2015 | DBURSUC1 | COMMUNITY PLANNING | REVIEW | Completed | PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SE-15-14 IPC Verizon - Grant Road C-1 Plan Tucson and Grant-Alvernon Area Plan 03/24/15 DB Background: This is a special exception land use request in a C-1 commercial zone, to allow the installation and operation of a wireless communications facility (WCF) consisting of a monopole communication tower with twelve (12) antennas, at a height of sixty (60) feet, including an unmanned pre-fabricated ground equipment shelter, located within a 13'x40' lease area. The proposed WCF site will be located approximately 95 feet north of Grant Road and 67 feet west of Columbus Boulevard, at the address of 4245 East Grant Road. The applicant is proposing to locate the WCF ground equipment within an area screened by an eight (8) foot tall chain link fence. The proposed 48kW diesel driven generator and a Sunwest Cabinet will be on a concrete pad located within the chain link fence. A twelve foot wide access easement for the WCF site will be provided from Swan Road. The access easement is located within an existing driveway. The nearest residential unit is located approximately forty-five feet to the south of the proposed WCF site. According to the Major Streets and Routes Plan, Grant Road is designated as an arterial street and Columbus is designated as a collector street. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: Surrounding the WCF site to the north, east (across Columbus Boulevard) and west are zoned C-1 (Commercial Zone) and developed with a mix commercial retail. Parcels to the south (across Grant) are zoned C-2 (Commercial Zone) with more intense commercial. Additionally, parcels approximately 100 feet north of the site are zoned R-2 and developed with a mix of multi-family and single-family residential. Rezoning Presubmittal Meeting: The applicant attended a presubmittal conference meeting on January 28, 2015. Meeting discussions included discussion of the proposed removal of parking spaces, site vehicular maneuverability, how to better mitigate visual impact on surrounding development, and reduction of setbacks. Applicant was asked to consider using a masonry wall to enclose the ground equipment in place of the chain link fence to help reduce visual impact and was asked to provide a parking plan / former site plan to ensure site meets requirements for parking and site vehicular maneuverability. Applicant was also asked to consider a monopine in place of the monopalm, as it may be more appropriate considering the mature pine trees in the area. Neighborhood Meeting: The applicant held a neighborhood meeting, on February 18, 2015 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM, at American Economy Insurance, located at 4245 East Grant Road. Applicant has provided the required neighborhood meeting material: mailing notification, copy of labels, notice letter, meeting summary, and sign-in sheet. One representative from the Ward 6 office attended the meeting. Neighborhood meeting minutes indicated there were no objections to the proposed WCF special exception request. Land Use Policies: The Grant-Alvernon Area Plan and the Plan Tucson both provide land use guidance for this site. According to the Grant-Alvernon Area Plan's conceptual land use map, the site supports commercial land uses. More specifically, Commercial Policy 6 discourages wireless communication arrays unless concealed, disguised, or collocated antennae arrays unless concealed, disguised, or collocated on existing buildings or structures. Plan Tucson identifies this area in the Future Growth Scenario Map as an "existing neighborhood" category. The Plan supports existing neighborhoods and commercial districts to encourage new services and amenities that contribute further to neighborhood stability. Plan Tucson, guidelines LT28.1.2, supports telecommunication facilities to be installed and maintained to minimize visual impact and preserve views. LT28.1.3 states that WCF to be designed with improved appearances of the above ground structures and utilities, and extend access to high-tech wireless communication facilities throughout the city. Assessment: The proposed WCF site will be located approximately 95 feet north of Grant Road and 67 feet west of Columbus Boulevard. Grant Road is classified as an arterial street; and Columbus Boulevard is classified as a collector street. The immediately adjacent land uses and zones to the north, south, east and west include commercially zoned and developed parcels. Then further out, approximately 100 feet to the north, is zoned residential with the nearest residential unit approximately 115 feet from the proposed WCF site. The WCF is shown on the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) at the northwest corner of the proposed special exception/commercial site. The WCF is setback 8'10" from the north parcel line and 32'2" from the west parcel line. Additionally, the proposed monopalm WCF will require the removal of five parking spaces for the pad. Staff recommends both monopalm and antennas shall be painted to minimize visual impacts, and the ground equipment shelter (cabinets) painted to compliment the surrounding development. Staff also recommends the ground equipment be enclosed by a masonry wall, painted and textured to match existing on-site commercial structures. Staff supports the stealth design, but the applicant should also consider a pine tree design considering the mature pine trees located near the site. The proposed development is generally consistent with and supported by the policy direction provided in the Plan Tucson and Grant-Alvernon Area Plan. Plan Tucson supports redevelopment of existing commercial districts to encourage new services and amenities that extent access to high-tech wireless communication facilities throughout the city while minimizing visual impacts. The PDP shows a site layout that adequately conceals and disguises the monopalm and associated ground equipment from nearby residential and commercial uses. A plan amendment is not required. Staff recommends that the rezoning application be distributed for further processing. |
03/26/2015 | JASON GREEN | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Approved | DATE: March 19, 2015 DUE DATE: March 26, 2015 SUBJECT: Pinnacle Consulting/Verizon Wireless - Engineering Review LOCATION: 4245 E Grant Rd Rd; T13S, R14E, SECTION 34 REVIEWERS: Jason Green, CFM CASE #: S-15-14 The PDSD Engineering Division has no objection to the Mayor & Council Special Exception (MCSE) and offers the following comments: 1. Submittal of the Drainage Statement with water surface elevations is required as shown in Appendix D of the SE Package. 2. The parcel is impacted by a FEMA Shaded X 100-year floodplain. All flows of 100 cfs or more must be clearly delineated and verification of finished floor elevations will be required. Complete compliance with the Floodplain Ordinance and floodplain permits and/or elevation certificates will be required. For any questions or to schedule meetings call me at 837-4929. Jason Green, CFM Senior Engineer Associate Engineering Division Planning & Development Services Department |
03/26/2015 | MARTIN BROWN | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved |