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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Plan Number - T15SE00011
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
05/20/2015 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Completed | PDSD TRANSMITTAL TO: Rezoning Division FROM: Steve Shields Lead Planner PROJECT: Verizon Cell Tower - New Cell Site 4245 E GRANT RD, Parcel 110-07-341A - C-1 Special Exception - SE-15-14 TRANSMITTAL: May 20, 2015 The proposed "Wireless Communication, limited to wireless communication towers and antennae", located on parcel 110-05-314H, zoned C-1. The use falls under UDC Table 4.8-4 PERMITTED USES COMMERCIAL AND MIXED USEZONES - Permitted as Special Exception Use, [1] Mayor and Council Special Exception Procedure, Section 3.4.4 . The following Use Specific Standards apply: 4.9.13.O & 4.9.4.I.2, .3, & .7. 1. The following dimensional Standards apply see UDC TABLE 6.3-4.A: DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR THE C-1, C-2, C-3, OCR-1, & OCR-2 ZONES a. Minimum site area = 0 Sq. Ft. b. Proposed site area = Not Provided. c. Maximum building height allowed = 30 feet d. Building height proposed = 9'-7" 2. The following item needs to be noted at this time: As modifications to the vehicle use area are proposed a development package will be required to show that the requirements of UDC Article 7.4 and TSM Section 7 are met. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Steve Shields, (520) 836-4956 or email Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov. |
05/26/2015 | JOHN BEALL | COMMUNITY PLANNING | REVIEW | Completed | PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SE-15-11 Verizon - Swan Road C-1 Plan Tucson and Northside Area Plan 05/01/15 jb Full Review Background: This is a special exception land use request in a C-1 commercial zone, to allow the installation and operation of a wireless communications facility (WCF) consisting of a monopine communication tower with 3 sectors and 4 antennas per sector for a total of twelve antennas, at a height of sixty (60) feet, including an unmanned pre-fabricated ground equipment shelter, located within a 22' X 26'8" lease area. The proposed WCF site will be located approximately 300 feet south of the southwest corner of Swan Road and Camp Lowell Drive, at the address of 3175 North Swan Road. The applicant is proposing to locate the WCF ground equipment within an area screened by an eight (8) foot tall masonry wall. The proposed 48kW diesel driven generator and a Sunwest 3 Bay Cabinet will be on a concrete pad located within the masonry screen wall. A twelve foot wide access easement for the WCF site will be provided from Swan Road. The access easement is located within an existing driveway. The nearest residential unit is located approximately forty-five feet to the south of the proposed WCF site. According to the Major Streets and Routes Plan, Swan Road and Camp Lowell Drive are both designated as arterial streets. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses: Surrounding the WCF site to the north (across Camp Lowell Drive) and west are zoned C-1 (Commercial Zone) and developed with a mix commercial and office. Parcels to the south and east (across Swan Road) are zoned O-3 (Office Zone) with two story multi-family residential to the south and medium density office to the east. Rezoning Presubmittal Meeting: The applicant attended a presubmittal conference meeting on December 17, 2014. Meeting discussions included discussion of the proposed removal of parking spaces, possible other locations for towers due to the reduced setbacks from residential development, and how to mitigate noise impact from proposed outdoor diesel generator. Applicant was asked to consider "roof" mounted antennas in this area and to consider moving WCF further away from residential development to help buffer visual impact and noise. Applicant was also asked to consider a monopine in place of the monopalm, as it may be more appropriate considering the mature pine trees on the parcel to the south. Neighborhood Meeting: Applicant has provided the required neighborhood meeting material: mailing notification, copy of labels, notice letter, meeting summary, and sign-in sheet. The applicant held a neighborhood meeting, on February 4, 2015 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM, at the parking lot of proposed site located at 3175 North Swan Road. Two area residents attended the meeting. Neighborhood meeting minutes indicated the area residents were in favor of the proposed WCF special exception request. Land Use Policies: The Northside Area Plan and the Plan Tucson both provide land use guidance for this site. The proposed WCF site is in the Northside Area Plan, within the Swan/Fort Lowell subarea, which supports a mix of office and medium- to high-density residential along Swan Road provided that densities transition to a level that is compatible with adjacent existing uses; commercial uses are concentrated toward the intersection of Fort Lowell Road and Swan Road. Additionally, the Plan recommends to buffer and screen lower intensity uses from more intense new uses by conformance with General Design and Buffering Policies. Plan Tucson identifies this area in the Future Growth Scenario Map as an "existing neighborhood" category. The Plan supports existing neighborhoods and commercial districts to encourage new services and amenities that contribute further to neighborhood stability. Plan Tucson, guidelines LT28.1.2, supports telecommunication facilities to be installed and maintained to minimize visual impact and preserve views. LT28.1.3 states that WCF to be designed with improved appearances of the above ground structures and utilities, and extend access to high-tech wireless communication facilities throughout the city. Analysis: The applicant is proposing a sixty (60) foot high wireless communications facility (WCF) with a stealth monopine design that consists of 3 sectors and 4 antennas per sector for a total of twelve antennas, including an unmanned pre-fabricated ground equipment shelter, located within a 22' X 26'8" lease area. The proposed WCF site is located on the west side of Swan approximately 300 feet south of the Swan Road and Camp Lowell Drive intersection, both streets are classified as arterial streets. The Northside Area Plan, (Swan/Fort Lowell subarea) supports a mix of office and medium- to high-density residential along Swan Road provided that densities transition to a level that is compatible with adjacent existing uses; commercial uses are concentrated toward the intersection of Fort Lowell Road and Swan Road. Plan Tucson identifies this area in the Future Growth Scenario Map as an "existing neighborhood" category which supports existing neighborhoods and commercial districts while encouraging new services and amenities that contribute further to neighborhood stability. Both Plans support buffering and screening techniques that help ensure compatibility, minimize visual impacts and preserve views. The surrounding land uses and zones include a commercial zoned and developed parcel located to the west, north across Camp Lowell Drive and east across Swan Road. To the south is an adjacent multi-family complex with the nearest residential unit approximately forty-five feet from the proposed WCF site. The WCF is shown on the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) at the southeast corner of the proposed special exception/commercial site. The WCF is setback 14'8" from the south parcel line and 41'3" from the right-of-way to the east. The applicant is providing a stealth design - monopine, along with the inclusion of two pine trees to blend with mature pine trees located on the adjacent parcel to the south. The stealth design and the additional 'live'pines will help to minimize visual impacts. The pine trees will need to be irrigated by the existing irrigation system to ensure adequate growth. Additionally, staff recommends that the antennas are mounted as close to the monopine as possible, and designed to support future collocation, if possible. Both monopine and antennas shall be designed to look like a pine tree with pine needle 'socks' to match needle density and color of new monopine to minimize visual impacts. The applicant is proposing replacement of lost/damaged Pine needles to occur within 10 working days of observation. The steel tower will be encased with natural looking faux-bark cladding, and wires and cables will be concealed behind the antennas and within the monopine. While the proposed location for the ground equipment cabinet is located approximately fifteen feet from the south property line, the emergency backup generator will be inside a metal cabinet, with any testing only occurring during daylight hours and tested once a month. While the ground equipment shelter (cabinets) and enclosure masonry wall will be constructed to match the landlords existing CMU walls in texture, look, and color, the proposed 8-foot CMU screen wall should a textured decorative design given its proximity to Swan Road. In addition, staff recommends that any future graffiti visible from the public right-of-way be removed within seventy-two (72) hours of observation. Staff acknowledges that the proposed WCF tower will help improve telecom services to the established neighborhoods and business in the area. The proposal is in general compliance with Plan Tucson and the Northside Area Plan, and does not require a plan amendment. Staff offers the following special exception conditions. 1. Any existing on-site trees or landscape planting disturbed during the monopine installation or ground equipment installation shall be replaced in accordance with the UDC and heat island mitigation; " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 2. Lease area / ground equipment shall be screened by 8-foot CMU wall; CMU wall shall be textured and designed to match other onsite CMU walls. CMU wall to be graffiti resistant with any graffiti visible from the public right-of-way or area residential development to be removed within seventy-two (72) hours of observation; " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 3. Maximum height of monopine shall not exceed 60 feet measured to top of monopine as shown on Preliminary Development Plan dated April 16, 2015; " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 4. Replacement of lost/damaged 'Pine' needles shall be completed within 10 working days of observation and shall be colored to match live trees as closely as possible. " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 5. Monopine branches shall start at 15-feet above grade. Monopine Trunk shall have natural looking faux-bark cladding to 16-feet above grade level and shall be painted to match cladding for the balance of the of the monopine height. " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 6. Ground equipment to be located within lease area and housed within an enclosed walk-in equipment shelter, as represented on Preliminary Development Plan dated April 16, 2015; " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 7. Applicant shall plant two additional 'live' Aleppo pine/conifer trees, 24-inch box (to grow to 30-feet in height) as identified on the Preliminary Development Plan date April 16, 2015. Trees shall be added to the onsite permanent irrigation system and to be maintained as part of the overall landscape. If trees become damaged, diseased or die, then trees are to be replaced within 30 days of observation, and replacement will be the responsibility of the cell tower company. " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 8. Proposed antenna array to have 3 sectors with 4 antennas per sector. Antennas shall have pine needle "socks" to match needle density and color of new monopine. Coaxial cables shall be concealed within monopine. " PT, Chapter 3, The Built Environment, Set 1 All Developments, Guidelines - LT28.1.2, and LT28.1.3 |
05/28/2015 | MARTIN BROWN | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
06/03/2015 | LOREN MAKUS | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Approved | The Engineering section has no objection. No special requirements are requested by Engineering. |
06/03/2015 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Approved | |
06/09/2015 | HEATHER THRALL | SIGNS | SIGN CODE REVIEW | Completed | 6/9/15 H.Thrall, Signs Division T15SE00011 No current signage shown within affected area, no proposed signage shown at potential cell tower lease area. No billboards on this site. Should cell tower enclosure require display of emergency contact and or warning signage, it should be installed to meet criteria of "incidental signage" and be at less than 2 square feet in total sign area must not be illuminated, and not have logos/company advertisement on them - and recommend face away from residential to south. |
06/25/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | ENV SVCS | REVIEW | Completed | |
06/25/2015 | JOSE ORTIZ | DOT TRAFFIC | REVIEW | Completed | |
06/25/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | DOT ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | |
06/29/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PARKS & RECREATION | Completed | |
06/29/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS | Completed | |
06/29/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | SCHOOL DISTRICT | Completed | |
06/29/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | ADOT | Completed | |
06/29/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | TDOT RTA | Completed | |
06/29/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | TDOT STREETS | Completed | |
06/29/2015 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | OTHER AGENCIES | Completed |