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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: REZONING - IPC
Plan Number - T15SE00007
Review Name: REZONING - IPC
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
02/25/2015 | KEN BROUILLETTE | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
03/03/2015 | LOREN MAKUS | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | The Engineering Section will not be recommending any additional requirements. |
05/05/2015 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | PDSD TRANSMITTAL TO: Rezoning Division Re: Acceptance of Information for Plan Compliance (IPC) FROM: Steve Shields Lead Planner PROJECT: InJoy Thrift Store - Household Goods Donation Center 250 N. Pantano Road - C-1 Special Exception - SE-15-07 TRANSMITTAL: February 25, 2015 The proposed "Household Goods Donation Center", located on parcels 127-12-2700, zoned C-1. The use falls under UDC Table 4.8-4: Permitted Uses - Commercial and Mixed Use Zones - Permitted under Zoning Examiner Special Exception Procedure Section 3.4.3. The following Use Specific Standards apply: C-1: 4.9.5.G.2, .6 -12, 4.9.13.A.2, .B-D, and 4.9.13.O 1. The submitted plan, showing the Household Goods Donation Center is not acceptable to continue the review for the zoning examiner's report. There is a donation box mentioned in the Security Management Plan that is not clearly shown on the site plan. The following requirements apply to the donation bin; Small portable donation bins are those containers dedicated for the sole purpose of collecting discarded materials for reuse to the benefit of nonprofit charitable organizations. Said materials shall include but are not limited to, clothing, toys, leather goods, and small electronics. Such donation and collection bins are considered accessory structures that may be setup on all commercially zoned and developed property, subject to the following criteria. 1. A site plan is required indicating the location of the donation bin on the property (the bin location plan). The donation bin's location on the property requires review and approval by both the Planning and Development Services Department (PDSD) and the City Traffic Engineer, 1st Floor North, 201 North Stone Avenue. 2. There shall not be more than two (2) bins on properties less than one (1) acre and no more than four (4) bins on properties greater than one (1) acre. 3. The individual placing the bin shall disclose to the City the intended recipient of collected items and the percentage of funds collected or goods collected which will be paid or given to a charitable organization. 4. The individual placing the bin shall submit to the City written permission of the property owner consenting to the placement and maintenance of the donation bin. 5. The individual placing the bin shall keep the area around the bin free of litter, remove any graffiti from the bin within (48) hours of discovery and shall maintain the bin painted or otherwise un-rusted and un-dented and in good repair. 7. If located within an established parking area, the location of the bin shall not reduce the minimum parking requirements or be placed within the landscaped areas of the hosting lot. Note. While there are no parking requirements for the bin itself, the bin must be located in a non-required parking space or other locations that do not block traffic or pedestrian circulation. 8. The bin shall not exceed a capacity of 512 cubic feet (8'x 8'x 8' maximum dimensions). 9. The bin must be cleared of contents at least once every two (2) weeks. 10. All bins must be safely designed in a manner that prevents the bin from tipping over and prevents children from entering the bin. The following item needs to be noted at this time: 1. Based on the provided reference site plan it does not appear that the requirements of UDC Section 4.9.5.G.6 are met to the R-3 zoned parcels to the east. The provided plan shows a 5' wall. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Steve Shields, (520) 836-4956 or email Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov. |
05/05/2015 | JOHN BEALL | COMMUNITY PLANNING | REVIEW | Denied | DEPARTMENT OF URBAN PLANNING & DESIGN SE-15-07 InJoy Thrift Store - Pantano Road C-1, Special Exception Plan Tucson and Pantano East Area Plan 02/24/15 This is a request for a Special Exception to allow a proposed Retail/Thrift Store with donation center use in C-1 zoning. The proposed use will be located within an existing commercial center/building, with a designated unit/space of 15,946 square feet. The special exception site is located at 250 North Pantano Road, on the west side of Pantano Road approximately 1,000 feet north of the Broadway Boulevard/Pantano Road intersection. Pantano Road is an arterial roadway on the Major Streets and Routes Plan map. Plan Policy Plan Tucson provides relevant policy guidance and identifies this site on its Future Growth Scenario Map as 'Existing Neighborhoods' which are primarily developed and largely built-out residential and commercial districts in which minimal new development is expected. The goal is to maintain existing character of these neighborhoods, encourage new development and reinvestment and new services that contribute further to neighborhood stability. Plan Tucson encourages design elements that reflect project sensitivity to the site, surrounding neighborhoods, and enhances the overall function and visual quality of the street, adjacent properties, and the community. Pantano East Area Plan promotes commercial development in appropriate areas such as along major streets and where existing commercial zoning already exists. Commercial uses should be integrated with other adjacent commercial uses and designed in harmony with adjacent residential uses. These Plan policies encourage and support developments that respond to physical characteristics of the site, adjacent land use patterns, enhancing the visual appeal of the streetscape, and incorporating neighborhood recommendations into site planning and design. Neighborhood Meeting The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on December 22, 2014 onsite at the proposed store location. There were two attendees at the meeting. There were no concerns raised and per the meeting notes the attendees expressed that they welcomed the new business to the center. Rezoning Presubmittal Meeting The applicant attended a rezoning presubmittal meeting with staff on September 23, 2014. Issues discussed: provide a revised preliminary development plan showing the whole project site including the store and donation area, site details as required by code, hours of operation, etc. Analysis The applicant attended the required rezoning presubmittal meeting and held the required neighborhood meeting. The submitted application provides a revised preliminary development plan(PDP) that shows the whole site (commercial center). The application also included a Security Management Plan that operation of the proposed project, including the hours of operation (M-Sat, 9-9), outdoor lighting, drop-off donation box, and signs. However, the PDP does not identify the location of the donation box onsite, nor was a light plan submitted with the application. Conclusion While the proposed development is consistent with and supported by the policy direction provided in Plan Tucson and Pantano East Area Plan, and a plan amendment is not required, the application must be denied at this time as the application does not contain adequate information to accept for processing. Please provide the following: " Revised PDP that identifies donation box location within the parking area " Provide an outdoor lighting plan " Correct Security Management Plan to change reference to LUC to UDC 4.9.5.G.9 Plan Policy Plan Tucson Land Use, Transportation & Urban Design Policies LT28.1.1 Utilize solutions and strategies included in the Design Guidelines Manual to provide an improved level of community design LT28.1.7 Preserve and strengthen the distinctive physical character and identity of individual neighborhoods and commercial districts in the community. LT28.1.11 Support the retention and expansion of existing businesses. LT28.2.5 Support neighborhood commercial and office uses located at the intersection of arterial streets, arterial and collector streets or collector street intersections. Pantano East Area Plan Commercial Policy 1. Promote commercial development in appropriate locations in the area. A. Locate commercial uses at the intersection of major streets, where commercial zoning already exists. s:\caserev\rezoning\rez07-08\SE15-07_InJoy Thrift Store - Pantano Rd |