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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T15CM05713
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
08/27/2015 | MICHAEL ST. PAUL | ZONING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | Provide a plot plan for this site. A residential plot plan 2 sided instruction sheet has been placed in the returned documents. There are many sheet in the set, but not site/plot plan sheet. |
09/01/2015 | ELIZABETH LEIBOLD | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Reqs Change | DATE: September 1, 2015 SUBJECT: 1886 S TWINKLING STARR DR, Lot 45 Wildcat Pass Grading Review REVIEWER: Elizabeth Leibold, P.E. ACTIVITY NUMBER: T15CM05713 Summary: Engineering Division has reviewed the building plan submittal package and does not recommend approval at this time. A grading plan application will be required. The following courtesy comments are provided but may be updated once formal grading permit application is submitted. GRADING PLAN COMMENTS: 1) Tech Man Sec.2-01.4: Address the following grading comments: a) Label a contour lines on planview. b) Show basis of elevation on planview. c) Tech Man Sec.2-01.4.1.C.3: Revise delineated grading limits to show as including the proposed utilities and the limits need to provide for sufficient space for grading construction. It may be necessary to indicate heavy duty construction fence to restrict construction activity along any side yard grading limit boundaries where close to adjacent parcels. At all locations near lot property boundary, a minimum of 2-ft offset shall be provided for grading limits. d) UDC Table 5.2-1: Address the following driveway comments: i) Driveway slope grade shall not exceed 15%. Revise driveway design so that no location exceeds 15%. ii) South portion of driveway will need to show drain pipe as indicated in keynote - provide inverts for inlet and outlet. e) Tech Man Sec.2-01.10.5: Show and label erosion protection at sides of driveway. Provide interceptor swale design at north and northeast sections of grading area of building pad. f) Label dimensions of splash pads and locations of downspouts. Label roof drainage direction. g) Tech Man Sec.2-01.4: Per IBC code and geotechnical report, 10 feet at 5% slope must be provided for positive gradient away from proposed building. Provide a few additional proposed spot elevations in courtyard and other locations around building pad to indicate positive drainage away from foundation and toward drainage focal points. Also label the grade break elevation at rear of yard. h) Tech Man Sec.9-01.2.5: The following info is to be provided for all projects affected by the HDZ. i) Indicate cut slope or retaining wall design on plan view for areas that need slope treatment. Clarify type of rip rap (Handplaced rip rap is required for Hillside Overlay zone) Rip rap on filter fabric is typically used for slopes less steep than 2:1(H:V) up to 3:1(H:V). Slopes steeper than 2:1(H:V) may not be allowed and would need to be addressed by soils report recommendations. ii) Grading information, including proposed grading area, amount of grading by square feet and percentage of lot area, proposed contours, and locations of all areas of cut and fill. iii) The location, size, color, and textural treatment of all retaining walls, riprapped slopes, or other constructed means of slope stabilization must be shown on one of the plans submitted. iv) All protected peaks and ridges must be shown and labeled, and the 300-foot setback area must be delineated. v) Clarify on grading plan sheet that any rip rap shall be handplaced per HDZ requirements. i) Tech Man Sec.9-01.2.5.E: Add the following notes to the plan: i) Add note referencing the City of Tucson Technical Manual Section 9-01 for HDZ grading standards. ii) CALL FOR PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING. FOR A PDSD ENGINEERING INSPECTION, CALL IVR (740-6970), OR SCHEDULE WITH A CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE AT THE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT, OR CONTACT DSD ENGINEERING AT 791-5550 EXTENSION 2101, OR SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS ONLINE AT: HTTP://WWW.CI.TUCSON.AZ.US/DSD/ONLINE_SERVICES/ONLINE_PERMITS/ONLINE_PERMITS.HTML iii) ANY REVISION TO THE GRADING PLAN MAY REQUIRE A RE-SUBMITTAL OF A REVISED GRADING PLAN FOR REVIEW. CONTACT PDSD ENGINEERING AT 791-5550 TO DISCUSS CHANGES IN GRADING DESIGN. iv) IF GRADING CONSTRUCTION IS EXPECTED TO LAST LONGER THAN THE EXPIRATION DATE OF THE GRADING PERMIT, CONTACT PDSD TO RENEW/EXTEND THE GRADING PERMIT. IF FINAL GRADING INSPECTION HAS NOT BEEN COMPLETED BEFORE THE GRADING PERMIT EXPIRES, AND THE PERMIT HAS NOT BEEN RENEWED, ADDITIONAL FEES AND REVIEWS MAY BE REQUIRED. v) PERMITEE SHALL NOTIFY THE PDSD WHEN THE GRADING OPERATION IS READY FOR FINAL GRADING INSPECTION. FINAL GRADING APPROVAL SHALL NOT BE GIVEN UNTIL ALL WORK, INCLUDING INSTALLATION OF ALL DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS AND THEIR PERMANENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES, AND ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED GRADING PLAN AND GRADING PERMIT, AND ALL CONDITIONS OF PERMIT ARE COMPLETED. AS-BUILTS AND CERTIFICATION LETTER FROM REGISTRANT ARE REQUIRED PRIOR TO FINAL GRADING INSPECTIONS. vi) THERE SHALL BE NO DISTURBANCE OUTSIDE OF THE DISTURBANCE/GRADING LIMITS. 2) For resubmittal, provide grading application and 2 copies of the revised Grading Plan, copy of soils report, and other supporting documents, with a response letter. Please be aware that additional comments may be forthcoming with grading permit application. I can be reached at 837-4934 if you have questions or would like to set up a meeting to go over resubmittal. Elizabeth Leibold, P.E., CPM, CFM Civil Engineer Engineering Division Development Services Department |
09/01/2015 | ANDREW CONNOR | NPPO | REVIEW | Approved | |
09/14/2015 | CLAYTON TREVILLYAN | BUILDING-RESIDENTIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Date: 9-14-15 Activity: T15CM05713 Address: 1886 S. Twinkling Starr Dr. Applicant: Hartman Construction This letter reflects comments to be addressed. The purpose of this review is to verify compliance to the 2012 International Residential Code with local amendments. In order to facilitate a shorter back check time, we request that you please provide two complete sets of revised plans and calculations, along with a written response to each of the noted items indicating action taken. Other comment references may be derived from additional codes and standards adopted by The City of Tucson. All features have been checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided for review. All portions of this project are assumed to meet other departmental requirements, conditions, and concerns before permit approval. General Requirements 1. Please provide the registrant's seal on both sets of construction drawings per Arizona Revised Statute 32-125. 2. Specify prescriptive insulation and fenestration values per Table N1102.1.1/R402.1.1 or submit justified analysis. Simplified prescribed energy values for climate zone 2B: ceilings=R-38, windows=U-0.40, SHGC=0.25. 3. Provide the structural design of the proposed spiral staircase or indicate the need for a deferred submittal of this information. 4. Provide a complete set of notes on the plan to meet the Inclusive Home Design Ordinance 10463. Note the minimum blocking for future grab bars and lever-type door hardware. 5. Provide an accessible route from the public way extending throughout the entire first floor (except for exempt areas as defined in section 1003.3), 1003.2. The elevation drawing or the site plan must show a ramped sidewalk if a paved driveway is not the accessible route including a zero-step entry. Vertical changes in floor elevation may not exceed ¼ inch (½ inch when beveled), 1003.4. 6. Fireplaces shall have gasketed doors, Table N1102.4.1.1. Please indicate how this will be accomplished. 7. Ceiling gypsum board must be either 5/8" or ½" sag resistant when applied to ceilings framed at 24" o/c, IRC table R702.3.5 footnote d. 8. Ledgers supported by masonry walls are required to be minimum 3x nominal material, Figure R606.11(1). Sheet 2 9. Indicate the location of the second air conditioning unit. Only one of two units is indicated. 10. Please indicate the size of the proposed roof scuppers, IPC 1105.1. Sheet 5 11. Specify the sheet number for the master wall design as referenced on detail 1. Sheet 10 12. The maximum riser height allowed for stairs is 7.75 inches, R311.7. Sheet 11 13. Specify the sheet number for the structural wall as referenced near the garage. 14. The structural calculations are not consistent with the building plan regarding the size of the roof joists located over the garage and southern flat-roof system. Please justify the proposed framing member sizes. Sheet 16 15. Please reconcile the amount of steel reinforcement with the structural calculations which indicate two (2) layers of rebar in the footing of the retaining wall. Sheet P 16. Please specify all piping materials, P2609. 17. Provide a water fixture unit schedule for all plumbing fixtures supplied by the water meter, P2903.6. 18. Specify the size of the proposed water meter. The Tucson Water policy adopted 7/13/12 limits the maximum demand for a 5/8" water meter to 15 GPM, Reference Tables P2903.6 and P2903.6 (1), IRC 2012. 19. All construction drawings submitted after March 1, 2009 for one- or two-family dwellings require a solar water heating system, or future installation preparation with one of the following provisions: control and ¾"water piping; 3" metallic sleeve; or an accessible attic over the water heater, Ordinance 10549. 20. Provide gas piping sized for the proposed demand, G2413.1, Table G2413.4 (1). Please show a minimum 1½" line from the meter to the first tee. 21. All construction drawings submitted after June 1, 2010 for one- or two-family dwellings must provide gray water utilization or preparation, Ordinance #10579/11089 revised July 9, 2013. Provide gray water segregation for at least one (1) bathing fixture or clothes washing machine for all single story buildings. Gravity discharge is required when feasible. 22. Shower and tub/shower combinations that have individual control valves shall be of the pressure balance or thermostatic mixing valve type, P2708.3. 23. Provide pressure and temperature relief valve for the water heater terminating to the exterior facing no more than 6 above the grade, P2803.6.1. Note the discharge line must slope downward. How will this be accomplished with the height of the exterior grade? 24. Provide note requiring that water hammer arrestor be installed in accordance with ASSE 1010-2004 on water lines serving appliances equipped with quick-closing valves to include but not limited to: clothes washers, dishwashers, and refrigerators, IRC P2903.5. 25. Specify water conservation requirements: Water closets = 1.6 gallons per flush, Sinks = 2.2 gpm, Showerheads = 2.5 gpm, P2903.2. Sheet M 26. Show a 4" dryer vent discharging to exterior (max 25' w/bend reductions), M1502. 27. Specify flue vent types and sizes. Flues connected to more than one appliance shall be not less than the area of the largest connector plus 50% of the additional connectors. IRC M1805.3. 28. Please indicate the capacity of the bathroom and kitchen venting to the exterior (min 50 and 100 CFM rating respectively), R303.3, M1507. 29. Provide whole-house mechanical ventilation, R303.4. 30. Gas appliances require combustion air openings, M1701.1. Indicate how the thermal envelope of the building will be maintained around areas with combustion air openings through the insulation, N1102. Sheet E 31. Specify high-efficacy lamps for at least 75% of all lighting fixtures, N1104.1. 32. Provide electrical load calculations for determining the service panel size, E3602.2. 33. Provide a panel schedule: panel size, circuit numbers, ampacity, and wire sizes, E3404.11, E3706.2. 34. Designate the circuit number for each light fixture, receptacle, appliance, and equip disconnect on the electrical layout, E3703.5. 35. Convenience receptacles must be provided within 25' of roof-mounted mechanical equipment, E3901.12, E3903.4. 36. Show receptacle outlets at each kitchen counter space wider than 12" so that no point along the wall line is more than 24" from a receptacle outlet, E3901.4.1. 37. GFCI protection required in bathrooms, kitchens, unfinished basements, garages/carports, exterior receptacles, and within 6' of a wet bar or sink, E3902. 38. All outlets specified in section E3902.12 shall be protected with combination-type arc-fault breakers. 39. Specify faceplate grounding per E4001.11.1. 40. Specify tamper resistant receptacles per E4002.14. 41. Show compliance with City of Tucson Outdoor Lighting Code with an approved lighting calculation in accordance with OLC 3.1.2. Include all exterior fixtures on the property in the calculations. Model plans should specify a minimum lot size for the proposed exterior lighting. 42. Provide cut sheets for all FCO fixtures showing the angle of cutoff, light emissions and fixture wattage. All other fixtures are assumed to be unshielded (non-FCO style) 104.2. If you have any questions please contact: Clayton Trevillyan, CBO 520.837.4913 Clayton.Trevillyan@tucsonaz.gov Residential Plan Review |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
10/07/2015 | EGALLET1 | APPROVAL SHELF | Completed |
10/07/2015 | EGALLET1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
10/07/2015 | EGALLET1 | REJECT SHELF | Completed |