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Permit Number: T15CM02751
Parcel: 13320049C

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T15CM02751
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. In order to facilitate a shorter back check time, please provide two sets of updated plans and calculations with a written response to each of the notated items indicating action taken. Do not cloud the changes made for comment revisions.


The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2012 International Residential Code and 2012 International Energy Conservation Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions and concerns before permit approval.


1. Show compliance with termite treatment, R318.2.
2. Notate the grade away from foundations with a minimum 6" fall within the first 10', R401.3.


1. Show a roof ventilation plan with a minimum 1" air space between the insulation and roof sheathing, R806. And show attic vent openings effectively sized for the attic area per R806.2. Or provide condensation control with an air-impermeable rigid insulation material tight to the roof sheathing with a minimum R-5 value, R806.5. The total insulation value may be achieved with foam (spray/board) and batt layers.


1. Show anchor bolt length for assuring 7" embedment into concrete or masonry, R403.1.6. Update details on sheet #2.
2. Show wood framing members resting on concrete as pressure treated, R317.1 item 2 & item 3. Update details on sheet #2.
3. Show the ceiling gypsum board as either 5/8" or ½" sag resistant when applied to 24" o/c ceiling framing, IRC table R702.3.5 footnote d.
4. Show fiber-cement board or glass mat gypsum backers for tiled walls in tub and shower areas, R702.4.2.
5. Specify a #15 water-resistive barrier over studs/sheathing of all exterior walls, R703.2.
6. Specify veneer anchoring with ties spaced 24" O.C. horizontally & vertically, R703.2 & R703.7.
7. Show 1" air space between sheathing and veneer R703.7.4.2.
8. Show method of flashing beneath the first course of veneer (R703.7.5) with weepholes (R703.7.6).


1. Show hot water pipe with minimum R-3 insulation, N1103.4.2.
2. Provide a water hammer arrester for quick-closing valves serving the clothes washer, P2903.5.
3. Show the water pipe diameter between the meter and shut off valve in compliance with P2903.7. A minimum 1" service pipe is required for supplying water to more than 9.5 fixture units.
4. Show the trap/trap arm size as required by P3201.7. The minimum water closet pipe diameter is 3".
5. Show a two-way cleanout at the building exterior, at 100' intervals and at change of direction exceeding 135 degrees, P3005.2.
6. Show a vent for the kitchen sink, P3114.
7. Show gas pipe sizes in compliance with connected demand, G2413.3 & Table G2413.4(1). Provide a gas line isometric or table for showing the BTU demand and length of line to each gas appliance.


1. Show a mechanical code recognized by the City of Tucson, 2012 IRC. Update note #1.
2. Provide (an HVAC system with) whole-house mechanical ventilation with continuous or a minimum controlled intermittent airflow rate, R303.4 & M1507.3. Show a source of outside supply air.
3. Provide return air duct and register sizes meeting minimum requirements of 72 SQ IN/ ton, M1403. Minimum duct/register size: heat pump or air conditioner - 6 SQ IN per 1,000 BTU (1 ton cooling = 12,000 BTU). The 2.5 ton unit requires a minimum 16" diameter return air duct.
4. Show dryer vent size and location for venting to exterior, M1501.


1. Notate the building grounding and bonding method at the sub panel riser diagram, E3607.3. Metallic gas lines must be bonded and not be used as the primary grounding method, E3608.
2. Revise the electrical load calculations following Table E3704.2(1) for sizing 100% of the dwelling load. Apply a 35% factor for loads above 3,000 watts. Then add the total nameplate for the air conditioning unit (continuous load).
3. Use Table E3702.13 for sizing 15, 20 & 30 AMP branch circuit conductors and protection ratings. Change the breaker size for circuit #23 & 25 on the 400 amp panel to 20 AMP.
4. Show receptacle outlets at wall spaces 2' or more with no wall point (exclude door openings) more than 6' from a receptacle outlet, E3901.2. Add receptacle outlets in both bedrooms.
5. Show receptacle outlets at each kitchen counter space wider than 12" with no point along the wall line more than 24" from a receptacle outlet, E3901.4.1. Show receptacles within 2' of counter edges or corners and no more than 4' apart.
6. Island counter tops require at least one receptacle outlet within 12" below the countertop surface, E3901.4.2 and E3901.4.3.
7. Show two or more 2O AMP small appliance circuits at the kitchen countertop receptacle outlets; they may also serve the breakfast room and dining room, but not other locations, E3703.2 and E4001.3.1 through E4001.4.5. GFCI protected, E3902.6.
8. Provide an exterior outlet at grade level located at both the front and back of the dwelling, E3901.7. These outlets require GFCI protection, E3902.3.

If you have any questions please contact:
Ken Van Karsen
(520) 837-4912
City of Tucson Residential Plan Review

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
06/17/2015 AROMERO4 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed