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Permit Number: T15CM00155
Parcel: 12710017D

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T15CM00155
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
03/18/2015 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Comment not addressed; see sheet A2.0 key note #7, roof plan, and north building elevation. [Initial comment: Clarify how the secondary scupper (overflow) will be constructed. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.]
2. The proposed hot water recirculation system is not as described in Section 607.2, IPC 2012. Submit an appeal to the building official based on Section 316, IPC 2012 (Alternative Engineered Design), providing plans and documents to show that the proposed design is at least equivalent to the code-required system. [Initial comment: Clarify the proposed hot water recirculation system and coordinate it with detail 1/P2. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.
03/19/2015 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. If this room is to be used for soiled laundry storage, you may want to discuss this with the clients. Table 8-1, ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010 calls for an exhaust flow of 1.00 CFM/square foot for such rooms. [Initial comment: Provide a listing of the materials that will be located in the HAZMAT room; include the quantities of the materials and how they are packaged. Clarify the construction of the room and provide for any exhaust requirements. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.]
2. Comment not addressed. [Initial comment: Provide energy code compliance calculations for the addition to the building envelope; use the climate zone for Tucson. Provide sufficient detail on the drawings to evaluate the energy compliance of the additions to the building envelope. Reference: Sections C101.4.3, C101.5, and C103.2, International Energy Conservation Code 2012.]
3. Comment not addressed. [Initial comment: Show that the relocated window complies with the requirements of the current code. Provide NFRC fenestration product ratings for the U-factor and the SHGC values on COMcheck or use the appropriate default U-factor and SHGC values from Tables C303.1.3 (1), C303.1.3 (2) and C303.1.3.(3), IECC 2012. Reference: Section C303.1.3, IECC 2012.]
4. Revise the ventilation calculations using the methods described in Sections 403.3.1.1 through 403.3.1.3 and 403. through 403., IMC 2012. [Initial comment: Provide calculations to show how ventilation will be provided for the occupied spaces. Reference: Section 401.2, IMC 2012.]
5. Include a note on the drawing indicating that "Materials installed in the plenum conform to Section 602.2.1, IMC 2012." [Initial comment: The drawings indicate that a return air plenum is being utilized. Verify that the materials installed in the plenum conform to Section 602.2.1, IMC 2012.]
6. Show the location of each duct smoke detector on the drawing. See comments below for further requirements. [Initial comment: Provide smoke detectors in the return air duct, for all air distribution systems sharing the return air plenum with a total design return air capacity greater than 2,000 CFM. Reference: Section 606.2.1, IMC 2012.]
7. Comment not addressed. [Initial comment: Smoke detectors shall be located upstream of any outside air connections. Reference: Sections 606.2.1 and 606.2.2, IMC 2012.]
8. Comment not addressed. [Initial comment: Show the location of the visible and audible signals for the duct smoke detectors. Reference: Section 606.4.1, IMC 2012.]
03/19/2015 DAN SANTA CRUZ ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change Please provide the following:
#!. Compliance with the IECC for interior lighting.
#2. The circuiting for the light fixtures is still incomplete. Plan Sheet E4.
#3. Panel schedule for new panels L and H show circuits assigned for restroom receptacles and HP1, HP2, HP3. Please reflect this on the power plan E3.
Ref. IBC 107.2.1, Nec 110.3, 408.4.