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Plan Number: T14SE00073
Parcel: Unknown

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: REZONING - IPC

Plan Number - T14SE00073
Review Name: REZONING - IPC
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

TO: Rezoning Division
Re: Acceptance of Information for Plan Compliance (IPC)

FROM: Steve Shields
Lead Planner

PROJECT: Goodwill - Household Goods Donation Center
5775 E. Broadway Blvd. - C-1
Special Exception - SE-14-73

TRANSMITTAL: September 29, 2014

The proposed "Household Goods Donation Center", located on parcels 134-14-020E, zoned C-1. The use falls under UDC Table 4.8-4: Permitted Uses - Commercial and Mixed Use Zones - Permitted under Zoning Examiner Special Exception Procedure Section 3.4.3. The following Use Specific Standards apply: C-1: 4.9.5.G.2, .6 -12, 4.9.13.A.2, .B-D, and 4.9.13.O

1. The submitted plan, showing the Household Goods Donation Center is acceptable to continue the review for the zoning examiner's report.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Steve Shields, (520) 836-4956 or email Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov.
10/06/2014 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Approved
SE-14-73 IPC Goodwill - Chantilly Drive
Special Exception C-1
Plan Tucson and Sewell-Hudlow Neighborhood Plan
10/1/14 JB/rh

This is a Special Exception request in the C-1 Neighborhood Commercial zone to allow a Goodwill household goods donation center at 5775 E. Broadway Boulevard on a .29 acre parcel. The request will utilize the existing building at the northwest corner of Broadway Boulevard and Chantilly Drive. The existing building is a ten foot tall, single-story building with 1170 square feet. Proposed improvements include upgraded landscaping and pedestrian circulation, restriping for required on-site parking and to create PAALS for on-site circulation. The site has two access points from Broadway Boulevard and one access point from Chantilly Drive that will be gated for use only by Goodwill trucks to pickup donations.

According to Major Street and Routes Plan (MS&R), Broadway Boulevard is identified as a gateway arterial street and Chantilly Drive is identified as a local street.

Surrounding Uses and Zoning: The four quadrants of the Broadway Boulevard/Chantilly Drive intersection are zoned C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and developed with a mix of retail/restaurant land uses. To the north of the proposed Special Exception site is a split zoned property with C-1 Neighborhood Commercial zoning directly adjacent and R-3 High Density Residential zoning on the northern half. This split zoned parcel is developed with a two-story multi-family apartment complex.

Rezoning Presubmittal Meeting: The applicant attended a presubmittal conference meeting on April 22, 2014.

Neighborhood Meeting: Applicant has provided the required neighborhood meeting material: mailing notification, copy of labels, notice letter, meeting summary, and sign-in sheet. The applicant held a neighborhood meeting, on September 4, 2014 from 5:30 PM to 6:15 PM, at the Special Exception site at 5775 E. Broadway Boulevard. The meeting was attended by a Ward 6 Council Aid and one neighbor. Discussion focused on the color palette selected for the building, landscaping, and traffic flow on the site and from Chantilly Drive.

Land Use Policies: Policy direction is provided by the Plan Tucson and Sewell-Hudlow Neighborhood Plan (SHNP).

Plan Tucson: The Future Growth Scenario Map shows Broadway Boulevard in this area to be designated "Mixed-Use Corridor" which allows a higher intensity mix of jobs, services, and housing along major streets. It also supports a mix of high frequency transit options, as well as pedestrian and bicycle facilities.
LT1 Integrate land use, transportation, and urban design to achieve an urban form that supports more effective use of resources, mobility options, more aesthetically-pleasing and active public spaces, and sensitivity to historic and natural resources and neighborhood character.
LT3 Support development opportunities where:
a. residential, commercial, employment, and recreational uses are located or could be located and integrated
b. there is close proximity to transit
c. multi-modal transportation choices exist or can be accommodated
d. there is potential to develop moderate to higher density development
e. existing or upgraded public facilities and infrastructure provide required levels of service
f. parking management and pricing can encourage the use of transit, bicycling, and walking
LT4 Ensure urban design that:
a. is sensitive to the surrounding scale and intensities of existing development;
b. integrates alternative transportation choices, creates safe gathering places, and fosters social interaction;
c. provides multi-modal connections between and within building blocks;
d. includes ample, usable public space and green infrastructure; and,
e. takes into account prominent view sheds.
LT28.1.7 Preserve and strengthen the distinctive physical character and identity of individual neighbors and commercial districts in the community.
LT28.1.11 Support the retention and expansion of existing business.
LT28.6.6 Support the redevelopment and/or expansion of existing strip commercial development that will improve traffic flow, pedestrian mobility and safety, and streetscape quality when:
a. The project stabilizes and enhances the transition edge when adjacent to existing and future residential uses;
b. Primary access can be generally provided from a major street;
c. Required parking, loading, and maneuvering can be accommodated on site;
d. Screening and buffering of adjacent residential properties can be provided on site;
e. Adjacent uses can consolidate design elements, where feasible, such as access points, parking, landscaping, and screening;
f. Current or future cross access between parcels and uses can be feasibly accommodated; and
g. Buildings and their associated activities, such as, but not limited to, loading zones and dumpsters, can be oriented away from adjacent residential uses, toward the interior of the site or toward boundaries adjacent to similar uses.

Sewell-Hudlow Neighborhood Plan.
Non-residential Policy 1 supports efficient site designs that minimizes vehicular points; and integrates adjacent non-residential developments through vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems.
Non-residential Policy 5 supports nonresidential (i.e., C-1 Neighborhood Commercial) uses along Broadway Boulevard as outlined on the SHNP Land Use Development Map.
Parking Policy 2 supports screening parking areas along street frontage with landscape berms, or three-foot-high masonry walls to screen parking areas. To enhance the visual appearance of solid, long walls policies promote using a varied alignment and decorative treatment.
Transportation Policy 2.a. promotes working with the Transportation Department to limit non-local traffic on neighborhood streets.

Assessment: The Special Exception site is designated for C-1 Neighborhood Commercial uses on the SHNP Land Use Development Map. The proposed site design directs business traffic onto Broadway Boulevard and limits access to Chantilly Drive, shows upgraded landscaping and pedestrian circulation, and relocates trash collection away from adjacent residential areas. Therefore, both Plans support redevelopment of the existing commercial use at this site because appropriate mitigation and design considerations have been addressed. As part of the Preliminary Development Package, the applicant has provided a Design Compatibility Report (DCR) and a Security Management Plan (SMP). Both the DCR and the SMP along with the Preliminary Development Plan will assist in establishing conditions for the Special Exception to ensure redevelopment of this site upgrades the Broadway Boulevard frontage and minimizes impacts on adjacent uses.

Recommendation: In general, the proposal meets the intent of Plan Tucson and the Sewell-Hudlow Neighborhood Plan policy direction regarding compatibility with the scale, density and character of the surrounding development. A plan amendment is not required. Staff recommends that the rezoning application be distributed for further processing.

S:UPDfiles\DevRev\CASE_REVIEW\SP-EXCPT\SE 2014\ SE-14-73 IPC Goodwill - Chantilly Drive