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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T14CM08105
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
01/05/2015 | CLAYTON TREVILLYAN | BUILDING-RESIDENTIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Date: 1-2-15 Activity: T14CM08105 Address: 1108 E 10th St #1 &2 Applicant: Raymond Ybarra This letter reflects comments to be addressed. The purpose of this review is to verify compliance to the 2012 International Residential Code with local amendments. In order to facilitate a shorter back check time, we request that you please provide two complete sets of revised plans and calculations, along with a written response to each of the noted items indicating action taken. Other comment references may be derived from additional codes and standards adopted by The City of Tucson. All features have been checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided for review. All portions of this project are assumed to meet other departmental requirements, conditions, and concerns before permit approval. SITE PLAN: 1. Overhead service for new construction requires an appeal to the Building Official, IBC amendment section 112.1.1. INCLUSIVE HOME DESIGN: 2. All pass-through door openings on the accessible route shall have a net width of not less than 30 inches (2'8" door) 1003.5.2.1. Reference: bathroom doors. 3. Remove references to Unincorporated Pima County on Inclusive Home Design notes. 4. Specify all switches, receptacles, and controls within 15 to 48 inches of the floor (To include thermostat controls), 1003.9. FLOOR PLAN: 5. Show the location of the attic access in a hallway or other readily accessible location, R807. 6. The walls and soffit of the enclosed space under stairs shall be protected on the enclosed side with ½" gypsum board, R302.7. 7. Individual dwelling units in duplexes must be separated by a 1-hour firewall from floor to bottom of roof sheathing, R302.3. Revise all section details accordingly. 8. Specify safety glazing in hazardous locations, R308.4. Reference: 24" of doorways and less than 60" above and within 60" horizontally from tub/shower floors. 9. Provide sufficient emergency escape/rescue openings from sleeping rooms, R310. Minimum net opening of 24" high x 20" wide. STRUCTURAL / FRAMING PLAN: 10. Provide cut sheets for attic ventilation devices as indicated on sheet S201. Minimum 1:150 required, R806.2. 11. Include attic ventilation for each attic space. 12. Specify beam size and support over stairway as indicated on section drawing 3-A301. PLUMBING PLAN: 13. The UPC and IRC are not interchangeable. Remove references to the UPC on sheet P102. 14. Gravity discharge is required when feasible including all fixtures on stories above grade level. Gray water stacks from upper floors must pass through an exterior-wall for future gravity distribution that includes a stub out with an aliened 2" vertical drop colored purple to a cleanout cap 2' above grade. 15. Specify water conservation requirements: Water closets = 1.6 gallons per flush, Sinks = 2.2 gpm, Showerheads = 2.5 gpm, P2903.2. 16. Provide clean outs near the base of vertical waste stacks, P3005.2.6 17. Provide an accurate pressure loss calculation for elevation change. Reference: the highest fixture served is more than 8 feet above the water meter based on building design. 18. Specify how the minimum fire rating will be maintained around plumbing penetrations through the fire-rated wall assembly. MECHANICAL PLAN: 19. Provide Manual D calculations for duct design, M1601.1. 20. Specify the size of the return air intake to the second floor mechanical unit, M1602. 21. Indicate the minimum capacity of the kitchen exhaust (min 100 CFM rating), R303.3, M1507. 22. Show supply and return air ducts with a minimum R-6 insulation when located inside the thermal envelope, N1103.2.1. ELECTRICAL PLAN: 23. Peninsula counter tops with a long dimension of 24" and a short dimension of 12" or greater shall have at least one receptacle, E3901.4.2/3. 24. OUTDOOR LIGHTING CODE 25. Provide cut sheets for all FCO fixtures showing the angle of cutoff, light emissions and fixture wattage. Flood lighting fixtures are assumed to be unshielded (non-FCO style) 104.2. If you have any questions please contact: Clayton Trevillyan 520.837.4913 Clayton.Trevillyan@tucsonaz.gov Residential Plan Review |
01/05/2015 | KEN BROUILLETTE | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
01/13/2015 | CPIERCE1 | REJECT SHELF | Completed |