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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: COMMERCIAL - TI
Permit Number - T14CM07359
Review Name: COMMERCIAL - TI
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
11/03/2014 | LOREN MAKUS | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | The DP must be approved first. |
11/04/2014 | KEN BROUILLETTE | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
11/12/2014 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | PDSD TRANSMITTAL FROM: Steve Shields Lead Planner PROJECT: Tucson Botanical Gardens - Expansion T14CM07359 Building Plan (1st Review) TRANSMITTAL DATE: November 12, 2014 1. The building plans have been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed. 2. Zoning has reviewed the building plans but cannot approve until a development package has been approved by all PDSD review agencies. 3. Zoning will re-review the building plan on the next submittal to insure compliance with the approved development package. Additional comments may be forthcoming. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4956 |
11/25/2014 | ROBERT SHERRY | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | 1. Coordinate the cavity and continuous insulation R-values used in the COMcheck analysis with the wall sections shown on sheet A500. Continuous insulation is installed over framing members or furring strips and has no significant thermal bridges (e.g. rigid foam insulation applied over a masonry wall). Wall type X1 appears to have two layers of cavity insulation but no continuous insulation. 2. Provide NFRC fenestration product ratings for the U-factor and the SHGC values on COMcheck or use the appropriate default U-factor and SHGC values from Tables C303.1.3 (1), C303.1.3 (2) and C303.1.3.(3), IECC 2012. Reference: Section C303.1.3, IECC 2012. 3. Provide heating and cooling load calculations that justify the capacities of the heating and cooling equipment (AC-1 and AC-2) specified for the project. Reference: Sections C403.2.1 and C403.2.2, IECC 2012. 4. Show that each rooftop unit has a thermostatic control that provides for off-hour and set-back control, automatic shutdown and automatic start-up control and, if the control does not require manual changeover from the heating and cooling modes, restricts set point overlap. Reference: Section C403.2.4, IECC 2012. 5. Show how adequate access is being provided for the equipment located on the roof. Reference: Section 306.5, IMC 2012. 6. Condensate drains shall be terminated at an approved disposal location. Reference: Section 307.2.1, IMC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson. 7. Show the size, routing, and termination of the condensate drain for FCU-1. Reference: Section 307.2.1, IMC 2012 as amended by the City of Tucson. 8. Clarify the sequence of operation for the restroom exhaust fan; show that all of the air supplied to the restrooms will be exhausted. Reference: Section 403.2.1 (4), IMC 2012. |
11/25/2014 | KEN VAN KARSEN | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | T14CM07359 1. City of Tucson Outdoor Lighting Code (Ord #10963) compliance: Compare total fixture output to the budget based on property size and zone location (Table 401.1). a. Option 1 may apply with mostly LPS fixtures and if non-LPS fixtures do not exceed 35,000 lumens per arce in zone E3. Lumen total of LPS fixtures must be greater than non-LPS fixtures. Show compliance with consideration of all existing fixtures. b. Include all exterior (existing) fixtures within the property lines. The ordinance requires identification of each fixture type (both Full-Cut-Off and un-shielded); and fixture output based on a typical lamp lumen output at the maximum fixture wattage rating. Include landscape fixtures in the existing total and determine the qualified option limit. c. The rated color temperature of proposed fixtures shall not exceed 3500K, Section 402. Notate plans, or provide manufacturer spec sheet with color temperature rating. Ken Van Karsen Electrical Plan Review PDSD, City of Tucson 520-837-4906 Kenneth.VanKarsen@tucsonaz.gov |
11/25/2014 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Completed | |
11/25/2014 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | 1. An approved development plan is not a substitute for a building permit to install site utilities (e.g. water service to the building, building sewer, site lighting, or electrical service to the building). Provide the appropriate civil plans as part of the building package so that the water service and building sewer may be permitted. Reference: Sections 104.2 and 107.1, IBC 2012. 2. Provide information to show that the installation location of the water hammer arrestor for the restroom fixtures complies with the manufacturer's listing requirements. Reference: Section 303.2, IPC 2012. 3. The fixture unit method of calculating the instantaneous water demand for a plumbing system uses the probability of group of plumbing fixtures operating with differing flow rates and different use frequencies. Provide justification for including the continuous supply demand for the hose bibbs as part of the plumbing fixture unit calculation. Reference: Section 604.1 and E102.2.2, IPC 2012. 4. The direct-connection of a condensate waste drain to a "waste stack" (keynote 1, sheet P2, near column C.5-3 and detail 2/P5; which looks suspiciously like a vent) is not approved. Reference: Sections 314.2.1, 802.1.6, and 901.4, IPC 2012. 5. Detail 1/P2 shows a condensate waste drain connecting to the trap of sink SK-1. Condensate waste drains may connect to the tailpiece of a fixture but not to the portion of the trap downstream of the water seal. Reference: Section 307.2.1, IMC 2012, as amended by the City of Tucson. 6. Verify that the pipe sizes called out for the flush valves will not result in water velocities greater than that recommended by the pipe manufacturer (e.g. limit the water velocity to less than 8 FPS for copper, PEX, or CPVC piping). At a minimum design flow rate of 25 GPM for a siphonic, flush-valve water closet, a 1" Type L copper pipe has a flow velocity of 9.7 FPS. Reference: Table 604.3, IPC 2012. In addition, you show a 1" pipe serving two water closets and a lavatory (you also show a water supply to a waterless urinal in detail 3/P2 - why?). 7. Revise the connection of the two floor drains in the restrooms to the building drain. They are currently shown as being common-vented with the remainder of the fixtures in the restrooms. Reference: Section 911.3, IPC 2012. 8. Show (i.e. note on the plans) that the specified lavatory faucets are equipped with a temperature mixing valve that is listed as complying with ASSE 1070. Reference: Sections 416.5 and 607.1.2, IPC 2012. 9. Provide roof drainage and hydraulic scupper size calculations based on the 100-year hourly rainfall rate for Tucson, 3" per hour to support the scupper design or provide structural calculations to show that the roof is capable of supporting the additional rain load. Reference: Sections 1106.1, 1106.4, and 1108.3, IPC 2012 and Section 1611.1, IBC 2012. |