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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: COMMERCIAL - NEW
Permit Number - T14CM06016
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
09/17/2014 | MARTIN BROWN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | Please indicate location of fire service underground and fire riser. There appears to be a FDC indicated on the west wll of the oil room. The oil room would be an inappropriate location for a fire riser. Please submit a Hazardous Material Inventory Statement. |
09/18/2014 | RONALD BROWN | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | GENERAL 1. The following sheets have lettering sizes below the City of Tucson standards of 3/32" actual size mimumum, both upper and lower case: AS2.00, A9.03, M1.00, M3.01, P1.0, P1.1, P1.2, P4.0, E2.1, E2.2, E4.0, E5.0, E6.0, E7.0, L6/11of11. Please revise all non compliant sheets and resubmit. 2. Please provide certification for special inspectors. SHEETS CA1.00 AND CA1.01 3. Please provide legend and definition of the 3 different line symbols used to separate the areas of the building i.e. short dash, long dash and dash - dot. What are their meanings? SHEET A1.00 4. Because there is no hardwware schedule included, the following doors can not be determined to meet the required accessible jamb clearances as per the 2009 ICC A117.1, Section 404.2.3.2. Please provide hardware schedule and clarify compliances. SHEET A2.00 5. Same comment as number 4 for door 208. SHEET A6.0 6. At Detail 3: a. Provide a 3'-0" wide accessible urinal stall. b. Same comment as number 4 for door 154. SHEET S3.01 7. Calaculations show RB7A as W_________. Plans show this beam to be W14x13. Is this correct? 8. Provide a note referencing to Sheet S8.01 for the moment frame elevation sections. 9. MF1 shows 24 x 55 while calculations call for RB20 and RB21 to be W21 x 50. Please clarify. 10. Drawings show an ML2 @ 24" while calculations calls for RML6 (sim) @ 32". Please reconcile. 11. Several MLs shown on floor plan with no calculation references. SHEET S2.02 12. In calcs LRJ2 shown as 20K~257/135, plan calls for 20K~251/132. 13. In calcs RB22 shown as W16X36, plan calls for B16A HSS 8X6X1/4. 14. In calcs RB23 shown as W24X68, plan calls for B16 HSS 8X6X5/16. 15. In calcs RB24 shown as W16X36, plan calls for HSS 8X6X1/4. 16. Last beam span B16A between column lines 5.0 and 3.0/B.0 or B.1 is not shown in calculations. SHEET S2.02 17. In calcs FB1 shown as W18X4, plan calls for B7 W16X36. 18. In calcs FB4 shown as W16X36, plan calls for 8X6X1/4. 19. Continuing north along column line B.1: B16, B16A and B16A are not shown in calcs. 20. What beam is FB5? Confusing. 21. Clarify FB7 W24 x 62 Calcs, B11 on plans show W30x99. 22. Calcs show FB8A W16 x 36 and plans show B4 W18x40. 23. Calcs show FB1 W24 x 6.8 and plans show B11 W30 x 99 24. Calcs show FB13 W24 x 26 and plans show B11 W30 x 99. 25. Calcs show FB14 W16 x 26 and plans show nothing. SHEET S2.02 26. Calcs show RML1 and RML7 but are not called out on plans. 27. In calcs, RML5 through RML9 have no calculations. 28. As noted in calcs RML14 through RML10 are shown on upper framing plan. Could not locate. 29. In calcs MB3 is shown as W8 x 3 while in plan B17 is a HSS 7 x 3 x 1/4. 30. MB4 not shown on drawings END OF REVIEW |
09/22/2014 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Completed | |
09/22/2014 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | PDSD TRANSMITTAL FROM: Steve Shields Lead Planner PROJECT: Chapman Honda T14CM06016 Building Plan (1st Review) TRANSMITTAL DATE: September 23, 2014 1. The building plans have been reviewed by Zoning Review Section but cannot approve the plan until all zoning comments or concerns have been addressed. 2. Zoning has reviewed the building plans but cannot approve until a development package has been approved. 3. Sheet AS1.03 Keynote 36 calls out a fence per Detail 35/AS2.00. Detail 35 does not match detail 6 sheet 5 of the last submitted development package. 4. Sheet AS1.03 Keynote 52 calls out a "FUEL ISLAND" that is not shown on the development package. Be aware that if this is proposed to be an above ground fuel tank it will be limited to 1,000 gals. 5. Zoning will re-review the building plan on the next submittal to insure compliance with the approved development package. Additional comments may be forthcoming. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4956 |
09/23/2014 | LEERAY HANLY | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | Plan review has been completed and the following corrections are required. Please provide a written response to comments with plan re-submittal. 1) Site lighting fixture types S1, S4, & S8 are limited to a color temperature of 3500 Kelvin. This is indicated in the photometric plans but the cut-sheets for the luminaires do not support this. Ref Outdoor Lighting Code 402.1 2) Note that special inspection shall be required per the Outdoor Lighting Code 106.2. Provide special inspector information with next submittal. If there are questions regarding this review contact: LeeRay 520-837-4906 LeeRay.Hanly@tucsonaz.gov |
09/23/2014 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | 1. Room 206 is called out as a "Private Bath"; the term "private" for plumbing fixtures applies to fixtures that are located in a residence or apartment, non-public toilet rooms in hotels, motels, and similar buildings, and are intended for the use of a family or an individual. Clarify the intended utilization of this restroom. Reference: Section 202, IPC 2012. 2. Revise detail 13/P5.0 to show that it refers to water heaters WH-2 and WH-3 instead of electric water heater WH-1. 3. Detail 8/P5.0 calls for water heater WH-1 to be supported by a platform mounted on a stud wall. Provide structural calculations for the mounting shelf for the water heater to show that the water heater will be safely supported from the building structure (i.e. with a total load of about 548 pounds, will the wall support the water heater?). Reference: Section 301.2, IPC 2012. 4. The fixture drain serving an automatic clothes washer shall connect to a fixture branch that is at least 3 inches in diameter. Reference: Section 406.2, IPC 2012. 5. Provide tempered water for the lavatories and public hand-washing sinks in restrooms using approved devices conforming to ASSE 1070 The Toto model TEL5GS-10 is not listed as complying with ASSE 1070. Reference: Sections 416.5 and 607.1.2, IPC 2012. 6. The developed length of the hot water supply piping to the sink in the Sales/Break room appears to be greater than fifty feet; provide a method for maintaining the temperature of the hot water supply system. Reference: Section 607.2, IPC 2012. 7. An approved 2-way cleanout fitting is a single fitting, not a field-assembled group of individual fittings as shown in detail 4/P5.0. Reference: Sections 708.3.5 and 708.5, IPC 2012. 8. The three fixture drains and the horizontal drain from the covered dry off area and the horizontal drain from the detail wash off are connected to the building sewer. A cleanout is required at the junction of a building drain and the building sewer. (Note: why are the room numbers in the plumbing drawings different from the architectural drawings?) Reference: Section 708.3.5, IPC 2012. 9. Verify that all of the vents (except for vents serving interceptors located outdoors) rise vertically to at least 6" above the flood rims of the fixtures they protect prior to running horizontally. Reference: Section 905.4, IPC 2012. 10. The island vent configuration for fixture L-3 lacks a cleanout in the vertical portion of the vent at the fixture. Verify that the horizontal portion of the vent is located above the fixture drain to allow the vent to drain any waste water into the fixture drain. Reference: Sections 916.2 and 916.3, IPC 2012. 11. Verify that the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department for Pima County will allow water from an elevator sump to be introduced into the sanitary waste system. Reference: Section 701.5, IPC 2012; Contact the Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department, at 520-724-6200 for further information. 12. Based on detail 5/P5.0, the elevator sump pump is not installed per Section 712.3.2, IPC 2012 and shall not connect directly to the building drainage system. If the discharge of the sump pump is allowed to be introduced into the sanitary waste system, the pump shall discharge to an indirect waste receptor with an air break. Reference: Section 802.1.5, IPC 2012. 13. The calculations in detail 11/P5.0 indicate that a 1020-gallon sand oil separator is required for the car wash and a 1200-gallon separator is to be installed. Explain why two 1200-gallon sand oil interceptors are shown on sheets P1.2 and P3.0. Also, label the three pipes running from the second interceptor back to the building; vents? Reference: section 107.2.1, IBC 2012. 14. Revise the roof drain calculations to include the effect of any vertical walls that can divert rainfall onto the roof. Reference: Section 1106.4, IPC 2012. 15. Provide drainage and overflow protection for the circular tower. Reference: Sections 1101, 1106 and 1108, IPC 2012. 16. The architectural roof plan shows a 5" gutter with a single downspout of unknown size serving the Detail Bay (161). Provide the size of the downspout and the slope of the gutter. Reference: Section 1106.6, IPC 2012. 17. Verify the size of the horizontal rain roof drainage piping serving the roof bay between Y.0 and AA.0 and the roof over the New Car Delivery (115). Reference: Section 1106.3, IPC 2012. 18. Verify the size for the gas pipe section upstream of RTU-A2 (447 CFH ); based on the pipe lengths shown on the gas schematic, RTU-D1 has a developed length of 160-feet which would require a 2" pipe. Reference: Table 402.4 (2), IFGC 2012. 19. Verify the size for the gas pipe section downstream of RTU-C1 (316 CFH ); based on the pipe lengths shown on the gas schematic, The water heater, WH, has a developed length of 189-feet which would require an 1-1/2" pipe. Reference: Table 402.4 (2), IFGC 2012. |
09/24/2014 | ROBERT SHERRY | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Reqs Change | 1. Detail 9/M3.02 shows an overflow drain for a draw-through air handler without a trap. Show that the drain is being installed in accordance with the conditions of its listing and the manufacturer's installation requirements. Reference: Section 304.1, IMC 2012. 2. Revise the sequence of operation for the restroom exhaust fan, EF-C2, so that all of the air supplied to the restroom will be exhausted. Reference: Section 403.2.1 (4), IMC 2012. 3. The use of CO and NO2 sensors to sense the lack of operation of motor vehicles and thus to reduce the required exhaust during periods of inactivity in public parking garages (Section 404 and footnote (d) of Table 403.3, IMC 2012) is not applicable to repair garages. To use the alternative methods, materials, equipment and appliances provision of the 2012 IMC, will require the submission of supporting data in the form of research reports from approved sources that shows that the proposed design is at least equivalent to the code requirements in "…quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety." Reference: Sections 105.2, 403.3, and 502.14, 2012. 4. Two pits are shown at the repair area. Verify the depth of the pits and show how ventilation will be provided for the pits. Reference: Section 502.15, IMC 2012. 5. According to the envelope compliance certificate (CA1.01), the High efficiency HVAC option has been selected to comply with the requirements of Section C406, IECC 2012 but both the mechanical and interior lighting compliance certificates show that the reduced interior lighting power option was selected as the "additional efficiency package option". Coordinate the compliance certificates. 6. Provide NFRC fenestration product ratings for the U-factor on COMcheck or use the appropriate default U-factor from Table C303.1.3 (1), IECC 2012. Show the required U-factors for the vertical glazing on the drawings. Reference: Section C303.1.3, IEC 2012. 7. Provide NFRC fenestration product ratings for the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) on COMcheck or use the appropriate default SHGC from Table C303.1.3 (2), IECC 2012. Coordinate the SHGC values shown on the COMcheck Envelope Compliance Certificate with the window descriptions shown on the drawings (i.e. the required SHGC on the submitted COMcheck is 0.25 but it is "0.40 or lower" on sheet A11.0). Reference: Section C303.1.3, IEC 2012. 8. Provide heating and cooling load calculations that justify the capacities of the heating and cooling equipment specified for the project. Reference: Sections C403.2.1 and C403.2.2, IECC 2012. 9. Provide notes on the drawings indicating provisions for commissioning the mechanical building systems per Section C408.2, IECC 2012. |
09/25/2014 | ELIZABETH LEIBOLD | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | Assure compliance with Floodplain Ordinance and IPC 2012 sec.309. Building permit can not be approved until grading permit and floodplain use permit are approved and issued. |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
10/30/2014 | CPIERCE1 | REJECT SHELF | Completed |