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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Plan Number - T13SE00096
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
09/20/2013 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Completed | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Planning and Development Services Department Rezoning Section FROM: Steve Shields Lead Planner PROJECT: Family Attic - Retail/Household Goods Donation Center 1060 S. Pantano Road - C-1 Special Exception - SE-13-96 TRANSMITTAL: September 20, 2013 1. The proposed "Household Goods Donation Center", located on parcels 134-14-020E, zoned C-1. The use falls under UDC Table 4.8-4: Permitted Uses - Commercial and Mixed Use Zones - Permitted under Zoning Examiner Special Exception Procedure Section 3.4.3. The following Use Specific Standards apply: C-1: 4.9.5.G.2, .6 -12, 4.9.13.A.2, .B-D, and 4.9.13.O 2. The following dimensional Standards apply see UDC Table 6.3-4.A DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR THE C-1, C-2, C-3, OCR-1, & OCR-2 ZONES a. Minimum site area = 0 Sq. Ft. b. Proposed site area = Not Provided (Existing) c. Maximum building height allowed = 30 feet d. Building height proposed = N/A (No new buildings proposed) If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Steve Shields, (520) 836-4956 or email Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov. |
09/23/2013 | LAITH ALSHAMI | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | Laith Alshami, Engineering and Floodplain Review, 09/23/2013, TO: Peter McLaughlin FROM: Laith Alshami, P.E. Rezoning Section Engineering SUBJECT: Family Attic - Pantano Road Special Exception Case SE-13-96, T14S, R15E, SECTION 17 Reference: T13PRE0028 RECEIVED: Special Exception Preliminary Development Plan for ZE Hearing on September 18 2013 The Preliminary Development Plan appears to have adequate Engineering and Floodplain related information to be forwarded to the rezoning examiner. No special conditions are offered. |
09/23/2013 | KEN BROUILLETTE | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
10/01/2013 | MPADILL1 | COMMUNITY PLANNING | REVIEW | Completed | DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SE-13-96 Family Attic- Pantano Road C-1 Christian Family Care Pantano East Area Plan 10/02/13 mt The request for a Special Exception to allow the expansion of existing retail/household goods donation center on a property zoned C-1 "Commercial" that is developed as a multi-tenant commercial complex. The proposed use will be located within an existing commercial shopping center (Pantano Square) with multiple tenant spaces. The proposal is for the expansion of the existing thrift store from 2456 square feet to 3800 square feet in two adjoining suites (1068 and 1070). The site is situated at the intersection of 22nd Street and Pantano Road. Primary access is provided from Pantano Road on the east side of the special exception site, with on-site parking provided along the front and rear of the existing building. A six foot tall masonry wall is located on the adjacent property to on the north. According to the Major Streets and Routes Plan, Pantano Road is designated as an arterial street. Surrounding Land Uses and Zones: The property to the south is zoned C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and currently a vacant gas station site, properties to the east across Pantano Road are zoned C-1 "Commercial" and developed with a medical office complex and a United States Post Office Center, the immediate property to the north is zoned C-1 "Commercial" developed with a single commercial building and north across Pantano Road is zoned R-2 and O-3 and developed as a multi-family complex. Special Exception Presubmittal Meeting: The applicant attended a special exception presubmittal conference meeting with city staff on May 22, 2013. At the meeting, staff discussed a variety of issues that would need to be addressed: security management plan; design compatibility statement; screening and buffering along residential edge, hours of operation and no outdoor storage, lighting, new dumpsters, vehicular circulation and parking, and location of noise generating uses. A plan amendment is not required for special exception to proceed Neighborhood Meeting: An on-site neighborhood meeting was held at 1066 S Pantano Road, on July 2, 2013 at 6:00 pm. The sign-in sheet shows that only the representatives, Kristi Wilbur and Penny Prette, from Family Attic were in attendance. No other attendees arrived, meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Land Use Policies: The General Plan and the Pantano East Area Plan (PEAP) provide policy direction for this site. The General Plan Policy (GP) supports commercial uses at intersections of streets. The existing commercial complex meets Plan policy to be compatible in size, scale, and mass with adjacent uses. Commercial and Office Development policy supports appropriate locations for commercial and office uses, with priority for development and redevelopment within the existing urbanized areas to promote use and improvement of existing infrastructure, to increase pedestrian activity and transit use, and to meet residents' needs for goods and services in a cost-effective and equitable fashion. Policy calls for community-scaled commercial and office uses to be located at the intersections of arterial streets, taking into consideration traffic safety and congestion issues Conservation, Rehabilitation, and Redevelopment Policies call for economic viability of existing neighborhoods and commercial districts, to use and improve existing infrastructures, increase pedestrian activity and transit use, retain small businesses, and meet residents' needs for goods and services in a cost-effective and equitable fashion. Policy direction is to encourage the redevelopment of current strip commercial development that will improve traffic flow, pedestrian mobility and safety, and streetscape quality. Economic Development Policy is to encourage the expansion and continued viability of trade and service activities and to assist local firms in the trade and service sectors to expand their existing markets. The Design Guidelines Manual (DGM) encourages the 'Good Neighbor' approach to encourage businesses to be 'good neighbors' to adjacent residences and to encourage limited duration of activities that generate excessive noise, light or traffic by limiting hours of operation for such activities where possible. The design is to use detailing to provide higher quality facades and increase visual appeal, provide pedestrian accessibility and screen less visually attractive uses and to support choice of lighting sources to provide optimum illumination. The Pantano East Area Plan (PEAP), Commercial Policy supports commercial developments in appropriate locations in the area and discourages the extension of strip commercial as a pattern of development and commercial uses and should be designed to be in harmony with adjacent residential uses. Analysis: Land Use Compatibility: The overall commercial complex is located at the northwest corner of the 22nd Street and Pantano Road intersection. The proposed donation center is on one of the buildings within this commercial complex. Primary access for the site is from Pantano Road to the east with a secondary access point from 22nd Street to the south, both are arterial streets. The subject site has C-1 commercial zone with existing buildings. The site is an existing retail strip center with a proposal to expand the thrift store into two adjacent suites. The commercial building at 1066 S Pantano Road has other tenant spaces in which all participate in cross-access and parking provided by the greater commercial complex. Based on available aerials it seems this building does share on-site trash dumpster and loading zone with the larger commercial complex. However, the dumpsters are placed within designated parking spaces and need to be within an enclosed trash bin area. The greater commercial complex located within the C-1, commercial zone. The Special Exception approval will allow this use in the C-1 zone but not any outdoor activities such as outdoor sorting or storage of donated goods. Staff suggests the applicant address the issue of an outside working area for employees/volunteers, if needed. The Design Compatibility Report (DCR) to address any outdoor activity such as but not limited to; hours of operation, any new outdoor security lighting, and location of loading zone/drop-off areas if to be located outdoors at rear of building. To miminize light spill over from commercial enterprises, staff recommends that any new outdoor lighting be directed downward, and shielded away from adjacent residentially zoned and used properties and public roadways. Design: This is an existing shopping center and the special exception site is one of the tenants. To be consistent with plan policies that promote visual character, staff recommends that any exterior changes to the site must be consistent with the overall development plan and any changes to exterior mechanical equipment be screened from view from the surrounding land uses and roadways. The conceptual site design does not indicate the location of trash refuse containers. Staff recommends this to be shown on site plan prior to development plan approval. Landscaping and Screening: An aerial taken in 2012 shows perimeter landscaping, which helps buffer and screen the multi-family residential uses located to the north. Sparse landscaping exists around the site perimeter. The applicant proposes no changes to the existing landscape plan. Staff recommends any changes to be reviewed to comply with the overall landscape plan for the site. Vehicular Access/Pedestrian Circulation: Parking areas are located in close proximity to each of the existing stores. Applicant is proposing no changes to parking, loading and maneuvering are onsite. Access to the site is from two major routes: 22nd Street and Pantano Road. Driveways and curb cuts are located along the project frontage on both major streets. A median opening exists on both major streets. Policy supports direct residential connection to commercial services to reduce vehicular and pedestrian strain. Recommendation: This special exception proposal is consistent with the land use plan policy direction in the General Plan and the Pantano East Area Plan. A plan amendment is not required. Staff offers the following for consideration as conditions to address mitigation and compatibility requirements with adjacent residential neighborhood: 1. Location of trash refuse container(s) shall be shown on site plan prior to Tenant Improvements or Zoning Compliance Certificate approval and located a minimum distance of fifty (50') feet from any residentially zoned or used property. Containers to be screened with masonry walls and enhanced landscaping to screen the containers. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1, " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 2. Location of Commercial vehicle loading zone (if required) shall be identified on the site plan prior to Tenant Improvements or Zoning Compliance Certificate approval and to be a minimum of fifty (50) feet from a residentially zoned or used property, and shall be screened. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 3. Any changes to existing mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from the surrounding streets and properties. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor " DGM, Guideline 1.B.2.d, Minimize Mechanical Equipment 4. Hours of operation for commercial vehicle (drop off/pick-up of donated items, rags, trash pick-up, and outdoor activities to be from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 5. No overnight parking of commercial vehicles " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 6. No outdoor open storage of donated goods, unwanted donations, or large trash/waste. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 7. Replace existing fencing with a six foot masonry perimeter wall along the full length of the north property line adjacent to residential uses, utilizing a combination of decorative materials (such as tile, stone, or brick) or coarse textured covering materials (such as stucco or plaster) painted with a color that is similar to the redeveloped structures on the " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 8. Any new outdoor lighting shall be located on buildings only, low sodium or equivalent, shielded and directed away from adjacent residential neighborhood located to the north. Light element shall be placed at a height not to exceed the height of the building mounted on. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor " DGM, Guideline 1.B.4.e, Illumination Levels 9. All store operation to be within an enclosed building to prevent noise spill to adjacent residentially used properties located to the north. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor Applicable Policy Plan Policies Pantano East Area Plan (PEAP): Commercial Policy 1 promotes commercial development in appropriate areas. Policy 2 is to discourage the extension of strip commercial as a pattern of development. Implementation Technique B. is to ensure that future commercial development be restricted to a limited number of access points, integrated with adjacent commercial development, and designed in harmony with adjacent residential uses. The General Plan: Element 2; Commercial and Office Development, Policy 5; Support appropriate locations for commercial and office uses, with priority for development and redevelopment within the existing urbanized area located in the Central Core and Mid-City Growth Areas and the abutting areas of the Evolving Edge Growth Area to promote use and improvement of existing infrastructure, to increase pedestrian activity and transit use, and to meet residents' needs for goods and services in a cost-effective and equitable fashion. Supporting Policy 5.2 supports community-scaled commercial and office uses located at the intersections of arterial streets, taking into consideration traffic safety and congestion issues. Element 6; Conservation, Rehabilitation, and Redevelopment Policy 3.3 - Provide for a continue economic viability of existing neighborhood and commercial districts by promoting safety and maintenance programs and by encouraging appropriate new development. Policy 4 - Support appropriate locations for commercial and office uses, with priority for development and redevelopment within the existing urbanized area, in order to use and improve existing infrastructure, increase pedestrian activity and transit use, retain small businesses, and meet residents' needs for goods and services in a cost-effective and equitable fashion Supporting Policy 4.5 - Encourage the redevelopment of current strip commercial development that will improve traffic flow, pedestrian mobility and safety, and streetscape quality Element 13: Economic Development, Policy 7; Encourage the expansion and continued viability of trade and service activities Support Policy 7.2 Assist local firms in the trade and service sectors to expand their existing markets. Design Guidelines Manual Design Guideline I.A.5.c, 'Good Neighbor' Approach - The intent is to encourage businesses to be 'good neighbors' to adjacent residences. A solution is to encourage limited duration of activities that generate excessive noise, light or traffic by concentrating such activities between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.; and limiting hours of operation where possible. Design Guideline I.B.2.a, d, intents to use design and detailing to provide higher quality facades and increase visual appeal. Design Guideline I.B.3.c, f, intents to provide pedestrian accessibility and screen less visually attractive uses. Finally, the purpose of Design Guideline I.B.4.e is to support choice of lighting sources to provide optimum illumination. s:\caserev\SP-ECPT\SE2013\SE-13-96 Family Attic - Pantano Road.doc DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SE-13-96 Family Attic- Pantano Road C-1 Christian Family Care Pantano East Area Plan 10/02/13 mt The request for a Special Exception to allow the expansion of existing retail/household goods donation center on a property zoned C-1 "Commercial" that is developed as a multi-tenant commercial complex. The proposed use will be located within an existing commercial shopping center (Pantano Square) with multiple tenant spaces. The proposal is for the expansion of the existing thrift store from 2456 square feet to 3800 square feet in two adjoining suites (1068 and 1070). The site is situated at the intersection of 22nd Street and Pantano Road. Primary access is provided from Pantano Road on the east side of the special exception site, with on-site parking provided along the front and rear of the existing building. A six foot tall masonry wall is located on the adjacent property to on the north. According to the Major Streets and Routes Plan, Pantano Road is designated as an arterial street. Surrounding Land Uses and Zones: The property to the south is zoned C-1 Neighborhood Commercial and currently a vacant gas station site, properties to the east across Pantano Road are zoned C-1 "Commercial" and developed with a medical office complex and a United States Post Office Center, the immediate property to the north is zoned C-1 "Commercial" developed with a single commercial building and north across Pantano Road is zoned R-2 and O-3 and developed as a multi-family complex. Special Exception Presubmittal Meeting: The applicant attended a special exception presubmittal conference meeting with city staff on May 22, 2013. At the meeting, staff discussed a variety of issues that would need to be addressed: security management plan; design compatibility statement; screening and buffering along residential edge, hours of operation and no outdoor storage, lighting, new dumpsters, vehicular circulation and parking, and location of noise generating uses. A plan amendment is not required for special exception to proceed Neighborhood Meeting: An on-site neighborhood meeting was held at 1066 S Pantano Road, on July 2, 2013 at 6:00 pm. The sign-in sheet shows that only the representatives, Kristi Wilbur and Penny Prette, from Family Attic were in attendance. No other attendees arrived, meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Land Use Policies: The General Plan and the Pantano East Area Plan (PEAP) provide policy direction for this site. The General Plan Policy (GP) supports commercial uses at intersections of streets. The existing commercial complex meets Plan policy to be compatible in size, scale, and mass with adjacent uses. Commercial and Office Development policy supports appropriate locations for commercial and office uses, with priority for development and redevelopment within the existing urbanized areas to promote use and improvement of existing infrastructure, to increase pedestrian activity and transit use, and to meet residents' needs for goods and services in a cost-effective and equitable fashion. Policy calls for community-scaled commercial and office uses to be located at the intersections of arterial streets, taking into consideration traffic safety and congestion issues Conservation, Rehabilitation, and Redevelopment Policies call for economic viability of existing neighborhoods and commercial districts, to use and improve existing infrastructures, increase pedestrian activity and transit use, retain small businesses, and meet residents' needs for goods and services in a cost-effective and equitable fashion. Policy direction is to encourage the redevelopment of current strip commercial development that will improve traffic flow, pedestrian mobility and safety, and streetscape quality. Economic Development Policy is to encourage the expansion and continued viability of trade and service activities and to assist local firms in the trade and service sectors to expand their existing markets. The Design Guidelines Manual (DGM) encourages the 'Good Neighbor' approach to encourage businesses to be 'good neighbors' to adjacent residences and to encourage limited duration of activities that generate excessive noise, light or traffic by limiting hours of operation for such activities where possible. The design is to use detailing to provide higher quality facades and increase visual appeal, provide pedestrian accessibility and screen less visually attractive uses and to support choice of lighting sources to provide optimum illumination. The Pantano East Area Plan (PEAP), Commercial Policy supports commercial developments in appropriate locations in the area and discourages the extension of strip commercial as a pattern of development and commercial uses and should be designed to be in harmony with adjacent residential uses. Analysis: Land Use Compatibility: The overall commercial complex is located at the northwest corner of the 22nd Street and Pantano Road intersection. The proposed donation center is on one of the buildings within this commercial complex. Primary access for the site is from Pantano Road to the east with a secondary access point from 22nd Street to the south, both are arterial streets. The subject site has C-1 commercial zone with existing buildings. The site is an existing retail strip center with a proposal to expand the thrift store into two adjacent suites. The commercial building at 1066 S Pantano Road has other tenant spaces in which all participate in cross-access and parking provided by the greater commercial complex. Based on available aerials it seems this building does share on-site trash dumpster and loading zone with the larger commercial complex. However, the dumpsters are placed within designated parking spaces and need to be within an enclosed trash bin area. The greater commercial complex located within the C-1, commercial zone. The Special Exception approval will allow this use in the C-1 zone but not any outdoor activities such as outdoor sorting or storage of donated goods. Staff suggests the applicant address the issue of an outside working area for employees/volunteers, if needed. The Design Compatibility Report (DCR) to address any outdoor activity such as but not limited to; hours of operation, any new outdoor security lighting, and location of loading zone/drop-off areas if to be located outdoors at rear of building. To miminize light spill over from commercial enterprises, staff recommends that any new outdoor lighting be directed downward, and shielded away from adjacent residentially zoned and used properties and public roadways. Design: This is an existing shopping center and the special exception site is one of the tenants. To be consistent with plan policies that promote visual character, staff recommends that any exterior changes to the site must be consistent with the overall development plan and any changes to exterior mechanical equipment be screened from view from the surrounding land uses and roadways. The conceptual site design does not indicate the location of trash refuse containers. Staff recommends this to be shown on site plan prior to development plan approval. Landscaping and Screening: An aerial taken in 2012 shows perimeter landscaping, which helps buffer and screen the multi-family residential uses located to the north. Sparse landscaping exists around the site perimeter. The applicant proposes no changes to the existing landscape plan. Staff recommends any changes to be reviewed to comply with the overall landscape plan for the site. Vehicular Access/Pedestrian Circulation: Parking areas are located in close proximity to each of the existing stores. Applicant is proposing no changes to parking, loading and maneuvering are onsite. Access to the site is from two major routes: 22nd Street and Pantano Road. Driveways and curb cuts are located along the project frontage on both major streets. A median opening exists on both major streets. Policy supports direct residential connection to commercial services to reduce vehicular and pedestrian strain. Recommendation: This special exception proposal is consistent with the land use plan policy direction in the General Plan and the Pantano East Area Plan. A plan amendment is not required. Staff offers the following for consideration as conditions to address mitigation and compatibility requirements with adjacent residential neighborhood: 1. Location of trash refuse container(s) shall be shown on site plan prior to Tenant Improvements or Zoning Compliance Certificate approval and located a minimum distance of fifty (50') feet from any residentially zoned or used property. Containers to be screened with masonry walls and enhanced landscaping to screen the containers. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1, " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 2. Location of Commercial vehicle loading zone (if required) shall be identified on the site plan prior to Tenant Improvements or Zoning Compliance Certificate approval and to be a minimum of fifty (50) feet from a residentially zoned or used property, and shall be screened. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 3. Any changes to existing mechanical equipment shall be screened from view from the surrounding streets and properties. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor " DGM, Guideline 1.B.2.d, Minimize Mechanical Equipment 4. Hours of operation for commercial vehicle (drop off/pick-up of donated items, rags, trash pick-up, and outdoor activities to be from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 5. No overnight parking of commercial vehicles " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 6. No outdoor open storage of donated goods, unwanted donations, or large trash/waste. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 7. Replace existing fencing with a six foot masonry perimeter wall along the full length of the north property line adjacent to residential uses, utilizing a combination of decorative materials (such as tile, stone, or brick) or coarse textured covering materials (such as stucco or plaster) painted with a color that is similar to the redeveloped structures on the " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor 8. Any new outdoor lighting shall be located on buildings only, low sodium or equivalent, shielded and directed away from adjacent residential neighborhood located to the north. Light element shall be placed at a height not to exceed the height of the building mounted on. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor " DGM, Guideline 1.B.4.e, Illumination Levels 9. All store operation to be within an enclosed building to prevent noise spill to adjacent residentially used properties located to the north. " GP, Element 2, Policy 5, Supporting Policy 5.2 " GP, Element 6, Policy 3, Supporting Policy 3.3 " GP, Element 6, Policy 4, Supporting Policy 4.5 " GP, Element 13, Policy 7, Supporting Policy 7.2 " PEAP, Commercial Policy1 " DGM, Guideline 1.A.5c, Good Neighbor Applicable Policy Plan Policies Pantano East Area Plan (PEAP): Commercial Policy 1 promotes commercial development in appropriate areas. Policy 2 is to discourage the extension of strip commercial as a pattern of development. Implementation Technique B. is to ensure that future commercial development be restricted to a limited number of access points, integrated with adjacent commercial development, and designed in harmony with adjacent residential uses. The General Plan: Element 2; Commercial and Office Development, Policy 5; Support appropriate locations for commercial and office uses, with priority for development and redevelopment within the existing urbanized area located in the Central Core and Mid-City Growth Areas and the abutting areas of the Evolving Edge Growth Area to promote use and improvement of existing infrastructure, to increase pedestrian activity and transit use, and to meet residents' needs for goods and services in a cost-effective and equitable fashion. Supporting Policy 5.2 supports community-scaled commercial and office uses located at the intersections of arterial streets, taking into consideration traffic safety and congestion issues. Element 6; Conservation, Rehabilitation, and Redevelopment Policy 3.3 - Provide for a continue economic viability of existing neighborhood and commercial districts by promoting safety and maintenance programs and by encouraging appropriate new development. Policy 4 - Support appropriate locations for commercial and office uses, with priority for development and redevelopment within the existing urbanized area, in order to use and improve existing infrastructure, increase pedestrian activity and transit use, retain small businesses, and meet residents' needs for goods and services in a cost-effective and equitable fashion Supporting Policy 4.5 - Encourage the redevelopment of current strip commercial development that will improve traffic flow, pedestrian mobility and safety, and streetscape quality Element 13: Economic Development, Policy 7; Encourage the expansion and continued viability of trade and service activities Support Policy 7.2 Assist local firms in the trade and service sectors to expand their existing markets. Design Guidelines Manual Design Guideline I.A.5.c, 'Good Neighbor' Approach - The intent is to encourage businesses to be 'good neighbors' to adjacent residences. A solution is to encourage limited duration of activities that generate excessive noise, light or traffic by concentrating such activities between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.; and limiting hours of operation where possible. Design Guideline I.B.2.a, d, intents to use design and detailing to provide higher quality facades and increase visual appeal. Design Guideline I.B.3.c, f, intents to provide pedestrian accessibility and screen less visually attractive uses. Finally, the purpose of Design Guideline I.B.4.e is to support choice of lighting sources to provide optimum illumination. s:\caserev\SP-ECPT\SE2013\SE-13-96 Family Attic - Pantano Road.doc |
10/04/2013 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Approved | |
10/22/2013 | PMCLAUG1 | DOT ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | |
10/22/2013 | PMCLAUG1 | ENV SVCS | REVIEW | Completed | |
10/22/2013 | JOSE ORTIZ | DOT TRAFFIC | REVIEW | Completed | From: Zelin Canchola TDOT traffic Engineering TE13SE00096 1060 S Pantano Road No objection or TDOT issues |
10/22/2013 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PARKS & RECREATION | Completed | |
10/22/2013 | HEATHER THRALL | SIGNS | SIGN CODE REVIEW | Completed | |
10/22/2013 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS | Completed | |
10/22/2013 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | SCHOOL DISTRICT | Completed | |
10/22/2013 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | ADOT | Completed | |
10/22/2013 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | TDOT RTA | Completed | |
10/22/2013 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | TDOT STREETS | Completed | |
10/22/2013 | PMCLAUG1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | OTHER AGENCIES | Completed |