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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Plan Number - T13SE00022
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
03/13/2013 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Completed | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Planning and Development Services Department Rezoning Section FROM: Steve Shields Lead Planner PROJECT: AT&T New Cell Tower 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road - C-1 Special Exception - SE-13-22 TRANSMITTAL: March 13, 2013 1. The proposed "Wireless Communication, limited to wireless communication towers and antennae", located on parcels 113-07-142B, zoned C-1. The use falls under UDC Table 4.8-4: Permitted Uses - Commercial and Mixed Use Zones - Permitted as Special Exception Use. The following Use Specific Standards apply: 4.9.4.I.2, .3 & .7 and 4.9.13.O. 2. The following dimensional Standards apply see UDC Table 6.3-4.A DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR THE C-1, C-2, C-3, OCR-1, & OCR-2 ZONES a. Minimum site area = 0 Sq. Ft. b. Proposed site area = Not Provided (Existing) c. Maximum building height allowed = 30 feet d. Building height proposed = N/A (No new buildings proposed) The following items need to be noted at this time: 1. The proposed location appears to eliminate vehicle parking. The last approved site/development plan was not provided therefore Zoning was not able to verify that minimum number of vehicle parking spaces is provided. 2. Per UDC Section The vehicle parking space shown directly north of the enclosure is required to be ten (10) feet wide. The width of this parking space is not provided on the plan. 3. Per UDC 6.6.2.J In nonresidential zones, walls or fences, as permitted in Section 6.6.2.I above, may exceed the height standards, provided the wall or fence complies with side and rear yard standards applicable to buildings on the site. That said per UDC Table 6.3-A DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR THE C-1, C-2, C-3, OCR-1, & OCR-2 ZONES the required perimeter yard setback to the R-2 zoned property to the south is twelve (12) feet for the proposed 8'-0" enclosure wall. As a perimeter yard setback dimension was not provided and based on dimensions provided on drawing T669-LL 04 the proposed eleven (11) feet setback does not meet this requirement. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Steve Shields, (520) 836-4956 or email Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov. |
03/14/2013 | JOSE ORTIZ | DOT TRAFFIC | REVIEW | Completed | CDRC TRANSMITTAL TO: Planning and Development Services Department Rezoning Section FROM: Zelin Canchola TDOT Traffic Engineering PROJECT: AT&T New Cell Tower 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road - C-1 Special Exception - SE-13-22 No Issues or adverse comments |
03/19/2013 | KEN BROUILLETTE | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
03/20/2013 | LAITH ALSHAMI | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | Laith Alshami, Engineering and Floodplain Review, 03/20/2013, TO: Peter McLaughlin FROM: Laith Alshami, P.E. Rezoning Section Engineering SUBJECT: AT&T Mobility Site Number T669-LL - 1740 E Fort Lowell Road Special Exception Case SE-13-22, T13S, R14E, SECTION 31 Reference: T12PRE0092 RECEIVED: Special Exception PDP for Zoning Examiner Staff Report on March 11, 2013 The Preliminary Development Plan appears to have adequate Engineering and Floodplain related information to be forwarded to the rezoning examiner. No special conditions are offered. |
03/21/2013 | JOHN BEALL | COMMUNITY PLANNING | REVIEW | Completed | PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SE-13-22 AT&T - Fort Lowell Road Special Exception in the C-1 Cragin-Keeling Area Plan (CKAP) and General Plan 3/20/13 rjh Background: This a special exception request to allow for the installation of a Wireless Communication Facility (WCF) in the form of a stealth 65 foot monopalm with ground equipment and masonry screen walls in a shopping center zoned C-1 Neighborhood Commercial. The Shopping Center is located at the southwest corner of Campbell Avenue and Ft. Lowell Road. The specific WCF location is in the southwest corner of the Shopping Center in an existing parking lot. This location does not meet the minimum setback of two times the pole height from adjacent residential property. Maintenance to the wireless communication facility will use the existing circulation system in the parking lot. According to the Major Streets and Routes Plan, Campbell Avenue and Ft. Lowell Road are both designated arterial streets. Campbell Avenue is also designated a Gateway Route. The proposed WCF is located outside of the 400 foot Gateway buffer. Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: The Shopping Center that would contain the proposed WCF continues to the north and east of the special exception site and is zoned C-1 Neighborhood Commercial. To the west of the special exception site is an office/shopping center zoned C-1 Neighborhood Commercial. To the south, southeast and southwest of the special exception site is apartment and duplex residential development in the R-2 Medium Density Residential zone. The nearest residential unit to the proposed new WCF location is directly abutting to the south southwest, approximately 60 feet from the actual monopalm location. Land Use Policies: Policy is provided by the Cragin-Keeling Area Plan (CKAP) and the General Plan. Cragin-Keeling Area Plan (CKAP): The main goal of the CKAP is to encourage new non-residential development and redevelopment that is cohesive and integrated with adjacent non-residential uses while preserving and enhancing the existing residential character of the area. Non-residential Policy 2 supports a mix of non-residential and higher density residential uses along arterial streets as shown on the Land Use Map when proposed development is compatibly designed with adjacent less intense uses. General Design Guideline 1 calls for appropriate design elements and buffering techniques to mitigate the potential negative impacts of more intense development on established neighborhoods. General Plan: Element 2 (Land Use) Policy 3 supports the protection of established residential neighborhoods by supporting compatible development, which may include appropriate nonresidential uses. Supporting Policy 3.9 supports nonresidential uses, where the scale and intensity of uses will be compatible with adjacent uses. Policy 5 supports appropriate locations for commercial uses, with priority for redevelopment in the existing urbanized area. Supporting Policy 5.5 encourages the redevelopment and/or expansion of current strip commercial development that will improve traffic flow, pedestrian mobility and safety, and streetscape quality when: 1) the project stabilizes and enhances the transition edge when adjacent to existing and future residential uses; and, 4) screening and buffering of adjacent residential properties can be provided on site. Element 4 (Community Character and Design), Policy 3.7 requires that, if possible, telecommunications facilities be located, installed and maintained to minimize visual impacts and preserve views. Visual impacts are key consideration during the review process. Policy 4.6 promotes the coordination of efforts of government, private developers and utility firms to improve the appearance of above-ground utilities and structures. Policy 5 promotes neighborhood identity and visual character. Supporting Policy 5.3 supports redevelopment projects that reflect sensitivity to site and neighborhood conditions. Action 5.5A is to consider incentives for telecommunications providers to install infrastructure not only in newer areas, but also in older neighborhoods to increase opportunities for all citizens to have access to high-tech telecom services. Policy 6 promotes quality in design for all development. Supporting Policy 6.1 promotes an environmentally sensitive design that protects the integrity of existing neighborhoods, complements adjacent land uses, and enhances the overall function and visual quality of the street, adjacent properties, and the community. Analysis: This a special exception request to allow for the installation of a Wireless Communication Facility (WCF) in the form of a stealth 65 foot monopalm with ground equipment and masonry screen walls in an existing shopping center at the southwest corner of Campbell Avenue and Ft. Lowell Road. The stealth monopalm is proposed at a height of 65 feet and will be visible from the surrounding residential neighborhood, through there are Tucson Electric Power Poles and other trees (including palms) in the surrounding area that will help this stealth feature to blend into the existing vertical environment. The proposed Special Exception is consistent with General Plan and Cragin-Keeling Area Plan (CKAP) policy direction because the proposed WCF has a monopalm stealth design with appropriate mitigation features and will help improve telecom services to the existing residential units and businesses in the area. Recommendation: The request for special exception is consistent with policy direction provided by the General Plan and Cragin-Keeling Area Plan (CKAP). Staff offers the following design mitigation measures for consideration as part of the rezoning process. 1. Any existing trees or landscaping disturbed during construction of this Wireless Communication Facility (WFC) to be replaced in accordance with the UDC and heat island mitigation; · GP, Element 4, Policy 3.7 & Policy 4.6, Policy 6.1 · CKAP, General Design Guideline 1 2. Wireless Communication Facility (WFC), tower shall be monopalm in design; · GP, Element 4, Policy 3.7 & Policy 4.6, Action 5.5A, Policy 6.1 · CKAP, General Design Guideline 1 3. WFC top of the monopalm shall not exceed 65 feet in height; · GP, Element 4, Policy 3.7 & Policy 4.6, Action 5.5.A, Policy 6.1 · CKAP, General Design Guideline 1 4. WFC monopalm design shall include crown, pineapple, and cladding of pole from pineapple to ground surface; · GP, Element 4, Policy 3.7 & Policy 4.6, Action 5.5.A, Policy 6.1 · CKAP, General Design Guideline 1 5. WFC monopalm fronts must vary in length from seven to ten feet and be placed to extend above, below and between antennas with replacement of lost/damaged fronts to be completed within sixty (60) working days of observation; · GP, Element 4, Policy 3.7 & Policy 4.6, Action 5.5A, Policy 6.1 · CKAP, General Design Guideline 1 6. Frond and cladding (bark) panel colors shall be close to living palms colors; provide color sample; · GP, Element 4, Policy 3.7 & Policy 4.6, Action 5.5A, Policy 6.1 · CKAP, General Design Guideline 1 7. Ground equipment to be located within an enclosed masonry wall (provide elevations) and painted a color complementary to the existing commercial center. Any graffiti to be removed within ten working days of observation; · GP, Element 4, Policy 3.7 & Policy 4.6, Action 5.5A, Policy 6.1 · CKAP, General Design Guideline 1 S:\UPDfiles\DevRev\CASE_REVIEW\SP-EXCPT\SE 2013\SE-13-22 AT&T - Fort Lowell Road |
04/11/2013 | CLAURIE1 | ENV SVCS | REVIEW | Passed | |
04/11/2013 | CLAURIE1 | DOT ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Passed | |
04/11/2013 | HEATHER THRALL | SIGNS | SIGN CODE REVIEW | Passed | |
04/11/2013 | CLAURIE1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PARKS & RECREATION | Passed | SUBJECT: Case : SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road The following are comments on the Special Exception Land Use for AT&T Mobility Corp. to construct a new facility at 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road., adding a new 65' height monopalm in the rear of an existing shopping center. The City of Tucson has been moving toward achieving sustainable development, mitigation of Urban Heat Islands and green building principles. In addition to the City of Tucson's General Plan, Mayor and Council endorsed the United Nations Urban Environmental Accords in 2005, adopted the US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement in 2006, endorsed the City of Tucson Urban Landscape Framework and adopted the City's Framework for Advancing Sustainability in 2008. 1. Relevant Policy/Ordinance: a. General Service Architecture and Engineering Division, Design and Construction Standards, Division 7: Thermo and Moisture Protection b. Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance (No. 10957) and associated Development Standards (10-03.00) c. General Plan Element applicable to this site includes Element 14: Environmental Planning and Conservation: Policy 4: Promote the development and management of healthy and attractive urban vegetation. Policy 5: Promote the long term management and maintenance of Tucson's urban vegetation to maximize environmental and other benefits to the community. Policy 6: Coordinate public and private efforts to promote the expansion of the urban landscape. Policy 20: Protect and improve air quality by reducing sources of air pollution. Policy 26: Encourage the use of vegetative cover to reduce soil erosion and particulates in the air. Policy 40: Continue to support partnerships with public and private agencies to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in non-residential uses. 2. Targets in the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement applicable to this site include: C.5. Make energy efficiency a priority through building code improvements, retrofitting city facilities with energy efficient lighting and urging employees to conserve energy and save money; C.7. Practice and promote sustainable building practices using the U.S. Green building Council's LEED program or a similar system; C.10. Maintain healthy urban forests; promote tree planting to increase shading and to absorb CO2 Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments this submittal and recommends its acceptance. Thank you. DMAFB has reviewed CASE: SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road WARD: 3 and we have no concerns. Thanks. |
04/11/2013 | CLAURIE1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | OFFICE OF CONSERVATION & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT | Approv-Cond | SUBJECT: Case : SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road The following are comments on the Special Exception Land Use for AT&T Mobility Corp. to construct a new facility at 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road., adding a new 65' height monopalm in the rear of an existing shopping center. The City of Tucson has been moving toward achieving sustainable development, mitigation of Urban Heat Islands and green building principles. In addition to the City of Tucson's General Plan, Mayor and Council endorsed the United Nations Urban Environmental Accords in 2005, adopted the US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement in 2006, endorsed the City of Tucson Urban Landscape Framework and adopted the City's Framework for Advancing Sustainability in 2008. 1. Relevant Policy/Ordinance: a. General Service Architecture and Engineering Division, Design and Construction Standards, Division 7: Thermo and Moisture Protection b. Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance (No. 10957) and associated Development Standards (10-03.00) c. General Plan Element applicable to this site includes Element 14: Environmental Planning and Conservation: Policy 4: Promote the development and management of healthy and attractive urban vegetation. Policy 5: Promote the long term management and maintenance of Tucson's urban vegetation to maximize environmental and other benefits to the community. Policy 6: Coordinate public and private efforts to promote the expansion of the urban landscape. Policy 20: Protect and improve air quality by reducing sources of air pollution. Policy 26: Encourage the use of vegetative cover to reduce soil erosion and particulates in the air. Policy 40: Continue to support partnerships with public and private agencies to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in non-residential uses. 2. Targets in the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement applicable to this site include: C.5. Make energy efficiency a priority through building code improvements, retrofitting city facilities with energy efficient lighting and urging employees to conserve energy and save money; C.7. Practice and promote sustainable building practices using the U.S. Green building Council's LEED program or a similar system; C.10. Maintain healthy urban forests; promote tree planting to increase shading and to absorb CO2 Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments this submittal and recommends its acceptance. Thank you. DMAFB has reviewed CASE: SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road WARD: 3 and we have no concerns. Thanks. |
04/11/2013 | CLAURIE1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS | Passed | SUBJECT: Case : SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road The following are comments on the Special Exception Land Use for AT&T Mobility Corp. to construct a new facility at 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road., adding a new 65' height monopalm in the rear of an existing shopping center. The City of Tucson has been moving toward achieving sustainable development, mitigation of Urban Heat Islands and green building principles. In addition to the City of Tucson's General Plan, Mayor and Council endorsed the United Nations Urban Environmental Accords in 2005, adopted the US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement in 2006, endorsed the City of Tucson Urban Landscape Framework and adopted the City's Framework for Advancing Sustainability in 2008. 1. Relevant Policy/Ordinance: a. General Service Architecture and Engineering Division, Design and Construction Standards, Division 7: Thermo and Moisture Protection b. Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance (No. 10957) and associated Development Standards (10-03.00) c. General Plan Element applicable to this site includes Element 14: Environmental Planning and Conservation: Policy 4: Promote the development and management of healthy and attractive urban vegetation. Policy 5: Promote the long term management and maintenance of Tucson's urban vegetation to maximize environmental and other benefits to the community. Policy 6: Coordinate public and private efforts to promote the expansion of the urban landscape. Policy 20: Protect and improve air quality by reducing sources of air pollution. Policy 26: Encourage the use of vegetative cover to reduce soil erosion and particulates in the air. Policy 40: Continue to support partnerships with public and private agencies to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in non-residential uses. 2. Targets in the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement applicable to this site include: C.5. Make energy efficiency a priority through building code improvements, retrofitting city facilities with energy efficient lighting and urging employees to conserve energy and save money; C.7. Practice and promote sustainable building practices using the U.S. Green building Council's LEED program or a similar system; C.10. Maintain healthy urban forests; promote tree planting to increase shading and to absorb CO2 Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments this submittal and recommends its acceptance. Thank you. DMAFB has reviewed CASE: SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road WARD: 3 and we have no concerns. Thanks. |
04/11/2013 | CLAURIE1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | PIMA CNTY WASTEWATER | Passed | SUBJECT: Case : SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road The following are comments on the Special Exception Land Use for AT&T Mobility Corp. to construct a new facility at 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road., adding a new 65' height monopalm in the rear of an existing shopping center. The City of Tucson has been moving toward achieving sustainable development, mitigation of Urban Heat Islands and green building principles. In addition to the City of Tucson's General Plan, Mayor and Council endorsed the United Nations Urban Environmental Accords in 2005, adopted the US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement in 2006, endorsed the City of Tucson Urban Landscape Framework and adopted the City's Framework for Advancing Sustainability in 2008. 1. Relevant Policy/Ordinance: a. General Service Architecture and Engineering Division, Design and Construction Standards, Division 7: Thermo and Moisture Protection b. Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance (No. 10957) and associated Development Standards (10-03.00) c. General Plan Element applicable to this site includes Element 14: Environmental Planning and Conservation: Policy 4: Promote the development and management of healthy and attractive urban vegetation. Policy 5: Promote the long term management and maintenance of Tucson's urban vegetation to maximize environmental and other benefits to the community. Policy 6: Coordinate public and private efforts to promote the expansion of the urban landscape. Policy 20: Protect and improve air quality by reducing sources of air pollution. Policy 26: Encourage the use of vegetative cover to reduce soil erosion and particulates in the air. Policy 40: Continue to support partnerships with public and private agencies to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in non-residential uses. 2. Targets in the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement applicable to this site include: C.5. Make energy efficiency a priority through building code improvements, retrofitting city facilities with energy efficient lighting and urging employees to conserve energy and save money; C.7. Practice and promote sustainable building practices using the U.S. Green building Council's LEED program or a similar system; C.10. Maintain healthy urban forests; promote tree planting to increase shading and to absorb CO2 Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments this submittal and recommends its acceptance. Thank you. DMAFB has reviewed CASE: SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road WARD: 3 and we have no concerns. Thanks. |
04/11/2013 | CLAURIE1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | SCHOOL DISTRICT | Passed | SUBJECT: Case : SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road The following are comments on the Special Exception Land Use for AT&T Mobility Corp. to construct a new facility at 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road., adding a new 65' height monopalm in the rear of an existing shopping center. The City of Tucson has been moving toward achieving sustainable development, mitigation of Urban Heat Islands and green building principles. In addition to the City of Tucson's General Plan, Mayor and Council endorsed the United Nations Urban Environmental Accords in 2005, adopted the US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement in 2006, endorsed the City of Tucson Urban Landscape Framework and adopted the City's Framework for Advancing Sustainability in 2008. 1. Relevant Policy/Ordinance: a. General Service Architecture and Engineering Division, Design and Construction Standards, Division 7: Thermo and Moisture Protection b. Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance (No. 10957) and associated Development Standards (10-03.00) c. General Plan Element applicable to this site includes Element 14: Environmental Planning and Conservation: Policy 4: Promote the development and management of healthy and attractive urban vegetation. Policy 5: Promote the long term management and maintenance of Tucson's urban vegetation to maximize environmental and other benefits to the community. Policy 6: Coordinate public and private efforts to promote the expansion of the urban landscape. Policy 20: Protect and improve air quality by reducing sources of air pollution. Policy 26: Encourage the use of vegetative cover to reduce soil erosion and particulates in the air. Policy 40: Continue to support partnerships with public and private agencies to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in non-residential uses. 2. Targets in the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement applicable to this site include: C.5. Make energy efficiency a priority through building code improvements, retrofitting city facilities with energy efficient lighting and urging employees to conserve energy and save money; C.7. Practice and promote sustainable building practices using the U.S. Green building Council's LEED program or a similar system; C.10. Maintain healthy urban forests; promote tree planting to increase shading and to absorb CO2 Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments this submittal and recommends its acceptance. Thank you. DMAFB has reviewed CASE: SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road WARD: 3 and we have no concerns. Thanks. |
04/11/2013 | CLAURIE1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | ADOT | Passed | SUBJECT: Case : SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road The following are comments on the Special Exception Land Use for AT&T Mobility Corp. to construct a new facility at 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road., adding a new 65' height monopalm in the rear of an existing shopping center. The City of Tucson has been moving toward achieving sustainable development, mitigation of Urban Heat Islands and green building principles. In addition to the City of Tucson's General Plan, Mayor and Council endorsed the United Nations Urban Environmental Accords in 2005, adopted the US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement in 2006, endorsed the City of Tucson Urban Landscape Framework and adopted the City's Framework for Advancing Sustainability in 2008. 1. Relevant Policy/Ordinance: a. General Service Architecture and Engineering Division, Design and Construction Standards, Division 7: Thermo and Moisture Protection b. Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance (No. 10957) and associated Development Standards (10-03.00) c. General Plan Element applicable to this site includes Element 14: Environmental Planning and Conservation: Policy 4: Promote the development and management of healthy and attractive urban vegetation. Policy 5: Promote the long term management and maintenance of Tucson's urban vegetation to maximize environmental and other benefits to the community. Policy 6: Coordinate public and private efforts to promote the expansion of the urban landscape. Policy 20: Protect and improve air quality by reducing sources of air pollution. Policy 26: Encourage the use of vegetative cover to reduce soil erosion and particulates in the air. Policy 40: Continue to support partnerships with public and private agencies to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in non-residential uses. 2. Targets in the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement applicable to this site include: C.5. Make energy efficiency a priority through building code improvements, retrofitting city facilities with energy efficient lighting and urging employees to conserve energy and save money; C.7. Practice and promote sustainable building practices using the U.S. Green building Council's LEED program or a similar system; C.10. Maintain healthy urban forests; promote tree planting to increase shading and to absorb CO2 Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments this submittal and recommends its acceptance. Thank you. DMAFB has reviewed CASE: SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road WARD: 3 and we have no concerns. Thanks. |
04/11/2013 | CLAURIE1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | TDOT RTA | Passed | SUBJECT: Case : SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road The following are comments on the Special Exception Land Use for AT&T Mobility Corp. to construct a new facility at 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road., adding a new 65' height monopalm in the rear of an existing shopping center. The City of Tucson has been moving toward achieving sustainable development, mitigation of Urban Heat Islands and green building principles. In addition to the City of Tucson's General Plan, Mayor and Council endorsed the United Nations Urban Environmental Accords in 2005, adopted the US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement in 2006, endorsed the City of Tucson Urban Landscape Framework and adopted the City's Framework for Advancing Sustainability in 2008. 1. Relevant Policy/Ordinance: a. General Service Architecture and Engineering Division, Design and Construction Standards, Division 7: Thermo and Moisture Protection b. Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance (No. 10957) and associated Development Standards (10-03.00) c. General Plan Element applicable to this site includes Element 14: Environmental Planning and Conservation: Policy 4: Promote the development and management of healthy and attractive urban vegetation. Policy 5: Promote the long term management and maintenance of Tucson's urban vegetation to maximize environmental and other benefits to the community. Policy 6: Coordinate public and private efforts to promote the expansion of the urban landscape. Policy 20: Protect and improve air quality by reducing sources of air pollution. Policy 26: Encourage the use of vegetative cover to reduce soil erosion and particulates in the air. Policy 40: Continue to support partnerships with public and private agencies to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in non-residential uses. 2. Targets in the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement applicable to this site include: C.5. Make energy efficiency a priority through building code improvements, retrofitting city facilities with energy efficient lighting and urging employees to conserve energy and save money; C.7. Practice and promote sustainable building practices using the U.S. Green building Council's LEED program or a similar system; C.10. Maintain healthy urban forests; promote tree planting to increase shading and to absorb CO2 Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments this submittal and recommends its acceptance. Thank you. DMAFB has reviewed CASE: SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road WARD: 3 and we have no concerns. Thanks. |
04/11/2013 | CLAURIE1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | TDOT STREETS | Passed | SUBJECT: Case : SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road The following are comments on the Special Exception Land Use for AT&T Mobility Corp. to construct a new facility at 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road., adding a new 65' height monopalm in the rear of an existing shopping center. The City of Tucson has been moving toward achieving sustainable development, mitigation of Urban Heat Islands and green building principles. In addition to the City of Tucson's General Plan, Mayor and Council endorsed the United Nations Urban Environmental Accords in 2005, adopted the US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement in 2006, endorsed the City of Tucson Urban Landscape Framework and adopted the City's Framework for Advancing Sustainability in 2008. 1. Relevant Policy/Ordinance: a. General Service Architecture and Engineering Division, Design and Construction Standards, Division 7: Thermo and Moisture Protection b. Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance (No. 10957) and associated Development Standards (10-03.00) c. General Plan Element applicable to this site includes Element 14: Environmental Planning and Conservation: Policy 4: Promote the development and management of healthy and attractive urban vegetation. Policy 5: Promote the long term management and maintenance of Tucson's urban vegetation to maximize environmental and other benefits to the community. Policy 6: Coordinate public and private efforts to promote the expansion of the urban landscape. Policy 20: Protect and improve air quality by reducing sources of air pollution. Policy 26: Encourage the use of vegetative cover to reduce soil erosion and particulates in the air. Policy 40: Continue to support partnerships with public and private agencies to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in non-residential uses. 2. Targets in the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement applicable to this site include: C.5. Make energy efficiency a priority through building code improvements, retrofitting city facilities with energy efficient lighting and urging employees to conserve energy and save money; C.7. Practice and promote sustainable building practices using the U.S. Green building Council's LEED program or a similar system; C.10. Maintain healthy urban forests; promote tree planting to increase shading and to absorb CO2 Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments this submittal and recommends its acceptance. Thank you. DMAFB has reviewed CASE: SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road WARD: 3 and we have no concerns. Thanks. |
04/11/2013 | CLAURIE1 | REZ AGENCY REVIEW | OTHER AGENCIES | Passed | SUBJECT: Case : SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road The following are comments on the Special Exception Land Use for AT&T Mobility Corp. to construct a new facility at 1740 E. Fort Lowell Road., adding a new 65' height monopalm in the rear of an existing shopping center. The City of Tucson has been moving toward achieving sustainable development, mitigation of Urban Heat Islands and green building principles. In addition to the City of Tucson's General Plan, Mayor and Council endorsed the United Nations Urban Environmental Accords in 2005, adopted the US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement in 2006, endorsed the City of Tucson Urban Landscape Framework and adopted the City's Framework for Advancing Sustainability in 2008. 1. Relevant Policy/Ordinance: a. General Service Architecture and Engineering Division, Design and Construction Standards, Division 7: Thermo and Moisture Protection b. Rainwater Harvesting Ordinance (No. 10957) and associated Development Standards (10-03.00) c. General Plan Element applicable to this site includes Element 14: Environmental Planning and Conservation: Policy 4: Promote the development and management of healthy and attractive urban vegetation. Policy 5: Promote the long term management and maintenance of Tucson's urban vegetation to maximize environmental and other benefits to the community. Policy 6: Coordinate public and private efforts to promote the expansion of the urban landscape. Policy 20: Protect and improve air quality by reducing sources of air pollution. Policy 26: Encourage the use of vegetative cover to reduce soil erosion and particulates in the air. Policy 40: Continue to support partnerships with public and private agencies to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in non-residential uses. 2. Targets in the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement applicable to this site include: C.5. Make energy efficiency a priority through building code improvements, retrofitting city facilities with energy efficient lighting and urging employees to conserve energy and save money; C.7. Practice and promote sustainable building practices using the U.S. Green building Council's LEED program or a similar system; C.10. Maintain healthy urban forests; promote tree planting to increase shading and to absorb CO2 Regional Traffic Engineering has no comments this submittal and recommends its acceptance. Thank you. DMAFB has reviewed CASE: SE-13-22 AT&T - Ft. Lowell Road WARD: 3 and we have no concerns. Thanks. |
07/24/2013 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Approv-Cond | The approved Development Plan for the site indicates that 1 canopy tree per 2000 sq ft. was provided. The proposed site plan appears to involve reduction of a landscape/tree area. Provide a revised site/landscape plan that conforms to the regulations in effect when the site received zoning approval. LUC http://www.dsd.pima.gov/subdevplans/tifflist.cfm?plntyp=dp&done=yes&bkpg=06092 |