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Plan Number: T13SE00002
Parcel: Unknown


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: REZONING - IPC

Plan Number - T13SE00002
Review Name: REZONING - IPC
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

TO: Rezoning Division
Re: Acceptance of Information for Plan Compliance (IPC)

FROM: Steve Shields
Lead Planner

PROJECT: Non-Chartered Financial Institution - (Auto Title Loan)
1306 W Grant Road - I-1
Special Exception - SE-13-02

TRANSMITTAL: January 3, 2013

1) The proposed "Non-Chartered Financial Institution", located on parcel 107-07-016F zoned
I-1. The use falls under UDC Use-Specific Standard 4.9.4.L.4 Commercial Services Use Group, Non-Chartered Financial Institution
a. A non-chartered financial institution site shall be separated from other non-chartered financial institution sites by a distance of one-thousand, three hundred and twenty feet (1,320)

b. A non-chartered financial institution site shall be located at least five-hundred (500) feet, measured in a straight line, from the property line to a zone boundary line of R-3 or more restrictive zoning.

1. Development designator "31" requires or allows the following:

Minimum site area = 0
Site area proposed = 27,878 sq. ft.
Maximum building height allowed = 75 feet
Building height proposed = 16 feet. (No new structures proposed)

2. The submitted plan, showing the proposed Non-Chartered Financial Institution is acceptable to continue the review for the zoning examiner's report.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Steve Shields, (520) 836-4956 or email Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov.
01/09/2013 LAITH ALSHAMI ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed Laith Alshami, Engineering and Floodplain Review, 01/09/2013,

SUBJECT: Select Management Resources - 1306 W Grant Road
Special Exception Case SE-13-02 (T13SE00002), T13S, R13E, SECTION 35
Reference: T12PRE0089

RECEIVED: Special Exception Preliminary Development Plan on January 03, 2013
Zoning Examiner Report

The Preliminary Development Plan appears to have adequate Engineering and Floodplain related information to be forwarded to the rezoning examiner. No special conditions are offered.
C9-13-02 IPC Select Management Resources - Grant Road
Special Exception I-1
Santa Cruz Area Plan and General Plan
1/8/13 rjh

Background: This is a special exception request to allow an existing one-story, 16 foot high gas station in the I-1 light industrial zone on a .64 acre site to be converted to an Auto Title Loan use. The site is located at the northwest corner of Grant Road and I-10. Primary access is from Grant Road.

According to the Major Streets and Routes Plan, Grant Road is an arterial street.

Surrounding Zoning and Land Use: To the north is a vacant lot in the I-1 light industrial zone. To the west is a restaurant in the I-1 light industrial zone. To the south are a convenience market and a motel in the I-1 light industrial zone. To the east across I-10 is the Southern Pacific railroad right of way in the I-1 light industrial zone and directly east of the railroad right of way is an industrial use in the I-2 heavy industrial zone. The nearest residential unit is located approximately 1,600 feet to the southwest from the proposed special exception site.

Rezoning Presubmittal Meeting: The applicant attended rezoning presubmittal conference meetings on 11/14/13.

Neighborhood Meeting:
The neighborhood meeting was held on December 5, 2012. The sign-in sheet shows representatives for the rezoning request were present at the meeting and four interested citizens. No concerns were recorded in the submitted minutes of the meeting.

Land Use Policies: Policy is provided by the Santa Cruz Area Plan (SCAP) and the General Plan.

Santa Cruz Area Plan (SCAP). The proposed special exception site is not located within a Key Parcel area. General Development Policy 4 supports commercial services with specific locations decided on a case-by-case basis and General Development Policy 7 supports new development that is designed and scaled to be compatible with existing neighborhood characteristics.

General Plan. Policy direction is provided by the Element 2 - Policy 5 which supports appropriate locations for commercial and office uses, with priority for…location at the intersection of major streets…to promote use of existing infrastructure, and to meet residents' needs for goods and services in a cost-effective and equitable manner.

Element 4 - Policy 1.1 promotes development that is compatible with Tucson's overall urban form, community character, and environmental setting. Policy 5 promotes neighborhood identity and visual character. Supporting Policy 5.3 supports infill … projects that reflect sensitivity to site and neighborhood conditions and adhere to relevant site and architectural design guidelines. Policy 6 promotes quality in design for all new development.

Element 4 (Community Character and Design), Policy 5 promotes neighborhood identity and visual character. Supporting Policy 5.3 supports redevelopment projects that reflect sensitivity to site and neighborhood conditions. Policy 6 promotes quality in design for all development. Supporting Policy 6.1 promotes an environmentally sensitive design that protects the integrity of existing neighborhoods, complements adjacent land uses, and enhances the overall function and visual quality of the street, adjacent properties, and the community.

Plan Compliance and Recommendation:

This request for a special exception to allow an existing gas station in the I-1 light industrial zone to be converted to an Auto Title Loan use is consistent with Plan policy direction because the subject site is located at the intersection of two major streets surrounded by commercial and industrial development. A key concern in both the Santa Cruz Area Plan and General Plan is the compatibility and design of new development. A plan amendment is not required. Staff recommends that the rezoning application be distributed for further processing.

Staff believes rezoning conditions can be used to address compatibility concerns. Anticipated conditions include:

1. Site upgraded to meet current landscaping and heat island mitigation requirements.
2. Site signage upgraded to meet current sign code requirements.

F:\Sharedir\UPDfiles\DevRev\CASE_REVIEW\SP-EXCPT\SE 12-13\C9-13-02 IPC Select Management Resources - Grant Road