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Permit Number: T13CM07173
Parcel: 14043013A

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL - NEW

Permit Number - T13CM07173
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
1. A structural review has not been conducted for this project as there were no structural calculations and geo technical investigation reports provided with the submittal package. Once provided a complete structural review can be completed.
2. Show three accessible parking spaces as required by the 2010 ADASAD, Section 208. One of these spaces must be "Van Accessible".
3. Show compliance for all of the accessible route slopes with the 2010 ADASAD 2010, Sectiion 403.3, 5% max. running and 2% max. cross.
4. Connect the west parking lot accessible route to the buiding accessible route.
5. Delete the detectable warning strips (truncated domes) at details A and 10. These are no longer required.
6. Provide structural calculations for the flag pole foundation.
7. Provide structural calculations and details for the parking shade structures.
8. Provide structural calculations and details for all fencing above 7'-0" in height.
9. Provide structural calculations and details for all the chain link fencing foundations above 7'-0" in height.
10. Provide structural calculations and details for all the swinging pipe gates and their foundations.
11. Delete all detectable warning strips shown on details 1, 2 and 3.
12. Comments 2, 3, 4 and 5 are applicable to this sheet also.
13. Provide a large scale detail of the accessible parking signage including "Van Accessible" signage.
14. At detail 2 show maximum 2% grade slopes in all directions for all accessible parking spaces and aisles.
15. Provide complete construction details of the photo voltaic system.
16. Provide a complete building code analysis on the drawings of the building and tower.
17. Toilet 129: Provide a 5' wide by 4'-8" deep clearance space for the water closet as required by 2010 ADASAD, Section 604.3.
18. At room 134: Delete the vertical grab bar.
19. At room 135:
a. Delete the vertical grab bar
b. Provide a 3'-0" wide accessible urnial stall.
20. Detail "H": Delete the vertical grab bar.
21. At details 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6: Delete the vertical grab bars.
22. At details 1, 2, 3 and 6: These details are not accessible details as they do not have the required water closet clearaces as per 2010 ADASAD, Section 604.3 therefore the toilet rooms are not accessible.
23. At details 3 and 6: Insulate all the exposed waste and water piping.
24. Show all accessible signage required.
12/13/2013 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. The presence of manholes in a private sewer collection system will require review of the sewer design by the Pima County Department of Environmental Quality. Submit the design to PDEQ at 150 W Congress St, 1st Floor (740-3340). A separate plumbing permit from Development Services will be required for construction of the private sewer collection system.
2. Provide tempered water for the lavatories using approved devices conforming to ASSE 1070. Reference: Sections 416.5 and 607.1.2, IPC 2012.
3. Verify that the shower control valves comply with the requirements of Sections 424.3, IPC 2012 (i.e. conform to ASSE 1016 or ASME A112.18/CSA B125.1 and are located at the point of use).
4. Install the proposed vacuum relief valve for the water heater (detail 7/P600) per the manufacturer's listing information, i.e. with no valves located between the vacuum relief valve and the water heater. Reference: Section 303.2, IPC 2012.
5. The design of the water heater piping (detail 7/P600), with a valve located between the water heater and the expansion tank, makes it impossible for the expansion tank to accommodate the thermal expansion of the water in the water heater as intended by Section 607.3, IPC 2012.
6. Provide calculations showing how the water supply piping has been sized. Reference: Sections 604.1 and 604.3, IPC 2012.
7. Verify that the pipe sizes called out for the flush valves will not result in water velocities greater than that recommended by the pipe manufacturer (e.g. limit the water velocity to less than 8 FPS for copper, PEX, or CPVC piping). At a minimum design flow rate of 25 GPM for a siphonic, flush-valve water closet, a 1" Type L copper pipe has a flow velocity of 9.7 FPS. Reference: Table 604.3, IPC 2012.
8. Provide identification of the non-potable water piping downstream of the backflow preventers in rooms 141 and 910. Reference: Section 608.8, IPC 2012.
9. The Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department for Pima County will not allow water from an elevator sump to be introduced into the sanitary waste system. Reference: Section 701.5, IPC 2012; Contact Rusty Riccaboni, Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department, at 520-724-6200 for further information.
10. Provide cleanouts sized for the nominal size of pipes that they serve up to 4-inches. Reference: Section 708.7, IPC 2012.
11. Indirect waste receptors (e.g. hub drains) shall be not be installed in inaccessible or unventilated spaces (e.g. cupboards, storerooms, or chases). Indirect waste receptors shall have ready access. Reference: Section 802.3, IPC 2012.
12. Verify that all of the vents rise vertically to at least 6" above the flood rims of the fixtures they protect prior to running horizontally. Reference: Section 905.4, IPC 2012.
13. A fixture (e.g. S-1 on sheet P210) shall not be double-trapped. Reference: Section 1002.1, IPC 2012.
14. Provide roof drainage and hydraulic scupper size calculations for the base building based on the 100-year hourly rainfall rate for Tucson, 3" per hour. Show the opening dimensions of the scuppers and overflow scuppers. Reference: Sections 1106.1, 1106.4, and 1108.3, IPC 2012.
15. Show how the size of the horizontal roof drainage piping located above the cab (level 11) was determined. Table 1106.3, IPC 2012 shows a minimum size of 3". Reference: Section 1106.3, IPC 2012.
16. Show how secondary (overflow) roof drainage is to be provided for the tower roof or provide calculations showing that the roof can accommodate the maximum rain load if the primary roof drains are blocked. Reference: Sections 1101, 1106 and 1108, IPC 2012, and Sections 1611.1 and 1611.3, IBC 2012.
12/13/2013 ROBERT SHERRY WATER REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies are required at the water meter for buildings that have three or more stories or are greater than 34-feet in height as measured from the service level. Tucson Water Standard Detail SD-1805 (referenced on sheets C500 and C519) is not applicable, SD-1802 is the correct detail to be used. Reference: Chapter XXVII, Article V, Section 27-72, the Tucson Code, http://cms3.tucsonaz.gov/sites/default/files/water/docs/backflow-ordinance.pdf
2. Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention assemblies used to protect the City water distribution system (see C500) are required to be installed as close as practicable to the service connection, in locations accessible to Tucson Water. Clarify the purpose of the notation calling for a "BFP in vertical" on sheet P101. Reference: Chapter XXVII, Article V, Section 27-72, the Tucson Code, http://cms3.tucsonaz.gov/sites/default/files/water/docs/backflow-ordinance.pdf
3. According to sheet C500, a 1-1/2" water meter is being installed to serve this activity. Using the fixture units from the 2012 IPC, the demand for the tower and base building yields a demand of 66 GPM (63% of the fixture units are from flush valves). Adding a reasonable demand of 10 GPM for the 11 hose bibbs/wall hydrants means that the water meter is too small and will exceed the limit of 75 GPM that Tucson Water places on 1-1/2" meters.
12/16/2013 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Reqs Change 1. Demonstrate energy code compliance for the building envelope and the mechanical systems (e.g. COMcheck). Provide sufficient detail on the drawings to evaluate the energy compliance of the building envelope. The information shall, as a minimum, include U-factors of the envelope systems and fenestration components, along with the R-values of the insulation and the SHGC for the fenestration. Reference: Sections C103.2 and C401.2, International Energy Conservation Code 2012.
2. Clarify details 2/M602 and 2/M603; both show a pressure reducing valve for the non-potable water make-up being set to 115 PSI.
3. Fan coils TFCU-2A and TFCU-2B are noted to be enclosed within 2-hour rated enclosures. Clarify how the units will be accessible for maintenance and replacement without removal of permanent construction or disabling the fire-resistance-rated assemblies enclosing them. Reference: Section 306.1, IMC 2012.
4. Keynote #2 on sheet M113 calls for both the condensate drain and the secondary drain from TFCU-1 to terminate over a hub drain located in the plumbing chase on level 8. Indirect waste receptors shall not be installed in inaccessible or unventilated spaces and the receptors shall have ready access. In addition, secondary drains "shall discharge to a conspicuous point of disposal to alert occupants in the event of a stoppage of the primary drain." Reference: Section 802.3, IPC 2012 and Section 307.2.3, IMC 2012.
5. Provide calculations to show how ventilation will be provided for the occupied spaces in the base building and the tower. Reference: Section 401.2, IMC 2012.
12/24/2013 ELIZABETH LEIBOLD ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied T13OT01407 comments must be addressed before Engienering approval of plans.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
12/30/2013 CPIERCE1 REJECT SHELF Completed