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Permit Number: T13CM06759
Parcel: 116193740

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL - TI ALL

Permit Number - T13CM06759
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
12/26/2013 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. No design for the mounting shelf or any structural calculations appear to have been included with the current submittal. The design for the mounting shelf must be included with the drawing set. [Initial comment: Provide a design for the mounting shelf for the water heater along with structural calculations to show that the water heater is safely supported from the building structure. Reference: Section 301.2, IPC 2012.]
2. No cleanouts appear to have been added to rod out the vent located below the floor. [Initial comment: Provide accessible cleanouts in the island sink vent system (detail 6/P0.03) to permit rodding of all portions of the vents located below the flood rim of the fixture. Reference: Section 916.3, IPC 2012.]
3. Detail 6/P0.03 still seems to show the vent for FS-1 in room 212 running horizontally below the flood rim of the floor sink. It's difficult to determine if this is a valid issue or just the appearance of the detail since you don't show any waste piping on the plumbing plan. [Initial comment: Verify that all of the vents (except for island vents) rise vertically to at least 6" above the flood rims of the fixtures they protect prior to running horizontally. See FS-1 in room 212 and detail 6/P0.03. Reference: Section 905.4, IPC 2012.]
4. Note: Section R4-30-304 of the Rules of the Arizona State Board of Technical Registration, states that in addition to signing the seal, the registrant shall include the date the document was sealed and that a notation shall be placed beneath the seal, written, typed, or electronically generated, that provides the day, month, and year of the expiration of current registration. (Effective March 8, 2008).
12/26/2013 ROBERT SHERRY WATER REVIEW Denied The records from Tucson Water indicate that the water meter and the backflow preventer serving this building are located at the eastern property line of this building, not inside the building. Your site plan may be showing a sub-meter installed by the landlord. Verify the actual situation and revise the drawing accordingly. [Initial comment: Provide the size of both the water meter and the reduced pressure backflow preventer assembly serving this suite along with the total water demand seen by the meter. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012.]
12/26/2013 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Revise the number of occupants in each space, using the occupant density shown in Table 403.3, IPC 2012. Revise the occupancy type for rooms 101 and 120, using "office; main entry lobby" for room 101 and "office; reception" for room 120. Calculate the total outside air flow for each air handler based on Section 403.3.2.3, IMC 2012, "Multiple zone recirculating systems". [Initial comment: Clarify the occupancy classifications and the occupant density used in the ventilation calculations. The occupancy classifications should closely match the actual occupancy and the occupant density used for calculating the minimum required ventilation is to be based on Table 403.3, IMC 2012 or an approved engineering analysis of the specific occupancy type. Reference: Section 403.3, IMC 2012.]
2. Note: Section R4-30-304 of the Rules of the Arizona State Board of Technical Registration, states that in addition to signing the seal, the registrant shall include the date the document was sealed and that a notation shall be placed beneath the seal, written, typed, or electronically generated, that provides the day, month, and year of the expiration of current registration. (Effective March 8, 2008).

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
01/06/2014 CPIERCE1 REJECT SHELF Completed