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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: COMMERCIAL - TI
Permit Number - T13CM00975
Review Name: COMMERCIAL - TI
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
02/22/2013 | TERRY STEVENS | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | Development Package submittal required. |
02/28/2013 | RONALD BROWN | BUILDING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | SHEET A1.1 1. All new toilet rooms must be accessible as required by the 2012 IEBC, Section 705. Toilet room S-11 is not accessible: i.e. water closet clearance plus no grab bars. SHEET A1.3 2. Please define types and quantities of chemicals being stored in Chemical Storage Room S-34. Provide code analysis and requirements for this chemical storage. SHEET A1.4 3. Men's Room N-19, please provide doors on toilet stalls. 4. Please clarify occupancy load of conferance room N-10 and if more than 50, provide another exit. 5. Ditto comment 4 for room C6, Break Room. SHEET A4.1 6. At detail 10 and 11: a. Show accessible grab bars b. No mirror? c. Provide water closet clearances as required by 2009 ICC A117.1, Section 604.3. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS 7. Provide structural calculations and analysis of all new and or replaced roof top mounted HVAC equipment. END OF REVIEW |
03/13/2013 | ROBERT SHERRY | MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Provide clarification of the basis for the occupant densities and ventilation rates used to determine the required minimum ventilation for the rooms not specifically identified in Table 403.3, IMC 2012. For example, how is a mineralogy lab (other laboratories) the same as day care for children under 4-years old, why is a printer area the same as a corridor or warehouse and not like a copy/printer room, and how is a maintenance shop the same as an office? Reference: Section 403.3, IMC 2012. 2. Clarify how house air is to supply adequate outside air for AC-4 and AC-5 from house air. Reference: Sections 403.2.1 and 403.2.2, IMC 2012. 3. Clarify the calculated ventilation rate for room S-4 (UPS) with respect to the required exhaust for the room; is there sufficient makeup air for the room? Reference: Sections 403.2.2, 501.4, and 502.4, IMC 2012. 4. Provide justification for the recirculation of the exhaust stream from the mineralogy labs (DCEF-1) into the air handler AHU D-1. Reference: Sections 401.6, 501.3, 501.3.1, 501.3.2, and 510.4, IMC 2012. 5. Roof plan M1.08 shows only one exhaust fan for a perchloric hood but floor plan A1.3 indicates that two perchloric hoods are to be installed. Where is the second exhaust fan? Reference: Section 510.4 (4), IMC 2012. 6. Provide the balancing data for the perchloric hoods. Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012. 7. Clarify the air flow diagram on sheet M8.01; if the supply air delivered to a room exceeds the exhaust flow rate, how can there be any infiltration of air into the room? Reference: Section 107.2.1, IBC 2012. |
03/13/2013 | RAY MAJUTA | ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | T13CM00975 3350 E Valencia FMI Lab Please resubmit these plans which have had the Electrical Sheets outlined in yellow, to be used in recheck of resubmitted review. Provide a response indicating how each item was addressed, and how it was changed. Electrical Plan Review denied for the following; 1. Provide fault current values for new panels and electrical equipment with calculations to comply per 2011 NEC 110.9, and 110.22.B. Fault current values to correspond with and indicated in panel schedules. 2. How was the existing load measured on sheet E5.01 "Load Calculations" of 482 amps ? 3. E5.06 circuits LF-26,28 used for power marked as spare in panel schedule. 4. E5.06 LF-33,35,37 requires a 60 amp Disconnect, panel schedule shows 3 individual 20 amp circuits. 5. E5.08 PHB circuit 26,28,30 should be 24,26,28. 6. E6.10 shows Panel HN feeds Panel HE on a 20 CB with a load of 28473 va per phase, Panel HE MCB is 225 amp ? 7. E5.02 Panel HE not on Panelboard HN ? 8. E6.06 Panel LMDF shows as fed from HD, not shown on Panel HD ? 9. E6.07 Panel HP shows a 400 amp CB to new Panel HB, Panel HB on E5.03 shows a 225 a CB ? 10. E6.07 ex fans in HP circuit 14 named EF-N-6, then E5.02 on HP shows EF PER-1, are these the same ? 11. E6.08 HAC #32 is a spare, used for power on E2.05 ? 12. E5.02, no panel schedule for Panel HU-1. Ray T Majuta Electrical Plan Review PDSD, C of Tuc 3/13/2013 Ray.Majuta@tucsonaz.gov |
03/13/2013 | ROBERT SHERRY | WATER | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Provide the size and the proposed total demand for the existing water meter. 2. Show the location of the water meter and the reduced pressure backflow prevention assembly for the water service to the building. |
03/13/2013 | ROBERT SHERRY | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Detail 2/M6.04 shows pressurized PVC pipe being exposed to sunlight. Verify that the manufacture's listing information will allow that application. Reference: Section 303.2, IPC 2012. 2. Provide water pressure and water pipe sizing calculations. Reference: Sections 604.1 and 604.3, IPC 2012. 3. The pipe sizes called out for the flush valves will result in water velocities greater than 8 FPS (e.g. 1"pipe at 25 GPM for a flush valve water closet). Limit the water velocity to less than 8 FPS for the copper piping. Reference: Table 604.3, IPC 2012. 4. Revise detail 3/M8.02 so that the fixture drains connect to a properly vented horizontal or vertical fixture branch. Reference: Section 911.2, IPC 2012. |
03/26/2013 | KEN BROUILLETTE | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved |