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Plan Number: T12SE00075
Parcel: Unknown

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: REZONING - IPC

Plan Number - T12SE00075
Review Name: REZONING - IPC
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

TO: Rezoning Division
Re: Acceptance of Information for Plan Compliance (IPC)

FROM: Steve Shields
Lead Planner

PROJECT: AT&T Communication Site Upgrade
4118 S. Houghton Road
Special Exception - SE-12-75

TRANSMITTAL: July 13, 2012

1. The existing Communications site, located on parcel 136-31-002M zoned SR falls under the Special Exception Land Uses, Sec., Commercial Services Use Group, Sec. 6.3.5, Communications "6", limited to wireless communication towers and antennae, subject to: Sec., .C, and .F.1.

2. Development designator "6" requires or allows the following:

Minimum site area = 144,000 Sq. Ft.
Site area proposed = 335,918 Sq. Ft.
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) = 0.30
Floor Area (FA) Allowed = Not provided on plan
Floor Area (FA) Proposed = Not provided. (No new structures proposed) - existing
Lot coverage allowed = 50%
Lot coverage proposed = Not provided. (No new structures proposed) - existing Maximum building height allowed = 25 feet
Building height proposed = Not provided. No new structures proposed) - existing Interior perimeter yard indicator = FF

3. The submitted plan, showing the communication site is acceptable to continue the review for the zoning examiner's report

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Steve Shields, (520) 836-4956 or email Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov.
07/19/2012 LAITH ALSHAMI ENGINEERING REVIEW Approved Laith Alshami, Engineering and Floodplain Review, 07/16/2012,

TO: Michael Wyneken, AICP FROM: Laith Alshami, P.E.
Rezoning Section Engineering

SUBJECT: AT&T Mobility Site Number T927 - 4118 S. Houghton Road
Special Exception Case SE-12-75, T14S, R15E, SECTION 35

RECEIVED: Special Exception Preliminary Development Plan on July 13, 2012

The Preliminary Development Plan appears to have adequate Engineering and Floodplain related information to be forwarded to the rezoning examiner. No special conditions are offered.
SE-12-75ipc AT&T - McGraws Houghton Road
General Plan and South Pantano Area Plan
7/17/12 RH

This proposal is for a special exception use in the SR low density residential zone to allow a 35 foot wireless communication facility designed as a stealth saguaro cactus. The new stealth cactus antenna will use an existing enclosed ground equipment area. The site is at 4118 South Houghton Road south of Escalante Road and directly west of the McGraws Cantina located on the west side of Houghton Road. The almost eight acre site is developed with out buildings related to the restaurant and other existing stealth saguaro cactus antennas with associated CMU enclosed ground equipment areas. Primary vehicular access to allow maintenance to the wireless communication facility will be from Houghton Road using an existing driveway extending westward from the restaurant parking lot.

According to the Major Streets and Routes Plan, Houghton Road is designated as an arterial street and a scenic route. The proposed stealth cactus is shown located outside of the 400 foot scenic road setback area on the PDP.

Surrounding Uses/Zoning: The adjacent land use and zoning surrounding the subject parcel is as follows: to the east is land zoned C-1 (general commercial) where the restaurant is located and land zoned R-1 (low density residential) developed with single family residential units on the east side of Houghton Road; to the north is land zoned SR (low density residential) developed with a single family residence and related outbuildings; to the west is vacant land zoned SR (low density residential); and, to the south is land zoned SR (low density residential) developed with single family residential units and extensive barn, stable and corral structures. The nearest residential unit to the proposed stealth saguaro cactus location is more than 500 feet to the west. Other low density residential units are further away across Houghton Road to the east.

Special Exception Presubmitted Meeting: The applicant attended a special exception pre-application conference meeting on June 4, 2012. At the special exception pre-application meeting staff discussed a variety of points: a plan amendment would not be required for the special exception to proceed; a photo simulation of the proposed stealth cactus design, including a description of the proposed cactus and enclosure and details such as color, materials, etc. were to be provided; and, a diagram showing on the PDP that the proposed facility is to be located outside of the 400 foot scenic corridor setback as measured from the western edge of Houghton Road right-of-way.

Neighborhood Meeting: There was a neighborhood meeting held on July 2, 2012 at the Golf Links Library located at 9640 East Golf Links Road. The sign-in sheet records only the applicant in attendance at the meeting. No other interested parties were in attendance.

Land Use Policies: The General Plan and the South Pantano Area Plan provide policy direction for this site. General Plan Policy 3.7 (Element 4) requires that, if possible, telecommunications facilities be located, installed and maintained to minimize visual impacts and preserve views. Visual impacts are a key consideration during the review process. Policy 4.6 (General Plan, Element 4) promotes the coordination of efforts of government, private developers and utility firms to improve the appearance of above-ground utilities and structures.

The proposed use section of Subarea Seven of the South Pantano Area Plan provides the following policy direction for this site. The final design of the proposed development should be sensitive to natural topography. Cut and fill grading should be kept to a minimum.

Conclusion: The proposed stealth saguaro cactus antenna is compatible with the existing natural and rural character of the area. The antenna's location is outside of the 400 foot scenic corridor setback as measured from the western edge of Houghton Road right-of-way. The use of an existing equipment enclosure will limit new construction in the area. The proposed antenna location is on the west side of the restaurant structure, which will provide some visual screening for views from Houghton Road.

Due to the proposed 35 foot height, the stealth cactus antenna will be visible from surrounding areas. However, the stealth saguaro cactus design will mitigate visual impacts and no new ground level equipment enclosures will be required for the new antenna reducing the overall impact from the development of this facility.

Plan Compliance and Recommendation: The request for special exception is consistent with policy direction provided by the General Plan and the South Pantano Area Plan, therefore, a plan amendment is not required. It is the opinion of staff that the special exception application can be distributed for further processing.

Staff believes special exception conditions can be used to address compatibility concerns. Anticipated conditions include:

· Communication tower shall be stealth in design, disguised as a saguaro cactus;
· Stealth cactus antenna shall not exceed 35 feet in height;
· Stealth cactus antenna arms must be configured differently than existing stealth cactus antennas already located on the project site;
· Stealth cactus colors shall be close to living saguaro cactus with color sample provided; and,
· Ground equipment to be jointly used as shown on preliminary development plan dated 6/4/2012.

f:/sharedri/UPDfiles/DevRev/caserev/SP-Excpt/SE 11-12/SE-12-75ipc AT&T - McGraws Houghton Road.doc