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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T12CM08247
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
02/04/2013 | KEN VAN KARSEN | BUILDING-RESIDENTIAL | REVIEW | Denied | T12CM08247 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. In order to facilitate a shorter back check time, we request that you please provide revised plans and calculations, highlighting any changes, along with a written response to each of the notated items indicating action taken. SCOPE OF REVIEW: The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2006 International Residential Code, 2006 International Energy Conservation Code, and Arizona State amendments to the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions and concerns before permit approval. FOUNDATION PLANS: 1. Show compliance with termite treatment, R320. FLOOR PLANS: 1. Show compliance with R310 providing egress from bedrooms directly to the exterior by meeting the following minimum specifications. 1. Maximum sill height of 44". 2. Minimum net clear opening area of 5.7 SQ FT (5 SQ FT 1st floor). 3. Minimum net clear opening dimension of 24" height and 20" width. SECTIONS - DETAILS: 1. Show the ceiling gypsum board as either 5/8" or ½" sag resistant when applied to 24" o/c ceiling framing, IRC table R702.3.5 footnote d. 2. Calculate and show the attic ventilation using 1 to 150 of attic area in compliance with R806.2. Provide appropriate upper and lower space vents when applying the reduced area calculation. Account for the existing attic space if removing or blocking existing vents. PLUMBING PLANS: 1. Provide a gas line isometric showing the point of connection and size the supply pipe for the connected demand. Include the BTU demand and length of line to each gas appliance sharing a supply line, size and length of each branch, and the total demand and total developed length from the meter to the most remote appliance on the system. Table G2413.4(1). Existing gas pipes may require upgrading with this system alteration. MECHANICAL PLANS: 1. Show supply and return ducts with minimum R-8 insulation (includes vented attics) except when completely located inside the thermal envelope, R1103.2.1. 2. Provide an equipment specification list including the tonnage capacity, M1302.1. 3. Show combustion air compliance for appliances in confined spaces with two interior area openings of 1 SQ IN for each 1,000 BTU rating and minimum of two 100 SQ IN openings, one within 12" of top and other 12" of bottom, G2407.5.3.1. ELECTRICAL PLANS: 1. Smoke alarms are required outside each separate sleeping area, R313.2. Show a smoke alarm on the outside of the bedroom door. 2. Show the location of the panel on the plans, E3501.6.2 & E3605.8. INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE: 1. Show the location of minimum required "R" value of insulation at the ceiling, N1101.2. If you have any questions please contact: Ken Van Karsen (520) 837-4912 City of Tucson Residential Plan Review |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
02/07/2013 | CPIERCE1 | REJECT SHELF | Completed |