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Permit Number: T11BU01662
Parcel: 130144360

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: GRADING

Permit Number - T11BU01662
Review Name: GRADING
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
TO: Paul Iezzi, P.E.
SUBJECT: Western Institute for Leadership Engineering Submittal Review
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Leibold, P.E.
LOCATION: T14S R14E Section 22, Ward 5, East Impact Fee area, FIRM panel 2284L
ACTIVITY NUMBER: S11-056, T11BU01662

SUMMARY: The Final Plat sheets and title report, along with the grading plan submittal, were received by Engineering for review. Engineering does not recommend approval of the Final Plat or grading plans until the following comments are addressed.

1) DS Sec.2-03.2.3.J: Address comments for the following drainage elements:
a) On page 4 of Drainage Report for Western Institute For Leadership Development, TSMS Node is stated as 339 cfs however this is a draft. Update Drainage Report to reflect JE Fuller Hydrology information provided in Flood Hazard report for Naylor and Swan Park Washes, dated February 15, 2008. The concentration point near this node is CW-NO140: 407 cfs.
b) Address the following Swan Park Wash comments:
i) Calculate and show capacity of Swan Park Wash in Report.
ii) Delineate floodplain limits based on updated hydrologic data in drainage report exhibit.
iii) Show Swan Park Wash floodplain limits within plat boundaries.
iv) The project site lies within a non-FEMA shallow flood area. Describe condition in report and label or add notation on Plat.
c) On the Plat, provide dimensions and label the Private Drainage Maintenance Easements for the two offsite proposed spillways indicated on sheet C2 of the grading plan. These improvements will need to be authorized by TDOT.
d) DS Sec.2-03.6.4.F: Clearly delineate and add WSEL call-outs along both Swan Park Wash and Naylor Wash on the plat.
e) DS Sec.2-03.6.4.A: Provide authorization documentation from TDOT for the proposed 16-ft drainage maintenance easements, and, on the old plat, the abandonment of Lot 13 use for Public Drainage Maintenance Easement.
f) Label FEMA Zone AH or add as note to Plat.
2) DS Sec.2-03.6.5.A: At least one corner of the subdivision shall be tied by course and distance to a section corner or a quarter section corner. Clarify/delineate tie on a plan view sheet.
3) DS Sec.2-03.6.5.B: Assure that all easements listed on the Schedule B of title report are clearly drawn, labeled with Book/page or Docket/page, and/or listed as a blanket easement, and/or labeled with accurate dimensions and bearings on the plat. Show or add note regarding Drainage Easement Dkt.3183 pg.130 per Schedule B item 6. Provide dimensioning if these utility easements cross within the project boundaries, and label Bk/pg or Dkt/pg for each easement. In response letter, please state whether the items (5 & 6 of Schedule BII, and 13 of Schedule BI are shown on the plat.
4) DS Sec.2-03.7.1.G: The final plat cannot be scheduled for Mayor and Council consideration until the financial assurances are reviewed and approved. In response letter, state type of assurance proposed for the project. Submit the following for the assurance package:
a) If a third party trust is proposed for the subdivision assurances, provide:
i) original copy of the AGREEMENT TO CONSTRUCT SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENTS / THIRD PARTY TRUST with the assurable items list;
ii) original copy of the AMENDMENT TO TRUST / THIRD PARTY TRUST;
iii) assure that all exhibits are attached, and the case number "S06-270" is at the top of the first page of the AGREEMENT TO CONSTRUCT and AMENDMENT TO TRUST;
iv) copy of the original Trust Agreement;
v) copy of a sample Warranty Deed;
vi) copy of the current Title Report.
vii) The assurance descriptions shall match the title block description on the first sheet of the Final Plat. Please be aware that the legal office may reject assurance paperwork if the verbiage does not match exactly the verbiage on the Final Plat's Title Block.
b) For this and future projects, please provide a 8½" by 11" location map sheet for assurance submittals that go to Mayor & Council. Typically, these are similar to an enlarged location map on Final Plats.

5) DS Sec.2-03.2.3.J: Address comments for the following drainage elements:
a) Address the following Naylor Wash and Swan Park Wash comments:
i) DS Sec.10- Area set aside for the 16-ft drainage maintenance easement must be sufficient to allow maintenance vehicles to operate freely. Adjust basin and trail improvements within the 16-ft easement areas on sheet C2 of the grading plan.
ii) DS Sec.10- Correct material of stormdrain pipe call-out on sheet C3 Basin Spillway detail O; RCP is required in drainageway.
iii) Clearly delineate the 100-year WSEL's along Naylor and Swan Park Washes on the grading plan sheets C2 & C3.
iv) Address the following proposed spillway comments:
(1) Provide cross sections and dimensions on grading plan that describes material and labels dimensions of proposed spillways.
(2) Label and provide calculation for minimum rock size for proposed spillways in Naylor Wash. Assure sufficient size to minimize movement of spillway structure during storm events.
v) Label dimensions of the existing Naylor and Swan Park Wash drainageways on the grading plan sheets C2 and C3.
vi) Label FEMA Zone AH or add as note to Grading Plan.
vii) Provide a call-out for detail O on planview.
6) DS Sec.11-01: Address the following slope comments:
a) DS Sec.10- Label 8:1(H:V) side slope grades for some portions of the basin side slopes for human activity zone emergency exits in basins.
b) Revise the Typical Slope Treatments tables on grading plan sheets to reflect geotechnical recommendations.
c) Detail H on grading plan sheet C6 needs clarification for geotechnical conformance. Label slope height and depth of toedown (minimum 1 / 5 th of slope height).
7) Address the following Grading Plan notes:
a) DS Sec.2-03.2.3.A: Label basis of elevation location on a planview or provide a local benchmark elevation with datum on planview.
b) Clarify reference to development plan and tentative plat in Grading Note 5.
c) Add notation for the total square footage of project disturbance.

Submit revised grading plan, drainage report, Final Plat, title report, assurances, and response letter(s). Please call me to set up a meeting prior to resubmittal to expedite resubmittal review, or call for clarifications at 837-4934.

Elizabeth Leibold, P.E., CPM, CFM
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Planning & Development Services Department
12/21/2011 DAVID RIVERA ZONING REVIEW Denied From: David Rivera
Zoning Review Section

Date: December 21,2011

Zoning has reviewed the Grading plan but cannot approve it at this time. Prior to zoning approval of the grading plan, the Final Plat must be completed approved and Engineering must approve the grading plan. While there is no zoning development criteria applicable to this Charter School, Zoning will approve and sign off on the grading plan based on Engineering approval.
12/29/2011 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Denied Ensure that all Zoning & Engineering comments and concerns are addressed prior to Landscape approval.

Additional comments may apply

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
01/09/2012 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed