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Plan Number: T10SE00122
Parcel: Unknown

1655 W AJO WY

Review Status: Completed


Plan Number - T10SE00122
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
10/28/2010 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved
TO: Development Services Department
Rezoning Section

FROM: Terry Stevens
Lead Planner

PROJECT: Plaza Del Sol
1655 W. Ajo Way - MH-1 Zoning
Special Exception Case Number - SE-10-122

TRANSMITTAL: November 4, 2010

1. The proposed use falls under the LUC Sec. Special Exception Land Uses, Utilities Use Group, Sec. 6.3.12. Renewable Energy Generation "38", subject to: Sec., C., D., and E.and approval through a Zoning Examiner Full Notice Procedure
Development designator "38" requires or allows the following:
Minimum site required = 0 sq. ft
Floor area ratio = 0.75
Lot Coverage = N/A
Maximum building height = 16 feet
Interior perimeter yard indicator = BB

Off-Street Parking: N/A
Off-Street Loading: N/A
Bicycle Parking: 0 required
Pedestrian Access: Not required.

The following needs to be addressed at this time:
a. Per LUC Sec. the required building or structure setback from the south property line is 20' not the 10' or ¾ the height of the wall as indicated. Revise.
b. Provide dimensions from property lines to all structures (arrays).
c. Clearly indicate the zoning of the property across the street to the east of this project.

Zoning has reviewed this proposal for compliance with The City of Tucson Development Standard Land Use Code (LUC).

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 836-4961 or email Terry.Stevens@tucsonaz.gov.
11/09/2010 MATT FLICK ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed PDSD Engineering has no objection to approval of a Special Exception for installation of a solar power installation in the detention/retention basin of Plaza Del Sol.

A Floodplain Use Permit is required as part of the development permitting.
SE-10-122 Plaza Del Sol - Ajo Way, MH-1
MH-1 Special Exception (Ward 1)
Santa Cruz Area Plan
November 4, 2010 msp

This proposal is for a special exception land use in the MH-1, a mobile home zone, to allow a solar renewable energy generation installation (ground solar panels) at the Plaza Del Sol Mobile Home Park located at 1655 W. Ajo Way. The park has 660 manufactured homes on a 90-acre parcel and the solar array panels will occupy an undeveloped area of three-acres (3) located at the southeast corner of the mobile home park. According to the Major Streets and Route Plan, Ajo Way is a Gateway arterial street where it fronts this site. The site is located southeast of the intersection of Ajo Way and Mission Road and abuts Valley Road and the Santa Cruz River corridor along its eastern border.

Surrounding Land Uses and Zones:
The surrounding land uses and zones are the following; to the north is single-family residential development zoned R-1 and commercial uses fronting Ajo Way zoned C-2, a commercial zone, to the east across Valley Road are vacant Pima County Government and City of Tucson parcels and the Santa Cruz River, all zoned R-1 a residential zone, to the south is a single-family residential development zoned R-1, a residential zone, and to the west beyond the 90-acre mobile home park are vacant parcels owned by the Tucson School District #1 zoned MH-1, office and commercial uses fronting Mission Road zoned C-2, O-3, and R-2 residential.

Plan Summary:
The site is within the boundaries of the Santa Cruz Area Plan and the General Plan. Both Plans have policies that protect established residential neighborhoods by supporting compatible development.

Santa Cruz Area Plan, Key Parcel 5 - Acknowledges the bulk of the area is zoned for mobile home and recreational vehicle parks, such as the Plaza Del Sol mobile home park. The Santa Cruz Area Plan, under General Development Policy 7 - States that new development within or near existing neighborhoods should be designed and scaled to be compatible with existing neighborhood characteristics. History, Culture and Archaeologic Policy 3 - Recommends to identify significant archaeologic sites (resources) within and near the Riverpark, and promote preservation, excavation and interpretative signage or displays.

General Plan policies promote development of commercial uses in the urbanized area, to promote use and improvement of infrastructure, and meet resident's need for goods and services in a cost-effective and equitable manner.


Special Exception SE-10-122 and Development Plan D10-0036 apply to the same project and are being reviewed concurrently to expedite the process. Prior to approval, Development Plan D10-0036 shall comply with Special Exception SE-10-122.

The applicant is proposing to develop a solar renewable energy generating facility (ground solar panels) on three acres within a mobile home park. The improvements will consist of north to south oriented rows of solar modules that will generate 630 KW's (Kilowatts DC) of electricity and surplus generated electricity will be fed back into the Tucson Electric Power grid. Vehicular access to the solar panels will be using the existing mobile home private road grid with public access only from Ajo Way. The three-acre area used for the solar array panels will be secured from the rest of the mobile home park by walls, landscape, and fencing and only accessible to authorized personal. Staff recommends that a one-foot no access easement is recorded along the full length of the eastern boundary, next to Valley Road to prohibit non-residential land use access onto Valley Road, a local street. Currently the three-acre site is intermittently used for green trash holding (landscape cuttings) and has dumpsters. The applicant was informed that if the green waste dumpsters are removed from within the three-acre site that they will have to meet Land Use Code requirements where ever they are relocated to within the overall mobile home park site. In addition, the three-acre site is an on-site detention basin for the mobile home park, which flows from west to east, with overflow going onto the Santa Cruz River. Any applicable City of Tucson detention requirements shall be addressed as part of the Special Exception design.

As designed the solar panels at their highest point following the solar rotation will extend vertically up to eight feet. Proposed adjacent land uses include a residential development to the south with the nearest unit at approximately fifty-eight (58) feet. The southern perimeter will include an eight foot tall barrier made up of a six foot tall masonry wall with a two foot tall ornamental mesh screen on top. Although stated in the submittal that the southern perimeter is quite well vegetated with trees, this existing vegetation is not within a landscape border, but instead it's off-site in a drainage channel that could be de-vegetated if it interferes with water flow. Staff supports an on-site landscape buffer along the southern perimeter, such as proposed along the western perimeter. The landscape buffers should include native thornless mesquite trees to screen and buffer the solar renewable energy generation facility from less intense residential uses located off-site along these perimeters. The western perimeter is an on-site interior boundary next to a private drive with the nearest mobile homes at approximately fifty (50) feet away. This interior edge is proposed with a seven foot tall chain link fence with a wire strand at eight feet. Staff supports securing the site from the residential mobile home park. However, staff recommends the interior barrier be secured without a top strand of wire, which could be interpreted to be a razor ribbon strand, or barbwire. Staff recommends a family friendly barrier such as those used along the perimeter of school grounds. A combination of tubular/wrought iron material designed so as to not allow climbing and the top design to discourage jumping over. In addition, if the site is identified as a restricted area by Tucson Electric Power standards, then signage should be posted along all its perimeters to identify it as such. The eastern and northern perimeters will include a ten foot wide landscape buffer and an eight foot tall barrier made up of a six foot tall masonry wall and a two foot tall ornamental mesh screen on top.

Existing on-site private street lighting is shown to remain in place along the western perimeter. Staff recommends all outdoor lighting, existing and proposed to be located within or along the perimeters of the solar renewable energy generation installation be mounted and directed to protect adjacent residential uses from any glare and spill over lighting onto off-site residential properties.


The proposed Special Exception land use for a solar renewable energy generation installation (ground solar panels) at the Plaza Del Sol Mobile Home Park can be supported and is in general compliance with applicable policy in the Santa Cruz Area Plan and the General Plan. The following are Special Exception conditions recommended by staff in support of applicable policies:

1. Prior to development plan approval, record a one-foot no access easement along Valley Road, on that portion of the mobile home park site utilized by the solar renewable energy generation facility.
" SCAP Gen. Dev. Policy 4
" SCAP Gen. Dev. Policy 7
" GP, Element 2, Land Use, Policy 3
" GP, Element 4, Community Character and Design, Policy 5 & 6
" GP, Element 11, Public Buildings, Services, and Facilities, Policy 1.5
" GP, Element 14, Environment Planning and Conservation, Energy, Policy 38.4 & 39.
2. Provide a ten-foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to that portion of the southern perimeter utilized by the solar renewable energy generation facility. Landscape buffer to include thornless native mesquite trees, at a ratio of one tree every twenty-five feet.
" SCAP Gen. Dev. Policy 4
" SCAP Gen. Dev. Policy 7
" GP, Element 2, Land Use, Policy 3
" GP, Element 4, Community Character and Design, Policy 5 & 6
" GP, Element 11, Public Buildings, Services, and Facilities, Policy 1.5
" GP, Element 14, Environment Planning and Conservation, Energy, Policy 38.4 & 39.

3. The on-site fencing located along the western perimeter of the solar renewable energy generation facility shall at a minimum be constructed of a material such as used along perimeters of school grounds, a combination of angle/wrought iron material designed so as to not allow climbing and the top design to discourage jumping over.
" SCAP Gen. Dev. Policy 4
" SCAP Gen. Dev. Policy 7
" GP, Element 2, Land Use, Policy 3
" GP, Element 4, Community Character and Design, Policy 5 & 6
" GP, Element 11, Public Buildings, Services, and Facilities, Policy 1.5
" GP, Element 14, Environment Planning and Conservation, Energy, Policy 38.4 & 39.

4. If the solar renewable energy generation facility site is identified as a restricted and/or hazardous area, then signage should be posted along all its perimeters to identify it as such.
" SCAP Gen. Dev. Policy 4
" SCAP Gen. Dev. Policy 7
" GP, Element 2, Land Use, Policy 3
" GP, Element 4, Community Character and Design, Policy 5 & 6
" GP, Element 11, Public Buildings, Services, and Facilities, Policy 1.5
" GP, Element 14, Environment Planning and Conservation, Energy, Policy 38.4 & 39.
5. All outdoor lighting, existing and proposed within or along the perimeters of the solar renewable energy generation facility shall be mounted and directed in such a manner to protect adjacent residential uses from glare and spill over lighting onto off-site residential properties
" SCAP Gen. Dev. Policy 4
" SCAP Gen. Dev. Policy 7
" GP, Element 2, Land Use, Policy 3
" GP, Element 4, Community Character and Design, Policy 5 & 6
" GP, Element 11, Public Buildings, Services, and Facilities, Policy 1.5
" GP, Element 14, Environment Planning and Conservation, Energy, Policy 38.4 & 39

Land Use Policies

Santa Cruz Area Plan (SCAP) Policies

Key Parcel 5

Existing Use:

Most of this area is vacant. A large mobile home park exists near the northern end of the area as well as an elementary school and a local shopping center. Vacant frontage along Ajo Way west of Valley Road is zoned for commercial uses and a series of development proposals have been made for this land.

Proposed Use:

Existing zoning allows mobile home and recreational vehicle park development for the bulk of the area. Commercial zoning exists at the southeast and southwest corners of the parcel. While development can occur according to this zoning, medium-density residential development would be appropriate within the interior of the parcel, if access is provided by a collector street.

(January 28, 1991, Res. #15576, SCAP Key Parcel 5, modify high noise district)

The vacant frontage on Ajo Way is appropriate for commercial uses as well as medium- to high-density residential development. Development of this property must address potential traffic conflicts in conjunction with the bridge over the Santa Cruz.

Coordination between the City, Pima County Flood Control District, and Lamar City Acres neighborhood to explore alternative methods of achieving bank stabilization along the western edge of Lamar City Acres is strongly encouraged.

Santa Cruz Area Plan - General Policies:

1. General Development Policy 4 - New and existing neighborhood should include related commercial services with specific locations decided on a case by-case basis according to overall plan policies and depending on specific market conditions.

2. General Development Policy 7 - New development within or near existing neighborhoods should be designed and scaled to be compatible with existing neighborhood characteristics.

3. Environment; Historic, Archaeologic, and Cultural Resources - Development should occur along the Santa Cruz River only after all archaeologic mitigation has taken place.

General Plan (GP) Policies

Note: The site is in the Mid-City Growth Area.

" Element 2, Land Use

Policy 3: Protect established residential neighborhoods, by supporting compatible development.

Policy 5: Support appropriate locations for commercial and office uses, with priority for development and redevelopment within the existing urbanized area… to promote use and improvement of existing infrastructure … and to meet residents' needs for goods and services in a cost-effective and equitable manner.

" Element 4, Community Character and Design

Policy 5: Promote neighborhood identity and visual character. Supporting Policy 5.3: Support infill and redevelopment projects that reflect sensitivity to site and neighborhood conditions and adhere to relevant site and architectural design guidelines.

Policy 6: Promote quality in design for all development. Supporting Policy 6.6: Solutions and strategies included in the Design Guidelines Manual should be utilized to provide an improved level of community design.

" Element 11, Public Building, Services, and Facilities

Equitable Dispersion of Public Services
Policy 1.5, Encourage utility companies to consider solar power and other renewable resources when planning for future infrastructure and services.

" Element 14, Environment Planning and Conservation, Energy

Supporting Policy 38.4: Promote solar technology.
Policy 39: Continue to support programs that reduce energy consumption and improve sustainability in housing

11/12/2010 JOSE ORTIZ DOT TRAFFIC REVIEW Completed TDOT-Traffic has no objections to the proposed special exception request to allow the installation of a Solar Power System within a mobile home resort.
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 ENV SVCS REVIEW Completed No comments.
11/15/2010 JULIE YBARRA SIGNS SIGN CODE REVIEW Completed The above referenced case is located in the Multi Family District of the Tucson Sign Code. Any signs will need to comply with the Multi Family District of the sign code.
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 DOT ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed The eastern wall of the site could meander so as to minimize the locations where 5' of the landscape buffer would need to be in the right-of-way.
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW PARKS & RECREATION Completed Thank you for the opportunity to review SE-10-122, a special exception request to allow a solar power system (PV panels) on 2.88 acres located 1,600’ south of the southwest corner of Ajo Way and the Santa Cruz River.

The site is within the Tucson International Airport airspace traffic pattern disclosure area.

TAA supports approval of this request subject to the following condition:

"The owner/developer shall record the Airport Disclosure Statement form prior to the City's approval of the development plan or building permit. The Airport Disclosure Statement discloses the existence, and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport, to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property.”

Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or concerns regarding the subject condition of approval.


Jordan D. Feld, CM, AICP
Director of Planning

Tucson Airport Authority
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW PARKS & RECREATION Completed Parks and Recreation has no comments.
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OFFICE OF CONSERVATION & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Completed Thank you for the opportunity to review SE-10-122, a special exception request to allow a solar power system (PV panels) on 2.88 acres located 1,600’ south of the southwest corner of Ajo Way and the Santa Cruz River.

The site is within the Tucson International Airport airspace traffic pattern disclosure area.

TAA supports approval of this request subject to the following condition:

"The owner/developer shall record the Airport Disclosure Statement form prior to the City's approval of the development plan or building permit. The Airport Disclosure Statement discloses the existence, and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport, to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property.”

Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or concerns regarding the subject condition of approval.


Jordan D. Feld, CM, AICP
Director of Planning

Tucson Airport Authority
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OFFICE OF CONSERVATION & SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Completed No comments or conditions for this case from OCSD.
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS Completed Thank you for the opportunity to review SE-10-122, a special exception request to allow a solar power system (PV panels) on 2.88 acres located 1,600’ south of the southwest corner of Ajo Way and the Santa Cruz River.

The site is within the Tucson International Airport airspace traffic pattern disclosure area.

TAA supports approval of this request subject to the following condition:

"The owner/developer shall record the Airport Disclosure Statement form prior to the City's approval of the development plan or building permit. The Airport Disclosure Statement discloses the existence, and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport, to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property.”

Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or concerns regarding the subject condition of approval.


Jordan D. Feld, CM, AICP
Director of Planning

Tucson Airport Authority
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW PIMA ASSN OF GOVTS Completed No comments.
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW PIMA CNTY WASTEWATER Completed Thank you for the opportunity to review SE-10-122, a special exception request to allow a solar power system (PV panels) on 2.88 acres located 1,600’ south of the southwest corner of Ajo Way and the Santa Cruz River.

The site is within the Tucson International Airport airspace traffic pattern disclosure area.

TAA supports approval of this request subject to the following condition:

"The owner/developer shall record the Airport Disclosure Statement form prior to the City's approval of the development plan or building permit. The Airport Disclosure Statement discloses the existence, and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport, to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property.”

Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or concerns regarding the subject condition of approval.


Jordan D. Feld, CM, AICP
Director of Planning

Tucson Airport Authority
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW PIMA CNTY WASTEWATER Completed The PCRWRD has no objections to the above referenced special exception
request as it does not affect the public sewer.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,
Mirela Hromatka
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT Completed Thank you for the opportunity to review SE-10-122, a special exception request to allow a solar power system (PV panels) on 2.88 acres located 1,600’ south of the southwest corner of Ajo Way and the Santa Cruz River.

The site is within the Tucson International Airport airspace traffic pattern disclosure area.

TAA supports approval of this request subject to the following condition:

"The owner/developer shall record the Airport Disclosure Statement form prior to the City's approval of the development plan or building permit. The Airport Disclosure Statement discloses the existence, and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport, to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property.”

Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or concerns regarding the subject condition of approval.


Jordan D. Feld, CM, AICP
Director of Planning

Tucson Airport Authority
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW SCHOOL DISTRICT Completed No comments.
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW ADOT Completed Thank you for the opportunity to review SE-10-122, a special exception request to allow a solar power system (PV panels) on 2.88 acres located 1,600’ south of the southwest corner of Ajo Way and the Santa Cruz River.

The site is within the Tucson International Airport airspace traffic pattern disclosure area.

TAA supports approval of this request subject to the following condition:

"The owner/developer shall record the Airport Disclosure Statement form prior to the City's approval of the development plan or building permit. The Airport Disclosure Statement discloses the existence, and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport, to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property.”

Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or concerns regarding the subject condition of approval.


Jordan D. Feld, CM, AICP
Director of Planning

Tucson Airport Authority
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW ADOT Completed Regional Traffic Engineering has no comment on this submittal and recommends approval of this development. It will have no impact on any existing ADOT facilities. Thank you.
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW TDOT RTA Completed Thank you for the opportunity to review SE-10-122, a special exception request to allow a solar power system (PV panels) on 2.88 acres located 1,600’ south of the southwest corner of Ajo Way and the Santa Cruz River.

The site is within the Tucson International Airport airspace traffic pattern disclosure area.

TAA supports approval of this request subject to the following condition:

"The owner/developer shall record the Airport Disclosure Statement form prior to the City's approval of the development plan or building permit. The Airport Disclosure Statement discloses the existence, and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport, to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property.”

Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or concerns regarding the subject condition of approval.


Jordan D. Feld, CM, AICP
Director of Planning

Tucson Airport Authority
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW TDOT RTA Completed No comments.
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW TDOT STREETS Completed Thank you for the opportunity to review SE-10-122, a special exception request to allow a solar power system (PV panels) on 2.88 acres located 1,600’ south of the southwest corner of Ajo Way and the Santa Cruz River.

The site is within the Tucson International Airport airspace traffic pattern disclosure area.

TAA supports approval of this request subject to the following condition:

"The owner/developer shall record the Airport Disclosure Statement form prior to the City's approval of the development plan or building permit. The Airport Disclosure Statement discloses the existence, and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport, to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property.”

Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or concerns regarding the subject condition of approval.


Jordan D. Feld, CM, AICP
Director of Planning

Tucson Airport Authority
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW TDOT STREETS Completed No comments.
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OTHER AGENCIES Completed Thank you for the opportunity to review SE-10-122, a special exception request to allow a solar power system (PV panels) on 2.88 acres located 1,600’ south of the southwest corner of Ajo Way and the Santa Cruz River.

The site is within the Tucson International Airport airspace traffic pattern disclosure area.

TAA supports approval of this request subject to the following condition:

"The owner/developer shall record the Airport Disclosure Statement form prior to the City's approval of the development plan or building permit. The Airport Disclosure Statement discloses the existence, and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport, to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property.”

Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or concerns regarding the subject condition of approval.


Jordan D. Feld, CM, AICP
Director of Planning

Tucson Airport Authority
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OTHER AGENCIES Completed We have reviewed Special Exception Request CASE: SE-10-122 Plaza del Sol - Ajo WARD: 1 & have no concerns. Thanks,

Darren T. Horstmeier
Chief, Asset Optimization
355th Civil Engineer Squadron
Davis-Monthan AFB
DSN 228-5161, Comm 520-228-5161
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OTHER AGENCIES Completed I have no issues with this request.
CSO Becky Noel #37968
Tucson Police Dept
11/15/2010 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OTHER AGENCIES Completed Thank you for the opportunity to review SE-10-122, a special exception request to allow a solar power system (PV panels) on 2.88 acres located 1,600’ south of the southwest corner of Ajo Way and the Santa Cruz River.

The site is within the Tucson International Airport airspace traffic pattern disclosure area.

TAA supports approval of this request subject to the following condition:

"The owner/developer shall record the Airport Disclosure Statement form prior to the City's approval of the development plan or building permit. The Airport Disclosure Statement discloses the existence, and operational characteristics of the Tucson International Airport, to future owners or tenants of the property and further conveys the right to the public to lawfully use the airspace above the property.”

Please contact me at your convenience if you have any questions or concerns regarding the subject condition of approval.


Jordan D. Feld, CM, AICP
Director of Planning

Tucson Airport Authority