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Plan Number: T10SE00102
Parcel: Unknown


Review Status: Completed

Review Details: REZONING - IPC

Plan Number - T10SE00102
Review Name: REZONING - IPC
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
07/09/2010 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved
SE-10-102 AT&T - Tucson Blvd.
C-2, ZELP (Ward 3)
Cragin-Keeling Area Plan and General Plan
7/14/10 jsh (adequate information for plan compliance)

Introduction -

This request is for a special exception use in the C-2 zone, to allow the height of an existing 40-foot telecommunications monopole to be extended 20 feet, to a total height of 60 feet. The pole is located in a fenced compound, on a commercially-developed parcel. There's an existing antenna array at about the 42-foot level, and a future antenna array planned by another carrier at about the 48-foot level. The proposed antenna array would be near the top of the monopole extension, at about the 60-foot level. A new equipment cabinet would be located within a new 30' x 15' lease area east of the monopole, within the fenced compound.

The 0.9-acre commercial parcel is at the northwest corner of Tucson Boulevard and Water Street, one block north of Grant Road. It's owned by the Plumbers and Pipefitters Union, and developed with a single building near the center of the parcel, and a surrounding parking lot. The equipment compound, which is enclosed by a chain link fence with slats, is in the northwest corner of the site, and it will be accessed from Water Street, which is a local street according to the Major Streets and Routes Plan (MS&R). Tucson Boulevard is a collector street, with a 76-foot right-of-way, according to the MS&R.

Area Zoning and Land Uses-

The parcel is located in a commercially-zoned area developed with a mix of strip commercial and office uses along Tucson Boulevard, north of Grant Road. To the north is a self-storage business in C-2 zoning, and to the south is the Tucson Association of Realtor's headquarters, also in C-2 zoning. To the east, across Tucson Boulevard, is a mix of commercial and office uses, in C-1 and C-2 zoning. West of the site is a small manufactured home park in O-3 zoning. The nearest manufactured home is about 80 feet west of the monopole. Further west is the Campbell-Grant residential neighborhood, in R-1 zoning.

Land Use Plan Policy Summary -

The site is within the bounds of the Cragin-Keeling Area Plan, however, no specific policy direction is provided for cell tower proposals. Policy direction is provided by the General Plan. Policy 3.7 (Element 4) requires that, if possible, telecommunications facilities be located, installed and maintained to minimize visual impacts and preserve views. Visual impacts are a key consideration during the review process.

Sufficiency of Information to Determine Plan Compliance -

The applicant attended a rezoning pre-submittal meeting on May 12, 2010. No specific compatibility issues were noted. Staff indicated the entire pole, including the extension, needs to be the same color, and the proposed and planned antenna arrays should be painted to match the pole color.

The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on June 15, 2010. One neighbor attended, and, based on the information provided, found the proposal to be acceptable.

A Design Compatibility statement was submitted with the application. No compatibility issues were identified. Sufficient information has been submitted to demonstrate compliance with the land use plans. A plan amendment isn't required.

Summary -

Sufficient information has been provided to determine that the proposal is consistent with the policy direction provided by the General Plan. Staff recommends that the application be distributed for further processing.


Cragin-Keeling Area Plan

Residential Policy 2 is to improve and preserve the quality of life in residential areas.

General Plan

Element 2 Policy 3 is to protect established neighborhoods by supporting compatible development. " Supporting Policy 3.9 is to support nonresidential uses, where the scale and intensity of use will be compatible with adjacent uses, including residential development, neighborhood schools and businesses.

Element 4, Supporting Policy 3.7 requires that, whenever possible, telecommunication facilities be located, installed and maintained to minimize visual impact, preserve views, and be consistent with the City's adopted land use plans and policies. Cabling and fiber optics should be installed underground where possible, and the visual impact of cellular towers will be a prime consideration in the City's acceptance and approval. " Policy 4 is to design and maintain streets to enhance their overall functional and aesthetic quality. Supporting Policy 4.6 is to promote the coordination of efforts of government, private developers, and utility firms to improve the appearance of necessary above ground utility lines and structures. " Policy 5 is to promote neighborhood identity and visual character. " Action 5.5.A is to consider incentives for telecommunications providers to install infrastructure, not only in newer areas, but also in older neighborhoods to increase opportunities for all citizens to have access to high-tech telecom services.

07/14/2010 MATT FLICK ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed This request contains adequate information to determine General Plan and Cragin-Keeling Area Plan compliance, and a plan amendment is not warranted.
07/15/2010 TERRY STEVENS ZONING REVIEW Completed TO: Rezoning Division
Re: Acceptance of Information for Plan Compliance (IPC)

AT&T - Tucson Blvd.
2507 N. Tucson Blvd. - C-2 Zoning
Special Exception Case Number - SE-10-102

1. The proposed use falls under the LUC Sec. Special Exception Land Uses, Commercial Services Use Group, Sec. 6.3.5. Communications "31", limited to wireless communication towers and antennae, subject to: Sec., .C, and .G
2. The submitted plan, showing the proposed new cell tower is acceptable to continue the review for the zoning examiner's report.

Should you have questions, contact me at 837-4961 please.

Terry Stevens, Lead Planner
City of Tucson, Development Services Department