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Permit Number: T10OT00396
Parcel: 11917053B

555 E AJO WY

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: REVISION - - 1ST

Permit Number - T10OT00396
Review Name: REVISION - - 1ST
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/16/2011 ELIZABETH LEIBOLD ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: September 20, 2011
ACTIVITIES: T10BU00315, T10OT00396
PROJECT: Arizona State Veteran's Home SWPPP & Drainage review Re-submittal
LOCATION: Ward 5, T14S R13E Section 25
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Leibold, PE

PDSD Engineering Inspector has been inspecting the main basin at the Veteran's project. The main basin was discussed again with the Inspector 20SEP11. The main basin was found to be dry on Monday 19SEP11 (Tucson had rain events over the last week and a half, and last Thursday's rain last week did not allow time to check the basins Friday before the Inspector left so it was inspected again yesterday. The rains over the last week showed decreasing amounts of standing water, close to maximum drain down time, in the main basin every day last week, in between storm events.)
Some of the as-built sheets still show the bleed pipe details. No bleed pipe was found at the site. In our April correspondence, the following was clarified:
If you still desire to not construct the bleed pipe for this project, the City will only accept the basin with out the bleed pipe from the main basin, under the following conditions:
a) Submit Revised Plans for review under T10OT00396 with geotechnical report and addenda, drainage statement that discusses the results of the post basin construction infiltration testing, the proposed removal of the bleed pipe from the design, and an acknowledgment from the owner or applicant that the bleed pipe will be installed if the basin is found to not drain within the required 24 hours. Revised plans shall show elevations of the other constructed drainage systems - smaller basin elevations and between the basins.
b) The main basin bottom shall have the top layer of sediments removed from the site.
c) The main basin bottom shall be scarified after sediment removal, with an inspection required before scarification.
These 3 conditions are not a substitute for the remaining permit conditions. If the conditions can not be agreed to, the City will require construction per the approved plans including installment of the bleed pipe. Please call if you have questions or to discuss.
The project completion documentation for T10OT00396 that was submitted recently so far included: the as-built sheets, geotechnical addendum No.2, and Sept 8 compliance letter, (the latter 2 items were from email correspondence).

1) Please state is completion letter whether the above items have been completed. PDSD Engineering will need the additional documentation for the above items and revised as-builts to clarify that the bleed pipe was not constructed for all sheets referring to the bleed pipe if intent was not to construct the pipe.
2) Assure positive gradient is provided at northeast basin, as there are indications of reverse flow / ponding.
3) Once comments are addressed submit: one copy of all geotechnical report/addenda, one copy of letter of completion for basin and other drainage improvements addressing item a) above, and 2 copies of the revised set of as-builts.

If you have questions or would like to set up a meeting, call me at 837-4934.

Elizabeth Leibold, PE
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Planning & Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description