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Permit Number: T10OT00396
Parcel: 11917053B

555 E AJO WY

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T10OT00396
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
ACTIVITIES: T10BU00315, T10OT00396
PROJECT: Arizona State Veteran's Home SWPPP & Drainage review 2nd Review Re-submittal
LOCATION: Ward 5, T14S R13E Section 25
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Leibold, PE

SUMMARY: After email correspondence with consultant, the revised Floodplain Use Permit and SWPPP Application plan submittal were re- reviewed by Development Services Department Engineering Division. Meeting was held 19FEB10 to go over 1st submittal plans prior to this resubmittal. Additional correspondence with consultant occurred to discuss utility issues for the project. Planning & Development Services Department Engineering does not recommend approval until the remaining comments are addressed.

1) DS Sec.10- Address the following comments pertaining to the proposed RGRCP at southwest corner of project.
a) The minimum allowable clearance between sanitary sewers and storm drains shall be twenty-four inches. Revise cross section detail on sheet CD01 to show clearance dimension for stormwater runoff pipe leaving southwest basin and entering existing stormwater system, showing no conflict with sanitary sewer line pipe, existing utility pipes, and conformance to utility requirements. El Paso Gas, SW Gas, Fiber Optic company, and/or other utilities will most probably need to review the section details of the proposed lines if not already done so. Provide hard copies of emails and clearance letters in resubmittal.
b) Provide a planview detail of the area at southwest corner of project more clearly identifying existing utilities in this area.
c) UPC 2006 Section 103.2.3: Provide utility clearance letters for existing utility lines in vicinity of proposed pipe crossing at southwest portion of the project.
d) Add detail as per email dated 24MAR0 2:21 pm, with additional elevation for the outer bottom of the proposed stormdrain pipe above the FO.
e) Add detail to plans regarding sand trench detail and information at SW Gas area of stormdrain crossing.
2) DS Sec.10- Address all remaining comments per redlines from meeting on 19FEB10 and include redlines in resubmittal package:
a) Label all inverts for the stormdrain pipes between basins, showing positive gradient on sheet GD04, in particular the southern 3 or 4 basins inverts need to be revised since they are all the same.
b) Label general dimensions of all basins for inspection purposes.
c) Sheet GD03 is labeled as a 8-in stormdrain pipe. Label bleed pipe diameter and pipe type on plan; 18-in min diameter stormdrain RCP with control plate at basin outlet is required. Also, provide a detail showing inlet plate.
d) Label square footage of disturbance area on cover sheet.
e) On GD03, show any update to south entry area per discussions with TDOT. Provide mountable curb detail for emergency access area on Ajo Wy, as agreed with City of Tucson DOT. Contact Jose Ortiz (520) 837-6730 for guidance.
3) On drainage exhibits label Q100 exiting and entering project area.
4) Provide copy of documentation for the authorization to do work by the State on the federal property.

The next submittal should address all the above items. Submit 2 copies of the revised plans with cross section details, 2 copies of the Drainage Report, utility clearance letters, other supporting documentation, and a response letter. If you have questions or would like to set up a meeting, call me at 837-4934.

Elizabeth Leibold, PE
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Planning & Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
04/08/2010 SUE REEVES OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed