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Permit Number: T10EL00831
Parcel: 140420400

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: BILLBOARD-BLDG/ELEC10days

Permit Number - T10EL00831
Review Name: BILLBOARD-BLDG/ELEC10days
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
05/27/2010 GLENN MOYER ADMINISTRATIVE ADMIN REVIEW Approv-Cond As this review was previously approved, the comments below can be considered "for future reference" only.

Please find below comments on the lighting relocation & electrical repair
resubmittal for COT ID# 261 at 2334 East Valencia Road (T10EL00831).

Mark Mayer
Billboard Review Committee
3361 East 23rd Street
Tucson, Arizona 85713

Sheet 2 of 3

1. Note: add notation that no junction boxes to be installed or used other
than those depicted on plan.

2. Note: add notation that number of #12 conductors specified includes
ground wire.

3. Partial Plan View: use this top view (enlarged if necessary) to provide
a full schematic of all junction boxes and connecting conduit; a note that
there is a junction box under each of the depicted ballasts will suffice for
those junction boxes; in particular, depict the junction box where the
circuits will branch for the two different faces, including its specific
location and the change in number of conductors (use Elevation to show
specific location of circuit branch junction box as well); alternatively, a
three dimensional schematic showing the junction box layout may be provided
(including ballasts and the changes in number of conductors).

4. Elevation: clarify what left "NEW 90º" depicted is and its relation to
the ½" liquid tite; show liquid tite in curved form (as in other submittals)
or clarify why liquid tite is depicted in 90º configuration.

5. Elevation: clarify if right "NEW 90º" depicted is pull through
elbow or otherwise.

6. Elevation: depict transition coupling/reducer between 1/2" liquid tite
and 3/4" new rigid conduit.

Sheet 3 of 3

1. Comment for future reference only: Side View: add dimension between top
stringer and top of upright/face panel (alternatively, either indicate
uppermost stringer as "Top Stringer"
or depict all four stringers).

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
06/04/2010 CPIERCE1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
06/04/2010 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed