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Permit Number: T10CM02530
Parcel: 10705126E

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: COMMERCIAL NEW

Permit Number - T10CM02530
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
09/13/2010 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved
09/16/2010 RONALD BROWN HC REVIEW Denied Reference Building Folder for Comments
1. For the "Type "A" Elevation" please show exact product sizes, mounting heights and locations for back bar to be mounted between the lav back splash and the bottom of the mirror. I don't think this is going to work and be compliant.
2. Please provide Special Inspection Certifications for review and approval.
3. Please provide complete structural calculations for all concrete foundations and footings.
a. As per the note on page 2-1 of the structural calculations, no geotechnical evaluation and report was provided for foundation design. Please design all foundations as per reccommendations of the Geotechnical Investigation Report prepared by Foree&Vann, Inc., dated 5 March 2010 that was submitted with the permit documents.
4. Structural calculation evaluations shown for the SIPS is not sufficient. Please provide a complete manufacturer's product literature along with structural calculations for all conditions.
a. If the SIPS is to be a deferred submittal, please provide another letter to the building official for additional fee assessment.
5. Please provide complete structural calculations for the suspended heat pump.
6. Please show north arrow on all floor plans and any partial floor plans.
09/17/2010 ROBERT SHERRY WATER REVIEW Denied Tucson Water limits a 1-1/2" meter to a maximum demand of 50 GPM. Provide a letter from Tucson Water confirming that the use of a 1-1/2" water meter will be allowed for this project. Reference: Sections 610.2 and 610.12, UPC 2006.
09/20/2010 DAVID RIVERA ZONING REVIEW Denied FROM: David Rivera
Principal Planner

875 W. Miracle Mile
Ghost Ranch - Three Unit Building - building #3

TRANSMITTAL DATE: September 20, 2010

COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings along with redlines and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1. Review the square footage of building two based on the actual building dimensions labeled on sheet A-3.0. After deducting the porch areas from the overall square footage I came up with a total 2,035 square feet and the square footage on sheet AS-1 is listed as 1,950. Please ensure that when calculating the square footages of the building that the outside dimensions are used and all non enclosed areas such as porches are not included. While the additional square footage does not increase the need for additional parking spaces it does affect the lot coverage and floor area ratios. The development criteria will have to be revised as required to match the actual per the floor plan dimensions.

2. After reviewing and comparing the building package site plan and landscape plan with the previously approved site and landscape plans it is clear that there are some changes to the site and building one that must be addressed. Zoning is requesting that a revised site and landscape plan is submitted for review and approval for the proposed changes which include the square footage of building one and the redlined areas on sheet AS-1.

3. When submitting the revised site and landscape plans for review, include a cover letter explaining the changes that have been made. These are the changes noted as part of this zoning review, which will include any calculation changes.

a. Cross walk location and access ramps at main entrance along Miracle Mile.

b. Sidewalk and the access ramp at the corner of Fairview and Miracle Mile.

c. Sidewalks, access ramps and crosswalk at the northwest entrance along Fairview.

d. Crosswalks and access ramps between buildings 1 and 3.

e. Relocation and addition of an additional HC parking adjacent to buildings 1 and 2.

f. Sidewalks and relocation of the bicycle parking facilities from building 3 to building 4.

g. Calculations for building square footage must be revised.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call David Rivera, (520) 791-5608.

C:\planning\idrive\cdrc\DSC\Ghostranch lodge units 1-12.doc

RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site plan and additional requested documents
09/23/2010 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. The applicable code for all commercial plumbing projects is the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code with Local Amendments. Provide an approved appeal to the building official if the plans are to be reviewed to the 2006 IPC.
2. The minimum residual water pressure is 15 PSI unless it can be shown that no specified fixtures or appliances require minimum residual pressures greater than 8 PSI. Note that some water closets and some appliances (e.g. dishwashers and clothes washers) require minimum residual pressures greater than 15 PSI. Reference: Section 608.1, UPC 2006.
3. Specify the precise method to be used to sterilize the PEX water distribution system that meets the requirements of the PEX manufacturer. The UPC provides two methods of sterilization and one of them (200 ppm for 3 hours) may be harmful to the PEX. Reference: Sections 310.4 and 609.9, UPC 2006.
4. The pipe sizing chart, shown on sheet P-6, is supposed to be based on a friction factor of 7.2 PSI per 100 feet of pipe. If it is designed for sizing the aboveground piping (PEX), the stated upper limits for each tubing size are incorrect. All of the friction factors are in excess of 12.5 PSI per 100 feet and the tubing sizes of 1" and greater have velocities much greater than 8 FPS. Revise the chart as required to limit the pressure drops to the calculated values and the velocities to 8 feet per second or less.
5. Provide vent piping of sufficient size to comply with Section 904.1, UPC 2006. Vents located upstream from pumps, ejectors, backwater valves, or other devices that obstruct the free flow of gases between the building sewer and the outside atmosphere shall not be used for meeting the required cross-sectional vent area.
6. Clarify how an air gap fitting will be employed for terminating the HVAC condensate drain. Reference: Sections 103.2.3 and 807.2, UPC 2006.
09/24/2010 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. The 2006 International Mechanical Code with Local Amendments is the relevant code for this project, not the International Residential Code. Note also that a "concealed attic system" (R806.4, IRC 2006) is not a part of the IBC and will require an appeal to the building official based on Section 104.11, IBC 2006.
2. Provide the required documentation described in Section 404.4, IECC 2006 to show that this building complies with the mandatory requirements of Sections 401, 402.4, 402.5, 402.6, and 403, IECC 2006 as well as having an annual energy cost that is less than or equal to a standard reference design. Reference: Section 404, International Energy Conservation Code 2006.
09/29/2010 RAY MAJUTA ELECTRICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied Denied, see comments for Activity T10CM02528
10/05/2010 GERRY KOZIOL WWM REVIEW Approved

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
10/13/2010 SUE REEVES OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed