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Permit Number: T10CM01941
Parcel: 11307145A

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T10CM01941
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
11/04/2010 RICK MYERS PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. See 101.3, and 103,2,2 2006 UPC- provide isometric drawings for the drain waste and vent system. Include which fixtures are to be directly connected to the sanitary sewer system, which are to be indirectly connected to the sanitary sewer system, and which fixtures are connected to the gravity grease interceptor. Show how the flow contol for each grease waste fixture is connected. 2. Provide a water schedule showing how the additioinal water supplies do not overload the existing system. 3. All plumbing fixtures, drains, appurtenances,and appliances used to receive or discharge liquid wastes or sewage, shall be connected properly to the drainage system of the building or premises, in accordance with the requirements of this code. See 304,0 2006 UPC 4. Pot sinks, scullery sinks, dishwashing sinks, silverware sinks, commercial dishwashing machines, silverware washing machines, and other similar fixtures, shall be directly connected to the drainage system. See 704.3 2006 UPC. 5. Drains for refrigerators, refrigeration coils, freezers, walk in coolers, ice boxes, ice making machines, steam tables, egg boilers, coffee urns and brewers, hot and cold drink dispensers, and similar equipment shall be indirectly wasted. See 801,2 2006 UPC. 6. Food prep sinks, steam kettles, potato peelers, ice cream dipper wells and similar equipment shall be indirectly connected to the drainage system by an air gap. 7. Multiple fixtures draining into the two inch floor sink overloads the sink, Dish sink equals three dfu, Dishwasher equals three dfu. Three compartment sink equals three dfu. Only eight dfus are allowed on a two inch horizontal drain. See table 7-5 2006 UPC. 8, Water to the soda fountain requires backflow protection. The tower could require: 007 or equal for potable water, 007 or equal for the ice maker, 007 or equal for the non-carbonated beverages, and 009 or equal for the carbonated beverages. Show on the plan how each water supplied device is to be protected.
11/09/2010 ROBERT SHERRY MECHANICAL-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. Section R4-30-304 of the Rules of the Arizona State Board of Technical Registration, states that all plans shall be sealed by an Arizona Registrant and a notation shall be placed beneath the seal, written, typed, or electronically generated, that provides the day, month, and year of the expiration of current registration. (Effective March 8, 2008).
2. Revise the material used for the construction of the grease duct to welded 16-gage steel or welded 18-gage stainless steel. Reference: Section 506.3.1.1, IMC 2006.
3. Provide balancing information to show that the grease ducts will have a minimum velocity of 1500 feet per minute. Reference: Section 506.3.4, IMC 2006, as amended by the City of Tucson.
4. Revise the hood canopies so that they extend at least 6" horizontally on all open sides beyond the edge of the top horizontal surface of the appliances under the hood canopies. Reference: Section 507.12, IMC 2006.
5. The required exhaust rate for a Type I hood is determined by the exhaust rate for the heaviest-duty appliance under the hood (i.e. a heavy-duty appliance requires an exhaust rate of 400 CFM per foot of hood. Reference: Section 507.13, IMC 2006.
6. Revise the operating characteristics for fan EF-1 to agree with the required exhaust rate for the hoods. Reference: Section 507.13, IMC 2006.
11/16/2010 BIANCA RAMIREZ ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied Applicant would like to pull plans to make plumbing and mechanical revisions. Please ensure that any additional work that was or is to be performed to structure is included in cost estimates in order to issue floodplain use permit.