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Permit Number: T10CM00713
Parcel: 13815014G

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: SITE

Permit Number - T10CM00713
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/07/2010 RBROWN1 ADA REVIEW Passed Not a COT owned/operated property.
04/12/2010 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Approved
04/20/2010 ROBERT SHERRY PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL REVIEW Denied 1. The site drawing indicates that a 6" PVC building sewer is located beneath the proposed location of the addition to the existing building. What is the type of PVC used for the building sewer (i.e. is the material approved for use under a building)?
2. Show how backflow protection for the city water system is being provided. The existing water meter serving the site appears to be located in a PAAL with the existing reduced pressure backflow preventer located on the west side of building #1, with the branch for the new building occurring between the meter and the backflow preventor.
04/20/2010 LOREN MAKUS ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied April 20, 2010
T10CM00713 and T10BU00468
Site and Grading Reviews
Loren Makus, EIT

The Site and Grading Plans cannot be approved as submitted. The following comments must be addressed. I am willing to review the next submittal over the counter.

1. Clarify the differences between the Site Plan (SP) and the Site/Development Plan (SDP). Revise the plans to be consistent or provide a single plan.

2. Provide curve radii and dimensions for parking lot islands and features. Provide general dimensions for the retention basin and other drainage features.

3. Retention/Water harvesting area is also labeled as a playground. The Drainage Statement indicates that the basin will be lined with graded rock. Clarify that these are compatible designations. It might be possible to spread this area over a greater area and have flatter slopes and a shallower basin.

4. The SP indicates the addition of Rip Rap in several areas to address erosion. This should be shown on the grading plan as well. Include other drainage features from the SDP on the SP.

5. Provide the correct basin bottom elevation for the retention area. Also provide proposed spot grades within and around the basin to demonstrate that the volume will be achieved.

6. Show on the SP, SDP and Landscape Plans how water harvesting will be maximized in the landscape areas. Clarify which, if any, of the landscape areas are existing. Provide details or spot grades showing effective ponding areas within all new landscape areas.

7. The SDP and Grading Plan show new truncated domes associated with the accessible parking spaces. These should be removed. The SP is correct in this instance.