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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: REZONING - IPC
Plan Number - T09SE00062
Review Name: REZONING - IPC
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
12/14/2009 | MATT FLICK | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | This request contains adequate information to determine Grant-Alvernon Area Plan compliance, and a plan amendment is not required. It should be noted that the current PDP contains several references to Pima County codes. |
12/15/2009 | JHERSHE1 | COMMUNITY PLANNING | REVIEW | Completed | PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES SE-09-62 AT&T - Columbus Blvd. C-2, ZELP (Ward 6) Grant-Alvernon Area Plan and General Plan 12/11/09 jsh (initial review for plan compliance) Issue - This is a request by Chad Blunt of Western Land Services, LLC, on behalf of AT&T, to allow a wireless communications tower as a special exception use in the C-2 zone. The special exception site is at 1159 N. Columbus Boulevard, in a self-storage facility on the north side of Speedway Boulevard, west of Columbus. The property is owned by Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. The preliminary development plan shows a new 65-foot high stealth monopalm, with three sectors of antennas mounted at a center line of 60 feet, and ground equipment, all within an enclosed compound. A communications use of this type is subject to Section of the Land Use Code, and requires approval through a Zoning Examiner Legislative Procedure, Sections 5.4.1 and 5.4.3. A public hearing before the Zoning Examiner is required. The Zoning Examiner will make a recommendation to the Mayor and Council, who will render a decision to grant the use, with or without conditions, or to deny the use. Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning - The area surrounding the Speedway/Columbus intersection, in all four directions, is zoned C-2 and developed with miscellaneous commercial uses. The self-storage facility is at the edge of the commercially-zoned area northwest of the intersection. Properties to the north and west are zoned R-2. To the north, across Bellevue, is single- and multi-family residential development, and a small recreational vehicle park. West of and adjacent to the self-storage facility are single-family residences. The closest residential structures are approximately 115 feet to the north and 190 feet to the west of the proposed lease site. Land Use Plan Policy Summary - Land Use Plan Policies. The site is within the bounds of the Grant-Alvernon Area Plan. That plan and the City's General Plan provide policy guidance applicable to this proposal. Grant-Alvernon Area Plan Office and Commercial Land Use Policy 2 encourages incorporating appropriate design elements and buffering techniques during the zoning application and associated plan review processes. Policy 6 is to discourage wireless communication antennae arrays unless concealed, disguised, or collocated on existing buildings or structures. General Plan Policy 3.7 (Element 4) requires that, if possible, telecommunications facilities be located, installed and maintained to minimize visual impacts and preserve views. Visual impacts will be a key consideration during the review process. Policy 4.6 (General Plan, Element 4) promotes the coordination of efforts of government, private developers and utility firms to improve the appearance of above-ground utilities and structures. Action 5.5A is to consider incentives for telecommunications providers to install infrastructure in older as well as newer neighborhoods, to increase opportunities for all citizens to have access to high-tech telecom services. Sufficiency of Information to Determine Plan Compliance - The applicant attended a rezoning pre-submittal meeting on August 5, 2009. Staff said the formal application must include a detailed description of how the site will be designed to blend in with the surroundings. Also, the array should have a maximum standoff of 18 inches, and the sector width should be reduced. Any LUC-required parking that will be lost needs to be replaced, or a variance must be obtained. The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on November 12, 2009. According to the information submitted, six neighbors and Ward 6 staff attended. The neighbors said the Garden District neighborhoods are low-income areas that are in decline. They asked what AT&T would be willing to do to help area residents with graffiti abatement, neighborhood signage, bus stop shelters, or other aesthetic and/or safety enhancements. According to the information provided, the neighbors expressed opposition to this proposal. However, no reason for that opposition has been provided, and staff has not seen anything in writing. The application further indicated the neighbors' opposition may have been withdrawn after AT&T offered a cash donation to the neighborhood, to be used at their discretion, for neighborhood enhancements. No information has been provided on existing tall structures and/or trees in the area. Based on a review of aerial photos, there are several power poles nearby; light poles on the car dealership to the east, across Columbus; and several trees in the area, including along the streets adjacent to the self-storage business, which will help the proposed faux palm blend in. In this case, staff is able to readily assess the presence of other vertical features in the area. Sufficient information has been provided to demonstrate that visual impacts of this proposal on the surroundings will be minimal, and the proposal complies with the land use plan policies. Staff recommends that future submittals for new cell tower proposals include an assessment of vertical features in the area, as a standard component of the design compatibility assessment. Summary - Sufficient information has been provided to demonstrate compliance with the land use plan policies. A plan amendment is not required. Staff recommends the application be distributed for further processing. As a condition of granting this special exception use, staff will recommend that the faux palm be maintained as needed to preserve its visual integrity and conceal the tower and antennas. (see the following page for a listing of applicable land use plan policies) LAND USE PLAN POLICIES Grant-Alvernon Area Plan Office and Commercial Land Use Policy 2 encourages incorporating appropriate design elements and buffering techniques during the zoning application and associated plan review processes. " Policy 6 is to discourage wireless communication antennae arrays unless concealed, disguised, or collocated on existing buildings or structures. General Plan Element 2 Policy 3 is to protect established neighborhoods by supporting compatible development. " Supporting Policy 3.9 is to support nonresidential uses, where the scale and intensity of use will be compatible with adjacent uses, including residential development, neighborhood schools and businesses. Element 4, Supporting Policy 3.7 requires that, whenever possible, telecommunication facilities be located, installed and maintained to minimize visual impact, preserve views, and be consistent with the City's adopted land use plans and policies. Cabling and fiber optics should be installed underground where possible, and the visual impact of cellular towers will be a prime consideration in the City's acceptance and approval. " Policy 4.6 promotes the coordination of efforts of government, private developers and utility firms to improve the appearance of above-ground utilities and structures. " Policy 5 is to promote neighborhood identity and visual character. " Action 5.5.A is to consider incentives for telecommunications providers to install infrastructure, not only in newer areas, but also in older neighborhoods to increase opportunities for all citizens to have access to high-tech telecom services. F:\Shardir\UPDfiles\DevRev\CASE_REVIEW\SP-EXCPT\SE09-10\SE-09-62i.doc |
12/16/2009 | TERRY STEVENS | ZONING | REVIEW | Completed | TO: Rezoning Division Re: Acceptance of Information for Plan Compliance (IPC) AT&T - Columbus Blvd 1159 N. Columbus Blvd - C-2 Zoning Special Exception Case Number - SE-09-62 1. The proposed use falls under the LUC Sec. Special Exception Land Uses, Commercial Services Use Group, Sec. 6.3.5. Communications "31", subject to: Sec., .C, and .E.1, or Sec., .C, and .E.2, or Sec., .C, and .F.2, or Sec., .C, and .G 2. The submitted plan, showing the proposed new cell tower is acceptable to continue the review for the zoning examiner's report. Should you have questions, contact me at 837-4961 please. Terry Stevens, Lead Planner City of Tucson, Development Services Department |
12/18/2009 | DAVE MANN | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved |