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Plan Number: T09SE00015
Parcel: Unknown


Review Status: Completed


Plan Number - T09SE00015
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
07/16/2009 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved
07/20/2009 MATT FLICK ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed SE-09-15 Arizona Auto Spa - Grant Road, C-1 Zone (Ward 6)

DSD Engineering has no objection to approval of the Special Exception for this project.

The 0.34-acre parcel contains an existing restaurant (The French Quarter) site and lies along the southern side of Grant Road at 3146 E Grant Road. Existing access is via curb cuts; there is no sidewalk adjacent to Grant Road.

The parcel is wholly within the COT-mapped floodplain of Christmas Wash (Q100 = 1088 cfs). Any improvement to the building equal to, or exceeding, fifty percent (50%) of the existing building's value will cause the entire building to become compliant with the Floodplain Ordinance. It is not known whether the existing building is in conformance at this time. It is likely that the applicant will be asked to provide a completed Elevation Certificate as part of the Floodplain Use Permit application process. The site does not lie within a critical/balanced basin and is smaller than 1 acre; detention/retention is not required.

Onsite circulation to the dumpster, as shown on the Preliminary Development Plan (PDP), may be problematic. Given the parking and PAAL layout as shown on the PDP, and the apparent narrowness of the PAAL on the eastern side of the building, it appears the circulation is planned to be in a counterclockwise rotation (facing north). This places an existing power pole in the area north of the proposed dumpster in which the trash collection vehicle must maneuver. It is suggested that the applicant revise the traffic circulation or dumpster placement so as to allow maneuverability for the trash collection vehicle.

No conditions are requested.

Matt Flick, P.E.
Development Services Department
City of Tucson

Phone: (520) 837-4931
Fax: (520) 791-4340

Vehicle Trip Generation: Daily: NA PM Peak: 21
07/20/2009 NSTEVEN1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW ADOT Completed ADOT Traffic Engineering
Regional Traffic

No comments from Traffic Engineering on this submittal. The development will not affect any ADOT facilities.
07/22/2009 JOE LINVILLE LANDSCAPE REVIEW Approv-Cond The Landscape Section recommends that landscaping be required within the property adjacent to the Grant Road frontage and that additional planting areas be provided to equal or exceed 500 square feet total per the applicable landscape regulations in effect when the property
was developed.
07/22/2009 NSTEVEN1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW PIMA CNTY WASTEWATER Completed Pima County Wastewater
Greg Hitt, Principal Planner
Development Liaison Section Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department

Special Exception / c-1

The Planning Services Section of the Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) has reviewed the above referenced submittal and offers the following comments for your use:

The PCRWRD has no objection to the proposed special exception to allow an automotive window tinting shop on .34 acres.

The PCRWRD presently serves this property and does not anticipate any changes to the existing service based on the proposed use.

If you wish to discuss the above comments/conditions, please contact me at 740-6567.

TO: Development Services Department
Rezoning Section

FROM: Terry Stevens
Lead Planner

PROJECT: Arizona Auto Spa - Grant Rd.
3146 E. Grant Rd. - C-1 Zoning
Special Exception Case Number - SE-09-15

TRANSMITTAL: July 23, 2009
1. The proposed use falls under the Commercial Services Use Group, Sec. 6.3.5 LUC Sec. Automotive - Minor Service and Repair "28", subject to: Sec., .C, .D, and .E
Development designator "28" requires or allows the following:
Minimum site required = 0
Floor area ratio = 0.50 allowed, 0.14 proposed
Maximum building height = 30 feet allowed, 16' proposed
Interior perimeter yard indicator = DD

Zoning has reviewed this proposal for compliance with The City of Tucson Development Standard Land Use Code (LUC).

Off-Street Parking: 18 required, 23 provided
Off-Street Loading: 0 required per last approved site plan
Bicycle Parking: 0 per last approved site plan
Pedestrian Access: per last approved site plan

Zoning has no adverse comments in regards to the proposed use based on the existing site plan and that this entire site will be removed at the time of future widening of Grant Rd.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call Terry Stevens, (520) 836-4961 or email Terry.Stevens@tucsonaz.gov.
07/24/2009 NSTEVEN1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW PARKS & RECREATION Completed Parks and Recreation has no comments.

Glenn Hicks
Capital Planning and Development
Parks & Recreation Dept., City of Tucson
900 S. Randolph Way
Tucson, Az. 85716
(520) 791-4873 x 215
(520) 791-4008 (fax)
SE-09-15 Arizona Auto Spa - Grant Road
C-1, ZE Full Notice Procedure (Ward 6)
Grant-Alvernon Area Plan and General Plan
7/20/09 jsh (detailed review)

Proposal -

This special exception request is for an approximately 0.32-acre site on the south side of Grant Road, about 360 feet east of Country Club Road. The site, at 3146 E. Grant Road, was formerly developed as the French Quarter restaurant. The restaurant has closed, and the building is vacant. The owner of the property to the east, Richard Spreiser, wants to remodel the restaurant building and use it as an auto window tinting business, which would be a companion business to his car wash facility, Arizona Auto Spa, located at 3150 E. Grant Road, east of and adjacent to the subject site. Because the subject site is slated for a full take in conjunction with the Grant Road widening project, and as the building will likely be demolished, the owner hopes to minimize the improvements required for the auto window tinting business.

Land Use Code (LUC) Performance Criteria -

According to LUC, an auto window tinting business is allowed as a special exception use in the C-1 zone (automotive minor service and repair), subject to performance criteria and E, as follows:

B. The service building shall be limited in design to accommodate no more than two vehicles at any time. Vehicle space size shall be a maximum of ten by twenty-five feet.
C. The use must occur within an enclosed building with one access per bay, not on the side toward any residential zone.
D. The building walls shall have no openings, other than non-opening windows, within thirty feet of the adjacent residential zone boundary line.
E. (for car washes only - not applicable to this site)

Approval is through the Zoning Examiner Full Notice Procedure, 23A-50 and 23A-53.

Land Use Plan Policy Summary -

Special Exception applications are reviewed for compliance with the adopted land use plans, which in this case are the Grant-Alvernon Area Plan and the General Plan. Staff may recommend conditions for granting this use that will enhance the proposal's compliance with the land use plan policies.

Grant-Alvernon Area Plan policies support development on the perimeter of residential areas that will serve to protect and enhance the quality of life for neighborhood residents. Primary access for nonresidential uses is to be from arterial streets, or collector streets within 300 feet of an arterial. For nonresidential development, appropriate design elements and buffering techniques should be incorporated into the site design during the rezoning and subsequent review processes. Site design guidelines suggest that lighting fixtures be as low in elevation as possible.

General Plan policies support appropriate locations for commercial and office uses, with priority for development and redevelopment within the existing urbanized area … to promote use and improvement of existing infrastructure, … and meet residents' needs for goods an services in a cost effective and equitable fashion. Neighborhood identity and visual character is promoted, as is quality in design.


Surrounding Uses/Zoning -

The roadway frontage along Grant Road in the vicinity of the site is zoned C-1 and developed with commercial uses, except for the parcel to the east and south of the site, which is zoned C-2 and developed with an auto/truck washing business, Arizona Auto Spa. As mentioned previously, the owner of Arizona Auto Spa wants to lease the subject site for use as an auto window tinting business.

Further south, on the south side of the car wash, is a large, R-2 zoned parcel consisting mostly of open space with scattered communications facilities. West of the subject site is a heating and cooling contractor's business. The closest residential properties are about 140 feet east and 165 feet southwest of the site. Both are developed with single-family residences.

Compatibility and Quality in Design-

Few changes to the site are planned, except for remodeling the building interior and minimal changes to the exterior. The surrounding land uses are generally of equivalent or greater intensity than the proposed use, and the nearest residence is over 100 feet away. Consequently, there aren't any significant compatibility issues. No neighbors attended the neighborhood meeting, which was held on June 17, 2009.

This site is like many of the commercial businesses along this segment of Grant Road in that it is an older, single-story, relatively small building that is close to the roadway. Sidewalks and street landscaping are intermittent, and in this location, there are none.

Since the parcel has been identified for a possible full take in conjunction with the Grant Road widening project, the proposed use may be transitory, and the building may be demolished. However, interim improvements should improve the visual appeal of the area, and should not adversely impact the surroundings.

Based on the plans provided, changes in the elevation along Grant Road include removing the existing porch, and adding two new garage bay doors, which will face Grant Road. It is anticipated the building will be painted. If the exterior is painted, staff recommends that it be a color that complements or is consistent with the surrounding buildings along Grant Road. Also, if any new outdoor lighting is provided, it should be downward and as low in elevation as possible, and there should be no spillover lighting into the public roadway.

Recommendation -

This proposal is consistent with the policy direction in the Grant-Alvernon Area Plan and the General Plan. Although the parcel is tentatively slated for a full take in conjunction with the Grant Road widening project, it will help strengthen the neighborhood edge to have businesses operating for as long as possible, prior to the widening. To enhance this proposal's consistency with the land use plan policies, the following are recommended as conditions of granting this special exception use:

1) If the building exterior is painted, the color should be complementary to or consistent with the exterior color of buildings in the vicinity.

2) All lighting shall be downward directed, as low in elevation as possible, and there shall be no spillover lighting onto Grant Road.

F:\Shardir\UPDfiles\Development Review\CASE_REVIEW\SP-EXCPT\SE09-10\SE0915det.doc


Grant-Alvernon Area Plan. General Land Use Policy 3. supports development on the perimeter of residential areas that will serve to protect and enhance the qualify of life for neighborhood residents. Policy 6 restricts primary access for nonresidential uses to arterial streets, or collector streets within 300 feet of an arterial.

Office and Commercial Land Use Policy 2 encourages incorporating appropriate design elements and buffering techniques during the zoning application … review processes.

General Site Design Guideline 8 suggests lighting fixtures should be as low in elevation as possible.

General Plan. Element 2, Policy 5 supports appropriate locations for commercial and office uses, with priority for development and redevelopment within the existing urbanized area … to promote use and improvement of existing infrastructure, … and meet residents' needs for goods an services in a cost effective and equitable fashion.

Element 4, Policy 5 promotes neighborhood identity and visual character. Policy 6 promotes quality in design for all new development.
07/30/2009 JOSE ORTIZ DOT TRAFFIC REVIEW Denied TDOT-Traffic does not approve this special exception on the grounds that this site may be a full acquisition with the RTA Grant Road widening project. Additional discussion is needed with TDOT staff and the owner of this site, which will allow the owner an opportunity to re-evaluate these proposed improvements.
07/30/2009 NSTEVEN1 DOT ENGINEERING REVIEW Completed TDOT Engineering
Andy Dinauer
The TDOT Engineering Division has reviewed the subject item and offers the following comments/conditions/requirements:

1. Any relocation, modification, etc., of existing utilities and/or public improvements necessitated by the proposed development will be at no expense to the Public.

2. Owner/developer shall dedicate right-of-way per the future Grant Road Improvement Plan.

3. In order to allow this site to remain functional until such time as the City moves forward with the Grant Road Improvement Project, the City will support the owner/developer in obtaining a Temporary Revocable Easement and/or other legal instrument to allow the owner/developer to use portions of the existing right-of-way for code required items until such time as the acquisition process is commenced.
08/19/2009 DCORRAL1 ENV SVCS REVIEW Completed No comments received.
08/19/2009 DCORRAL1 TUCSON WATER NEW AREA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW Completed No comments received.
08/19/2009 JULIE YBARRA SIGNS SIGN CODE REVIEW Completed No comments received.

TUSD Planning Services reviewed the Special Exception and have no concerns.
Please see attachment for further details.

Shaun Brown
Planning Technician
Engineering, Facilities & Planning
(520) 225-4767/ Fax (520) 225-4939
E-mail: Shaun.Brown@tusd1.org
08/19/2009 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW TDOT RTA Completed No comments received.
08/19/2009 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW TDOT STREETS Completed No objections from Streets.
Sandra Zurbrick
08/19/2009 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OTHER AGENCIES Completed Transit-Transportation
My comments are as follows:

-The site plan does not include any bicycle parking calculations. Please include bicycle parking calculations in accordance with the Land Use Code Motor Vehicle and Bicycle Parking Requirements section.

- Based on the Land Use Code one Class 2 (short-term) bicycle parking space is required.

-A Class 1 (long-term) bicycle parking space would probably be more appropriate for this use. The long-term bicycle parking space could be used by employees.

-If the developer opts for the Class 2 bicycle parking space the rack needs to be located within 30 feet of the main entrance of the building.

-If Class 1 is chosen for employee parking then the Class 1 bicycle parking facilities need to be located as reasonably as possible for the convenience of the employee.

Jennifer Donofrio for Tom Thivener
Tucson Electric Power Company has no comments on SE-09-15 Arizona Auto Spa - Grant Road, C-1 Zone (Ward 6), a new special exception land use permit for automotive service & repair.

Laura J. Sagerman (formerly Pinnas)
Environmental and Land Use Planner
Land Management
Tucson Electric Power Company
PO Box 711, Mail Stop DS315
Tucson, AZ 85702
(520) 918-8254
FAX (520) 545-1435
08/19/2009 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OTHER AGENCIES Completed Tucson Police Department
I have no issues with this proposal.
CSO Becky Noel #37968
Tucson Police Dept
08/19/2009 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OTHER AGENCIES Completed Development Services, Pima County
July 28, 2009

Subject: SE-09-15 Arizona Auto Spa - Grant Road (Ward 6)

Thank you for the opportunity to review the above referenced Special Exception application. Pima County has no comments to offer at this time.

Sherry A. Ruther
Manager - Environmental and Long Range Planning Group
Pima County Development Services
08/19/2009 DCORRAL1 REZ AGENCY REVIEW OTHER AGENCIES Completed Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the subject special
exception SE-09-15 Arizona Auto Spa - Grant Road, C-1 Zone (Ward 6).
The site is not within the TIA Public Disclosure Area. The Tucson
Airport Authority does not oppose this request.


Jordan D. Feld, AICP

Director of Planning

Tucson Airport Authority

7005 S. Plumer Ave.

Tucson, AZ 85756