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Plan Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: REZONING - IPC
Plan Number - T09SE00012
Review Name: REZONING - IPC
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
06/26/2009 | TERRY STEVENS | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | TO: Rezoning Division Re: Acceptance of Information for Plan Compliance (IPC) Mansfield Park - Los Altos - Verizon 2550 N. Los Altos - R-2 Zoning Special Exception Case Number - SE-09-12 1. The proposed use falls under the LUC Sec. Special Exception Land Uses, Commercial Services Use Group, Sec. 6.3.5. Communications "41", limited to wireless communication towers and antennae, subject to: Sec., .C, and .E.2, or Sec., .C, and .F.1, or Sec., .C, and .G 2. The proposed new 75' in height cell tower at this address does not meet the subject to sections indicated above. a. Sec. Must be collocated on an existing wireless communication tower. b. Sec. The tower and antennae are fifty (50) feet or less in height. c. Sec. New towers require a minimum separation of one (1) mile from any existing tower, regardless of ownership, unless documentation establishes that no practical alternative exists. 3. Based on the above comments zoning does not approve this plan to continue for the zoning examiner's report. Should you have questions, contact me at 837-4961 please. Terry Stevens, Lead Planner City of Tucson, Development Services Department |
06/26/2009 | DAVE MANN | FIRE | REVIEW | Approved | |
07/09/2009 | MATT FLICK | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Completed | |
07/23/2009 | JHERSHE1 | COMMUNITY PLANNING | REVIEW | Denied | DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT - Land Use Plan Compliance Review SE-09-12 Mansfield Park - Los Altos Avenue R-2, ZELP (Ward 3) Cragin-Keeling Area Plan and General Plan 7/1/09 jsh (initial plan compliance review) Introduction - This special exception request is for a new 75-foot high tower on a 2.8-acre parcel owned by the Good News Broadcasting Company. The parcel is at 2550 N. Los Altos Avenue, one and one-half blocks north of Grant Road, and one block west of First Avenue. Both Grant and First are arterial streets according the Major Streets and Routes Plan. Except for an existing 300-foot high guy tower near the center of the site, the parcel is vacant. The new 75-foot high tower and ground equipment would be located in an 800 square-foot lease area in the northeast quadrant of the site. Access would be from a proposed 12-foot wide easement connecting to Los Altos Avenue at the northwest corner of the 2.8-acre parcel. This request is processed in accordance with the Zoning Examiner's Legislative Procedure. The purpose of this review is to ensure that the proposal complies with the adopted land use plans, which are the Cragin-Keeling Area Plan and the General Plan. Area Land Uses and Zoning - This site is at the eastern edge of a primarily R-2 zoned residential area located west of N. First Avenue. It's on the eastern side of Los Altos Avenue, about mid-block between Jacinto Street to the north and Alturas Street to the south. A small multi-family complex and single-family homes in R-2 zoning are north of and adjacent to the site. C-3 zoned businesses are to the east, along the western side of N. First Avenue. These include an auto collision center, an office complex and other commercial uses. The proposed tower is set back 75 feet from the residences to the north and the businesses to the east. Single-family homes in R-2 zoning are south of and adjacant to the site, and commercial uses are to the south across Alturas Street, in C-1 zoning. Across Los Altos to the west is a large two-story apartment complex in R-3 zoning. Mansfield Park is a little over ΒΌ mile to the southwest. Land Use Plan Policy Summary - The Cragin-Keeling Area Plan was adopted in 1990, before there was a proliferation of cell towers. According to the Plan's conceptual land use map, the site is on the eastern edge of an area designated for residential uses. Commercial uses, including higher-intensity mixed uses, are supported along the First Avenue, directly east of the site. No specific policy direction applies, however, the goal of the Plan's design guidelines is to ensure the compatibility of new development with existing land uses, especially residential uses. The General Plan was adopted in 2001, and there are policies that specifically address proposals for communication facilities. Element 4, Policy 3.7 requires that, whenever possible, telecommunications facilities are to be located, installed, and maintained to minimize visual impacts. Further, the visual impact of cellular towers is a prime consideration in the City's acceptance and approval. Policy 4.6 promotes the coordination of efforts of the government, private developers, and utility firms to improve the appearance of necessary aboveground utility lines and structures. Other policies require that new development be compatible with adjacent land uses. Adequate Information for Plan Compliance - This case was reviewed at a pre-submittal meeting held on November 12, 2008. That request was for a 60-foot high monopole; the current request is for a 75-foot high monopole. Meeting notes indicate that the one-mile separation criterion is an issue (Land Use Code Also, if a wall is used for screening, no additional vegetative screening will be required, however, the wall must be graffiti-resistant. It was noted that stealth treatment must be provided to visually mitigate the monopole. In response to staff's pre-submittal review comments, the application indicates that an existing tower at the northeast corner of Grant and First will be decommissioned, which should address the one-mile separation criterion. This application did not, however, include any provisions for visually concealing the proposed tower. Consequently, this proposal does not comply with General Plan requirements for mitigating visual impacts of these facilities. The required neighborhood meeting was held on April 20, 2009. Two neighbors attended, and both submitted letters regarding this proposal. Neighbors' concerns included the visual appearance of the site, and a potential to negatively impact the value of adjacent properties. Recommendation - Because no visual mitigation of the tower is proposed, the application does not comply with the policy direction in the City's General Plan. Staff recommends that the the application be revised to provide stealth treatment of the tower, and that no further processing occur until this item has been addressed. LAND USE PLANS Cragin-Keeling Area Plan No specific policy direction applies. The Plan supports residential uses on the subject property. Mixed uses, including higher-density uses, are supported east of and adjacent to the site. The goal of the Plan's design guidelines is to ensure the compatibility of new development with existing land uses, especially residential uses. General Plan Element 2 Policy 3 is to protect established neighborhoods by supporting compatible development. " Supporting Policy 3.9 is to support nonresidential uses, where the scale and intensity of use will be compatible with adjacent uses, including residential development, neighborhood schools and businesses. Element 4, Supporting Policy 3.7 requires that, whenever possible, telecommunication facilities be located, installed and maintained to minimize visual impact, preserve views, and be consistent with the City's adopted land use plans and policies. Cabling and fiber optics should be installed underground where possible, and the visual impact of cellular towers will be a prime consideration in the City's acceptance and approval. Supporting Policy 4.6 is to promote the coordination of efforts of government, private developers, and utility firms to improve the appearance of necessary above ground utility lines and structures. " Policy 5 is to promote neighborhood identity and visual character. " Action 5.5.A is to consider incentives for telecommunications providers to install infrastructure, not only in newer areas, but also in older neighborhoods to increase opportunities for all citizens to have access to high-tech telecom services. s:\caserev\SP-EXCPT\SE08-09\SE0912.doc |