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Permit Number: T09OT02791
Parcel: 99999999A

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: FLOODPLAIN

Permit Number - T09OT02791
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
12/24/2009 JASON GREEN ENGINEERING REVIEW Approved December 28, 2009
PROJECT ADDRESS: 7166 S Missiondale Road
APPLICANT'S NAME: Physical Resource Engineering
PROPERTY OWNER: Community Partnership Housing- Elvira LLC

The applicant is authorized to use a portion of the FEMA Special Flood Hazard Area Zone AE floodplain per the Flood Insurance Rate Map Panel #04019C2830, specifically described as:

Parcel 138-21-022A; VALENCIA S2 S2 LOT 17 & 18 EXC E19'

The applicant agrees to comply with City of Tucson Floodplain and Erosion Hazard, and Watercourse Amenities, Safety and Habitat regulations, and is particularly bound by the conditions stated below. Violation of any of the conditions stated or referred to below, as determined by the City Engineer, shall be grounds for revocation of this permit. Responsibility for renewal of this permit, if necessary, is with the applicant. Issuance of this permit does not constitute a waiver of other requirements contained in the Tucson City Code, Land Use Code, or any other Federal, State, County, or local regulation. No use other than as permitted herein is allowed. Additional uses allowed under City of Tucson Floodplain and Erosion Hazard Regulations and Watercourse Amenities, Safety, and Habitat regulations require the issuance of an additional Floodplain Use Permit.

The following 8 conditions apply to this permit:

1) This permit becomes invalid and is subject to additional floodplain review, if any required development changes or further disturbance within the floodplain area occurs other than that outlined in this application. This floodplain use permit may be subject to conditions or restrictions designed to reduce or mitigate the potential damage or hazard to life or property resulting from the construction activity within the regulatory floodplain, floodway or erosion hazard areas as determined by the project engineer and accepted by the City of Tucson.
2) Except as approved by the City Engineer prior to the start of construction, development under this permit shall not obstruct, retard or divert the existing flow of floodwaters from or to adjacent properties.
3) This Floodplain Use Permit is for the proposed drainage improvements to outlet onsite flows into the existing concrete line channel of El Vado Wash. All work shall conform to the AZ Registered stamped civil grading plan, prepared by Poster Frost Associates, LLC which is made part of this permit. Specifically Sheet C1 and Detail 11 Sheet C3. The drainage improvements must be constructed per the Hydrology/Hydraulic Report (Physical Resources Engineering Inc., 15DEC09) and the Geotechnical Engineering Evaluation (Pattison Evanoff Engineering, LLC, 09JUL09).
4) Review and approval from City of Tucson Department of Transportation Permits and Codes for all improvements within the public right-of-way (public street and public channel) will be required. A right-of-way use permit application will be required prior to construction. Refer to the following links for TDOT Forms and applications:

a) http://www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd/Forms_Fees___Maps/Applications/applications.html /

b) http://www.dot.ci.tucson.az.us/engineering/pia.php

c) Or contact Thad Harvison at 837-6592 for all additional questions regarding r-o-w.

5) This Floodplain Use Permit and plans shall be kept in a readily accessible location on site at all times.
6) Any additional future disturbance of the floodplain shall have separate floodplain use permit applications submitted to this office for review and approval.
7) There shall be no stockpiling material, or storage of vehicles, other than that which is accepted by COT and as shown on the approved plans and SWPPP. There shall be no stockpiling or disturbance outside of disturbance limits. Construction material and vehicles shall be promptly removed once improvements are complete.
8) See the associated activities T09BU01343 (grading plan) and T09CM02359 (site plan).

This Floodplain Use Permit will be automatically revoked and becomes invalid for non-compliance to conditions set forth in this permit. Permit will expire one year from its date of issue. Renewal of this permit will require a new application, review and approval of that application by the Engineering Division of the City of Tucson Planning & Development Services Department.

(EXPIRATION DATE) Month: 12 Day: 29 Year: 2010

APPLICANT: Physical Resource Engineering
ADDRESS: 4655 N Flowing Wells Rd Tucson, Arizona 85709
PHONE: (520) 690-1669
CONTRACTOR: Jack Sellers
ADDRESS: 2845 E Ganley Rd Tucson, Arizona 85706
PHONE: (520)-295-1384


The applicant is authorized by the City Engineer to receive a floodplain use permit subject to the above referenced conditions and restrictions.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
07/21/2011 SUE REEVES APPROVAL SHELF Completed
07/21/2011 CPIERCE1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed