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Permit Number: T09CM02358
Parcel: 140430130

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: RESUBMITTAL

Permit Number - T09CM02358
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
01/27/2010 MARTIN BROWN FIRE REVIEW Denied Please provide commentary on method of inerting tanks to be removed/relocated.
Please provide drawing and calculations of lifting lugs from engineer.
Be advised that approval of these plans, when it takes place, will not constitute approval of the tank(s) installation and/or relocation. The fire department will still require a separate, deferred submittal of the work to be performed, to include three copies of the plans and material submittals and a TFD aboveground tank permit application. A valuation of the project will also be required.
02/10/2010 ELIZABETH LEIBOLD ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: February 10, 2010
SUBJECT: TAA Fuel Containment project north of Aeropark Bl resubmittal Site Plan Engineering Review
LOCATION: T15S R14E Section 19
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Leibold

SUMMARY: The Fuel Containment plans and documentation were submitted to the City of Tucson for review. It is understood that this project will consist of removing and replacing tanks and reconstructing the pads and adjacent grades with a concrete retaining wall system and integral concrete slab for containment of fuel if breach in the tanks were to occur. Planning & Development Services Department PDSD Engineering has reviewed the received items and does not recommend approval of the permit application without addressing the remaining conditions.

1) Tucson Code Chap.26 Art.2: The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) does not meet the minimum requirements of the AzPDES Construction General Permit (CGP). Revise the SWPPP according to the following comments:
a) Address the following general SWPPP comments:
i) Label and provide leader line that identifies the receiving waters on a plan view map in report.
ii) For resubmittal package, provide 2 copies of revised SWPPP exhibit and report with general permit and NOI.
b) Address the following comments for the SWPPP Report:
i) Operators identified in Appendix B should have separate certification statements. For the Owner/Operator Certification Statements, provide name and signature for the Operators with each certification statement.
ii) The Operator Certification Statement should have a statement with name & signature that they act as Operator and that they have operational control over the construction plans and specifications, including the ability to make modifications to those plans and specifications (e.g., owner, EOR, or developer of project), or that they have day-to-day operational control of those project activities that are necessary to ensure compliance with a stormwater pollution prevention plan for the site or other grading permit conditions.
iii) At minimum, one Operator, either the engineer of record or the project manager or owner as listed on the bottom of the second page of the NOI shall sign one of the Operator certifications. Please note that the remaining signatures from the Operators must be on the SWPPP on the site copy of the SWPPP (exhibit or report) at or before commencement of construction. (Part IV.C.1)
iv) Update section 6.4.2 to provide sequential list of grading construction activities for this project. The sequence of major activities should state whether establishment of erosion and stormwater controls are to occur prior to clearing and rough grading of this site.
v) Identify and provide a list of potential pollutant sources from this project.
vi) Describe good housekeeping procedures to prevent/control fuel, construction debris, and construction chemicals exposed to stormwater from becoming a pollutant source for stormwater discharges. List specific waste disposal methods and practices. (Part IV.D.3)
vii) Specify that all erosion and sediment control measures must be properly selected, installed, and maintained per the manufacturers' specifications and good engineering practices. If periodic inspections or other information is discovered that indicates a control has been used inappropriately, or installed incorrectly, the Operator must replace or modify the control for site situations as soon as practicable and before the next anticipated storm event. (Part IV.D.2.b)
viii) Provide copies of compliance evaluation report forms for use by onsite Operators specific to this project.
ix) Provide a copy of the form for the NOT. See the weblink: http://www.azdeq.gov/environ/water/permits/download/constnot.pdf
c) Address the following comments and provide a SWPPP exhibit:
i) On an exhibit, depict all specific interim erosion/stormwater control measures and locations of all stabilization practices on planview, including control measures needed along downstream disturbance limits, any temporary basin containment area if needed, and other controls as necessary for this project.
ii) Specific temporary erosion/stormwater control installation details for silt fence, straw bale, check dam, wattle, scupper inlet control, vegetative cover, and/or other controls shall be provided on the SWPP exhibit.
iii) Consider placing the particular control measure installation details in a SWPP exhibit. Consider providing a silt fence detail that will be useable to the contractor; provide a detail without drain rock along the base of the silt fence. Any drain rock material that is placed along the base of the silt fence shall not obstruct or divert stormwater flow. If drain rock is not used with silt fence, then earthen material shall only be backfilled against silt fence at grade to allow maintenance of flow pattern.
iv) Show designated locations on the exhibit planview for both temporary stockpile area, concrete washout area, and material / construction vehicle storage areas, with appropriate controls.
v) Temporary material or vehicle staging / stockpile area, and designated concrete washout locations should not be located in or near channels or floodplain areas.
vi) Dimension minimum depth and minimum length (50-ft) of stabilized entrance on SWPP exhibit. Label rock size for construction entrances (typically 3-in min, 6-in max or as determined by engineer).
vii) Show boundary controls on SWPP exhibit. Assure grading limits on SWPP exhibit match Grading Plan sheet SD101.
viii) Provide the following general notes on the SWPP exhibit:
(1) Provide a note stating that the Operator shall report to ADEQ any noncompliance (including spills) which may endanger human health or the environment. The Operator shall orally notify the office listed below within 24 hours:
(a) Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
1110 W. Washington, 5th floor (5515B-1)
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Office: 602-771-4466; Fax 602-771-4505
(2) Add note stating a water truck or other temporary water source will be provided for dust control, otherwise explain how wind erosion/dust control will be achieved and provide specific practices.
2) DS Sec.11-01.4.1.C / 2-02.2.1.A.17, Tucson Code 26-8(a)(2)b: Provide grading application with resubmittal.

Please address all comments prior to resubmittal, or if you have questions before resubmitting, call me at 837-4934.

Elizabeth Leibold, PE
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Planning & Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
03/10/2010 SUE REEVES OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
03/10/2010 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed