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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Permit Number - T09CM01550
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
06/19/2009 | GERRY KOZIOL | WWM | REVIEW | Approved | |
06/23/2009 | MARTIN BROWN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | Fire sprinklers will be required throughout residence. (Refer to 2006 IFC and C.O.T. amendments, section 508.5.1) Please be advised that Tucson Water requires a 1" meter for residences with fire sprinklers. |
07/17/2009 | RONALD BROWN | BUILDING-RESIDENTIAL | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Please provide a building code reference to the 2006 IRC and 2006 UPC 2. Please provide consecutive sheet numbers on each construction drawing, R106.1.1. 3. Please show location of all utility meters on site plan as per R106.1.1. FLOOR PLAN 4. Please Label all rooms and spaces. Show floor plan for all rooms adjoining additions. 5. Ramada decking shown on Site Plan needs to be shown on Floor plan plus roof overhang. 6. Please identify ceiling heights in all areas. Note average height at sloped ceiling areas, R305.1. 7. Please show size of all doors and windows. Provide all window types, and designate the operable portion of windows. 8. Please show max sill height = 44". FOUNDATION PLAN 9. Please show Ramada Deck the same as shown on the site plan. 10. Please note grade away from foundations shall fall min 6" within the first 10', R401.3. 11. Please note top of foundation to be extended 12"plus 2% (of distance between front face and curb) above the street gutter, R403.1.7.3. STRUCTURAL FRAMING PLANS 12. Please specify design criteria on plans. Provide values for floor/roof dead and live loads. ELEVATIONS 13. Please specify height above grade for finished floor, windows/doors, exterior walls, rooflines, porches and etc. 14. Please show extent of ramada as per Site Plan. 15. Unvented conditioned attic space assemblies are permitted as per R806.4. 16. For thin-coat stucco systems, indicate the ICBO #, system name, and vapor barrier, R703.6. SECTIONS AND DETAILS 17. Provide anchor bolts spacing at a maximum of 6' o.c. and within 12" of each end, R403.1.6. 18. For the stucco finish, show weep screeds with a min. clearance 4" above grade or 2" above paved areas, R703.6.2.1. 18. Please specify ceiling gypsum board must be either 5/8" or ½" sag resistant when applied to ceilings framed at 24" o/c, IRC table R702.3.5 footnote d. ELECTRICAL PLANS 19. Show connection of sub panel feeder to existing panel. 20. Show service disconnect in the new riser diagram. 21. Please provide a readily accessible service disconnect for new addition as called for on the plan and show it in the riser diagram, E3501.6.2, E3501.7. 22. Please indicate location of all mechanical equipment disconnect switches, E4001.5. 23. Note that light fixtures in clothes closets shall be installed in accordance with E3903.11. 24. Lights installed over a shower or bathtub must be approved for use in wet area, E3903.8. PLUMBING PLANS 25. Provide fixture unit schedule required for the entire property (including existing) UPC Tables 6-5 and 7-3. 26. Provide the maximum developed length of water line from the meter the furthest appliance served, and the diameter of the water line, UPC Table 6-6. 27. Note the requirement of backflow preventers, UPC 603. 28. Show the size and location of all cleanouts, UPC 707.4, Table 7-6. a. Two-way cleanout required within 2’ from the building at the lower end. b. Upper terminal cleanouts are required at horizontal branches greater than 5’. 29. Please provide a gas line isometric and size the supply pipe for the connected demand. Include the length of line and BTU demand for each appliance, size of each branch, total demand, and total developed length from meter to the most remote appliance on the system, UPC 1217.0 Table 12-8. 30. Designate the locations of each return air inlets/grilles. 31. Show the condensate line and secondary for HVAC unit, M1411.3. 32. Show exhaust fan locations for bathroom venting to the exterior (min 50 and 100 CFM rating respectively), R303.3, M1507. 33. Provide a note requiring the insulation certificate shall be posted in the electrical distribution panel before final inspection, N1101.8. END OF REVIEW |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
07/22/2009 | CPIERCE1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |
07/22/2009 | SUE REEVES | REJECT SHELF | Completed |