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Permit Number: T09CM00922
Parcel: 116275790

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T09CM00922
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
04/22/2009 DAVE MANN FIRE REVIEW Approved

FROM: Michael St.Paul, Planning Technician

977 South Bill Martin Drive

TRANSMITTAL: May 6, 2009

COMMENTS: Please attach a response letter with the next submittal, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed.

1) This review is for a new single-family residence (SFR) in the Canyon View Subdivision of Starr Pass. The zoning is R-1 RCP-4 (LUC Section This lot is also identified as HDZ on the plat (LUC Section 2.8.1).

2) Refer to the plot plan instruction and model we hand out at the counter or Development Standards 2-02 for site plan requirements.

3) All text and dimensions must be a minimum of twelve point (12pt) type or on-eight inch (1/8) lettering.

4) Dimension all lot lines per Final Plat (Sheet 2 of FP). Also clearly delineate and dimension the protected peak boundary (Sheet 2 of FP). Clearly depict and dimension sidewalk and curb locations. (Sheet 2 of the FP in included with the return set of drawings.)

5) Dimension the location of the structure from the nearest point of the structure to each lot line.

6) It appears that an HDZ CCRC Overlay review may be necessary. (See General Notes F.4. Sheet 1 of Tentative Plat.) This requirement shall be determined by the engineering reviewer with the plot plan and grading plan reviews (LUC Section A slope calculation may be all that is required.

7) Provide the following notes on the plot plan:

A) "This development will be constructed of material or painted a color that blends with the natural environment."

B) "All outdoor lighting will be directed downward and away from surrounding property owners and neighborhoods."

C) "All mechanical equipment, storage and parking areas to be screened with material compatible with the natural environment."

8) Please be aware that additional comments may be forthcoming relative to additional information and further submittals. Please refer to the plot plan instructions or DS 2-02 for all that is required on a site plan or plot plan.
05/07/2009 GERRY KOZIOL WWM REVIEW Approved
05/08/2009 ELIZABETH LEIBOLD ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied TO: Timothy Robertson, RA
SUBJECT: 977 S Bill Martin Dr Site/Grading Plan Review
LOCATION: Canyon View at Starr Pass lot 28
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Leibold PE

Summary: Engineering Division has reviewed the submitted plan review package including a copy of the site plan. Engineering does not recommend approval until the following comments are addressed.

1) DS Sec 9-04.3: Show compliance for this section of the HDZ standards. Address the following comments:
a) DS Sec 9-04.2.1.G: The proposed lot disturbance area is not acceptable based on Hillside Development Zone average cross slope (ACS is estimated over 30%). The Tentative and Final Plats have general notes restricting the allowable area based on HDZ requirements. Provide calculations for the Average Cross Slope (ACS) per LUC to justify proposed grading limits. Also, please provide a copy of Board of Adjustment case for the subdivision which may provide further information regarding maximum developable area. Contact Russlyn Wells at 837-4948. Otherwise, a variance process may be needed for proposed disturbance area exceeding maximum gradable area per section LUC
b) Provide the following HDZ data on the plan:
i) Total lot area in square feet per Final Plat.
ii) LUC Sec. Average Cross Slope (ACS) percentage for entire lot area. Or, provide the ACS percentage for area of lot that excludes any set-aside natural area. This may be area of protected peak or additional area including steep slopes that will not be used for further development on the lot in the future.
iii) Total Allowable Grading Area in square feet, based on LUC Table 2.8.1.I.
iv) Square footage of disturbance area that reflects the revised, actual proposed total disturbance / graded area.
c) Label on planview any areas within the lot for proposed Natural Undisturbed Area.
2) Provide a geotechnical report that provides recommendation for project. Specifically address the following comments based on compliance with geotechnical recommendations:
a) Label slope grades in cut area and at driveway or revise grading design to show compliance with geotechnical report. If geotechnical inspections during construction are required, provide note on grading plan.
b) Per IBC, 10-ft at 5% earthen grade is required at minimum around foundations, unless the geotechnical addenda supports other design. The rear slope appears to be less than 10-feet from structure. Clarify with details and on planview to provide positive drainage from structure and sufficient setback at retaining systems.
3) DS Sec.11-01.4.C: Provide the following clarification/notations that will be required to be shown on a grading plan:
a) It is recommended that the plans be labeled as Site/Grading Plan. Otherwise submit a separate sheet for the grading plan.
a) Provide benchmark elevation for project and show on planview. Basis of elevation shall be from an established entity near or on the lot.
b) DS Sec. 11-01.10.5: Clarify proposed slopes at southeast and south and east side yard areas and show with details how stormwater runoff flow is intercepted and label erosion protection. Provide details or sections. Capacity for interceptors shall have a minimum of 30-in wide and 12-in deep.
c) For retaining systems, label more top & toe of wall elevations on the plan.
d) For toe and top of slopes, provide proposed spot elevations on planview.
e) Label manhole adjacent to lot.
f) Label utility line trenches from street to house. Include trenches within disturbance limits.
g) DS Sec.2-02.2.11: Address the following driveway comments:
i) Label elevation at driveway entrance at street.
ii) Label width of driveway.
iii) Label driveway slope grade for access from street.
iv) DS Sec.2-02.2.1.A.19: Label the edge of existing pavement for Bill Martin Drive.
v) Provide cross section from driveway to street across side slope with proposed slope grades. Clarify cut/fill condition and provide spot elevations at west edge of driveway.
vi) Label and show erosion protection along edge of driveway and at corners of retaining wall edges.
h) DS Sec.11-01.10.5: South yard at base of cut slope need clarification. Address the following comments:
i) Provide spot elevations in rear yard and within interceptor swale(s) directing runoff away from proposed house and around the yard. Provide spot elevations in rear yard indicating/clarifying positive flow out of the rear yard. Show how design will prevent stormwater runoff into or ponding in the west, south and east yard areas.
ii) Interceptor swales are required at top of cut slopes. Capacity for interceptors shall have a minimum of 30-in wide and 12-in deep. Show detail for rear yard interceptor swale and depict on planview.
i) DS Sec.9-04.3.1.A.2, Land Use Code (LUC) Sec. 2.8.1-I: Assure sufficient grading area is provided for grading construction of lot 28. Revise grading limits to provide sufficient area for wall construction and slope runout grading disturbance, interceptor swales, construction staging area, and include driveway and utility line trenching within grading limits / disturbed area. Also, label locations within the driveway or yard areas for construction staging areas, construction materials, and vehicle parking.
4) Add general grading notes to the Site/Grading Plan. Address the following general grading note comments:
a) Revise letter size (12 pt min) for general notes for legibility.
b) Add a general note stating that there shall be no disturbance, and that materials and / or construction equipment may not be stockpiled or parked, outside of approved grading limits at any time.
c) Add a Grading Note to state that all grading construction work shall conform to IBC Chapter 18, City of Tucson DS Sec.11-01, and Hillside Development Zone requirements DS Sec.9-04.3.
d) Add note that all rip rapped slopes shall have handplaced stone with filter fabric per HDZ requirements DS Sec.9-04.3.3.A unless required to have handplaced rip rap or other slope protection as per geotechnical engineering report or addenda.
e) Add note stating that the Grading Permit, Geotechnical Engineering Report, as well as the copy of the Grading Plan, shall be kept at the site at all times, until Final Grading approval.
f) Add note that project shall conform to any geotechnical engineering report and addenda for this site. Also provide reference information of any geotechnical engineering evaluation report, with seal date of soils report and geotechnical company's project number.
g) Add a note that clarifies that separate building permit applications are required for any walls.
h) Add note that wall openings shall be provided for surface drainage from yard or patio areas.
i) Add note that states that if grading construction is expected to last longer than the expiration date of the grading permit, contact City of Tucson Development Services Department to renew/extend the Grading Permit. If Final Grading Inspection has not been completed before the Grading Permit expires, and the permit has not been renewed, additional fees and reviews may be required.
j) Add note to call for DSD Engineering Pre-construction meeting and other Inspections. For a DSD Engineering Inspection, call IVR (740-6970), or schedule with a Customer Service Representative at the Development Services Department, or contact DSD Engineering at 837-4888, or schedule inspections online at: http://www.ci.tucson.az.us/dsd/Online_Services/Online_Permits/online_permits.html
k) Add note that any revision to the Grading Plan may require a re-submittal of a revised grading plan for review. Contact DSD Engineering at 791-5550 to discuss changes in grading design.
l) If grading construction is expected to last longer than the expiration date of the grading permit, contact DSD to renew/extend the Grading Permit. If Final Grading Inspection has not been completed before the Grading Permit expires, and the permit has not been renewed, additional fees and reviews may be required.
m) The permitee shall notify the DSD when the grading operation is ready for final grading inspection. Final grading approval shall not be given until all work, including installation of all erosion control measures have been completed in accordance with the approved grading plan and grading permit.
5) Clarify and label bearings, distance, and curve data for the lot lines, as well as protected peak delineation within lot boundary, to match Final Plat.

For resubmittal, please provide 2 copies of the site/grading plans with supporting documents including a copy of the geotechnical report, and response letter. I can be reached at 837-4934 if you have questions.

Elizabeth Leibold, PE
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Development Services Department

Plan review for the above referenced structure has been completed. This letter reflects comments to be addressed. In order to facilitate a shorter back check time, we request that you please provide revised plans and calculations, highlighting any changes, along with a written response to each of the noted items indicating action taken.

The scope of this plan review covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, energy conservation and electrical. All code references are to the 2006 International Residential Code, 2006 International Energy Conservation Code, and Arizona State amendments to the 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code. All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements, conditions and concerns before permit approval.

All corrections and revisions shall be made on original tracings or a finished reproducible set. Return two sets along with a set of the first submission for reference. Pen or pencil corrections on final prints will not be acceptable. To avoid delays, ensure that all corrections have been made, are complete, and have been coordinated on all applicable detail and note sheets. (Do not cloud the changes made for comment revisions). Incorporate changes on originals and provide two copied sets for review.

All engineers and architects involved in the design of the structure are to seal the related sheets of plans, details and calculations in accordance with the rules of the State Board of Technical Registration.

The City of Tucson adopted the 2006 IRC with amendments on 6/12/2007, the 2006 UPC with amendments on 7/10/2007, effective 1/1/2007 the Inclusive Home Design and starting 3/1/2009 Solar Water Preparation. All plans should reference these codes. Adopted amendments are found at: http://www.tucsonaz.gov/dsd/Codes___Ordinances/Building_Codes/building_codes.html


" Limit all code references to those recognized by the City of Tucson. Revise the outdated Concrete Footing reference and Carpentry #2 sheet S1.1 and Shear Wall panel B sheet S2.1.
" Show compliance with the Inclusive Home Design Ordinance adopted by the City of Tucson on 10/16/2007. Notate accessible route, door width, changes in floor elevation, door hardware, electrical outlet reach range (including thermostat height), grab bar reinforcement, etc.
" All SFR and Duplex plans submitted after March 1, 2009 require a solar water system, or future installation preparation with one of the following provisions: control and ¾" piping for water with rooftop termination; 3" metallic sleeve; or an accessible attic over the water heater.


1. Indicate the slope for garage slab, R309.3. (R309.4).
2. Show compliance with termite treatment, R320 as amended.
3. Note that grade away from foundations shall fall min 6" within the first 10', R401.3.
4. Revise the Alternate Braced Wall Panel notation with a device and an installation method that provides the required 1800 LBS uplift capacity, R602.10.6. The PAHD42 is rated less than required 1800 LBS when installed with end distance less than 8". 11' panels require 2,000 LBS uplift capacity. Revise the holdown model referenced on sheet S1.1 and S2.1.


1. Show the garage floor direction of slope, R309.3.
2. Detail and specify stair width (min 36", R311.5.1), rise and run (min. 10" tread depth, 7 ¾" max. riser height, R311.5.3), landing width (R311.5.4), handrail height (R311.5.6.1), guardrail height (R312.1) and intermediate rail spacing (R312.2).
3. Provide a handrail for the exterior stairway of four or more risers, R311.5.6.
4. Identify the Master Suite fireplace, hearth size and materials, R1004 or R1005. Provide fireplace spec sheets, make, model number and the approval number of the UL-127 testing agency (or ICBO #) for factory built (zero clearance) fireplaces, or note the requirement for deferred submittal approval prior to installation.


1. Revise the design criteria on sheet S1.1 showing values for roof dead load and live load (20PSF), R301.1. Also, show the deck live load (40PSF). Also, show Seismic Design Category B, (City of Tucson Amended).
2. Revise the truss loading on sheet S2.1 showing values for roof live load (20PSF) consistent with R301.1 for minimum slopes.
3. Show the load carrying capacity for the Master Bath roof serving as a walking surface between the stairway and roof deck, R301.1.
4. Provide an engineer's calculation, design and seal for bearing framed walls over 10' with roof spans exceeding 12', Table R602.3.1 footnote b, or provide increase braced panel widths in conformance with Table R602.10.6 (3'2" for 11' walls).
5. Provide manufacturer's calculations and data for pre-engineered trusses dated and wet-sealed by an engineer who is registered in Arizona, or note the requirement for deferred submittal (for City of Tucson approval before installation), R106.1. Truss calculations shall be cross-referenced to the plans, R802.10.2.
6. Provide stairway connection details and stringer sizes. Pre-fabricated metal stair shall have manufacturer's specifications attached to plans showing code compliance, R301.1.3.


1. Clarify the reference sheet number for keynote #14 sheet A2.1, R106.1.1.
2. Relocate the roof vent located in the access path to the roof deck, R106.1.1.
3. Revise keynote #11/A2.1 showing fiber-cement board or glass mat gypsum backers for tiled walls in tub and shower areas, R702.4.2.
4. Eave ventilation is not appropriate without attic space, or rafter cavity space between insulation and roof sheathing, R806.1. Show venting for each closed cavity space with a minimum 1" spacing between sheathing and insulation, R703.7.4.2. Revise Roof Plan sheet A3.3.
5. Show compliance with R806.4 by stating "no vapor retarders at the ceiling" for roofs without vented attic space.


1. Provide water hammer arresters wherever quick-closing valves are installed in a water distribution system. The devices should conform to ASSE 1010-2004. Water hammer arresters are required for clothes washer, dishwasher and refrigerator water connections, IRC P2903.5.
2. Show the water softener discharge disposal line and termination, UPC 910.1 & 908.1.
3. Show a 1" cold water pipe between the water heater and kitchen group or provide a fixture unit schedule for determining required pipe sizes, IRC P2903.6.
4. Provide the BTU demand of each appliance consistence with the code tables or provide the manufacturer's model and specification for selected appliances, IRC G2413.2. Gas fireplace 40,000 BTU/h each. Show the Master Suite furnace (AH-1 not -2) rated at 80,000 BTU/h as on sheet M1.1. Also, show the fuel source for the Master Suite fireplace.


1. Show supply and return ducts with minimum R-8 insulation (includes vented attics) except when completely located inside the thermal envelope, R1103.2.1. Show R-4.2 insulation when ducts are located in an unconditioned space (chase) inside the thermal envelope, IECC 503.2.7 (City of Tucson Amended).
2. Provide return air duct and register sizes, M1602. Minimum duct/register size: heat pump or air conditioner - 6 SQ IN / 1000 BTU, M1403.1 (1 ton cooling = 12,000 BTU). The 2.5 ton unit requires a 16" flex size and the 5 ton requires a 22" duct.


1. A wall switch for illuminating stairs must be provided at each floor level of stairways with six or more risers, R303.6.1.
2. Show the location of each outlet on the Electrical Plan, E3305.1 & E3603.5. Show the Security receptacle or junction box on circuit #16.
3. Show receptacle outlets at wall spaces 2' or more with no point along the wall (exclude door openings) more than 6' from a receptacle outlet, E3801.2. Bedroom #3.
4. Show receptacle outlets at each kitchen counter space wider than 12" so that no point along the wall line is more than 24" from a receptacle outlet, E3801.4.1.
5. Hallways of 10' or more in length require a receptacle, E3801.10.
6. Note that combination type arc-fault circuit interrupter shall protect bedroom outlets including receptacles, lights and smoke detectors, E3802.12.


1. Show compliance with City of Tucson Outdoor Lighting Code; the total property lighting limit for area E3 is 55,000 lumens per acre and the unshielded limit for area E3 is 12,000 lumens per acre.
2. Correct the quantity of Fixture "A" on the lighting schedule (six on plan). Provide a product sheet for full cut-off fixtures. Full cut-off fixtures have no emittance above the nadir (fixtures are completely opaque above and to the lowest point of the lamp). Fixtures may be exempt from the total lumen budget if both of the full cut-off FCO style and located under overhangs, OLC 5.1.2.


1. Tucson is in climate zone 2B. The simplified prescribed energy values for glazing and skylights is U=0.75, ceiling R=30 and walls R=13. Revise the "U" factor of the windows on sheet M1.1 or show overall compliance if using less than prescribed component values by providing a RES check calculation. Select the location of Pima County rather than Pima (City). "Pima, AZ: 2006 IECC <4,000 ft" is found at the end of the list for the State selection. (Do not select Arizona).

If you have any questions please contact:
Ken Van Karsen
(520) 837-4912
City of Tucson Residential Plan Review

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
05/27/2009 CPIERCE1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed
05/27/2009 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed