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Permit Number: T09CM00671
Parcel: 10601228D

3657 N 1ST AV

Review Status: Completed

Review Details: REVISION - - 1ST

Permit Number - T09CM00671
Review Name: REVISION - - 1ST
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
3657 N 1ST

The Electrical Plans have been denied for the following;
1. Show on plan how 2005 NEC 511 of the electrical code will relate to this project. show hardous locations, wiring methods, etc.
2. Obtain waiver for new overhead service fron inspections department prior to any work.
3.New TI's require 2006 IECC lighting budget calculations.
4. New TI's require 2006 City of Tucson Outdoor Lighting calculations.
5. If sub-panel C is on a seperate building then panel C will require it's own grounding system, show on plan. Building with Panel C , is there any other service on this building, show as existing.
6. Welders in building to comply with NEC 2005,511-7, indicate this on plan.
7. Provide service entrance conductor size on plan, also provide fault current at service and panels.
8. Mechanical Plans Ex also to look at plans.

Ray T Majuta
DSD City of Tucson
Elect Plan Ck.

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
07/07/2009 THAUSER1 OUT TO CUSTOMER Completed