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Permit Review Detail
Review Status: Completed
Review Details: SITE
Permit Number - T09CM00578
Review Name: SITE
Review Status: Completed
Review Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description | Status | Comments |
03/16/2009 | DAVE MANN | FIRE | REVIEW | Denied | Identify new and/or existing hydrants. Show loaction of fire service to building sprinklers. |
03/18/2009 | STEVE SHIELDS | ZONING | REVIEW | Denied | DSD TRANSMITTAL FROM: Steve Shields Lead Planner PROJECT: St. Augustine Catholic High School - Multipurpose Building T09CM00578 Site Plan (1st Review) TRANSMITTAL DATE: March 20, 2009 COMMENTS: Please resubmit revised drawings and a response letter, which states how all Zoning Review Section comments regarding the Land Use Code and Development Standards were addressed. 1. This site plan was reviewed for compliance with the City of Tucson Development Standards (D.S.) and Land Use Code (LUC). Due to the fact that the vehicle use area expansion calculation is not clear Zoning is providing a full code compliance review for the entire site. Once the vehicle use area expansion has been clarified the following comments may be revised. 2. Provide a copy of the last approved site plan for the entire site. 3. As this submittal is for Site Review remove all references to paving, grading, sewer, etc and label the plans as a site plan. Remove the note at the bottom of page SP1 that references "THIS SET OF IMPROVEMENT PLANS SHALL SERVE AS THE TYPE 2 GRADING ….". 4. It appears that this project is comprised of two (2) separate parcels, 136-01-001B & 136-06-002C. A lot combination will be required. Provide a copy of the approved "Pima County Assessor Combination Request Form" and a recorded "COVENANT REGARDING DEVELOMENT AND USE OF REAL PROPERTY" prior to approval of the site plan. 5. Based on available 2008 and 2002 on line aerial photos there appears to have been a baseball field constructed on site. Per LUC Section D. Outdoor Activity. All outdoor activity shall be held more than fifty (50) feet away from the property line where adjacent to R-3 or more restrictive zoning. This ball field does not appear to meet this requirement. Provide a copy of the approved site plan showing approval of the ball field. 6. Remove the dark hatching from all paved areas as this will be black and unreadable once scanned. 7. Provide a note on the plan stating "THAT THE PROJECT IS DESIGNED TO MEET THE OVERLAY ZONE(S) CRITERIA: SEC. 2.8.3, MAJOR STREETS AND ROUTES (MS&R) SETBACK ZONE. 8. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.1 Provide a north arrow on all plans. 9. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.2 Provide a legal description on the site plan. 10. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.6 For all existing and proposed buildings and structures, including location, size (overall dimensions), height, overhangs, canopies, and use within the footprint 11. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.7 Provide dimensions between all buildings on site. 12. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.7 The setbacks shown under "SITE PLAN NOTES AND CALCULATIONS" are not correct, see redline. 13. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.8 The proposed vehicle overhang shown on the plan and details does not meet the 2'-6" requirement of D.S. 3-05.2.3.C.2. revise the plan and details. 14. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.8 On sheet SP3 the accessible parking space has typical dimensions called out as a 9'-0" wide parking space with a 5'-0" wide access isle, detail F/SP5 shows a 11'-0" wide parking space with a 5'-0" wide access isle. The dimensions on the plan do not meet the minimums for a van accessible vehicle parking space. Clarify which accessible vehicle parking spaces will be van accessible and which are not. Also provide a detail for both types, van and standard, of accessible vehicle parking spaces. 15. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.8 Detail F/SP5 show the required access isle on the detail. 16. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.9 Show the required off-street bicycle parking locations on the site plan. Provide a detail including materials for lighting, paving, and security; fully dimensioned layout; location; specific type of rack and the number of bicycles it supports. 17. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.10 Show existing and future sight visibility triangles on the plan for the entrance off of 22nd Street. 18. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.11 Provide a width dimension for all parking area access lanes on site. 19. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.12 Provide continuous pedestrian circulation/accessible route that meets the requirements of D.S. 2-08.0 for the entire site. This includes a continuous pedestrian circulation/accessible route to 22nd Street. 20. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.13 If applicable show the location, type, size, and height of existing and proposed signage on the site plan. 21. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.18 Label 22nd Street as a MS&R Route. 22. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.20 If applicable show all easements of record must be graphically shown on the plan together with recording docket and page reference on the site plan. 23. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.21 Show the location of future curb along 22nd Street. 24. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.25 If applicable show all existing and proposed site lighting layout and type on the site plan. 25. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.28 Provide existing zoning of parcel and adjacent parcels, including those across streets and alleys on the site plan. 26. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.31 Provide the existing and proposed use on the site plan. The proposed use should be listed as "EDUCATIONAL USE: ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS "9", SUBJECT TO: SEC." 27. D.S. 2-02.2.1.A.32 Show the location of the refuse container location on the site plan. 28. D.S. 2-02.2.A.3 Provide a Lot Coverage calculation for the entire site that meets the requirements of LUC Section 3.2.9. This calculation should include the allowed - 1,795,635 x 15% = 269,345 allowed squared footage, provided - building square footage (footprint of all structures on site) + vehicle use area = provided square footage. 29. D.S. 2-02.2.A.3 Provide a Floor Area Ratio calculation for the entire site that meets the requirements of LUC Section This calculation should include the allowed - 1,795,635 x 0.10 = 179,564 square foot of floor area allowed, provided is the total building square footage including all floors. 30. D.S. 2-02.2.2.A.4 Provide a vehicle parking space calculation on the site plan. Provide the number required based on LUC Section 3.3.4, CIVIC USE GROUP, Educational Use, and the number provided. Also provide the number of required and provided accessible vehicle parking spaces. 31. D.S. 2-02.2.2.A.4 Provide a bicycle parking space calculation on the site plan. Provide the number required based on LUC Section 3.3.4, CIVIC USE GROUP, Educational Use, and the number provided. 32. D.S. 2-02.2.2.A.6 The building expansion calculation is not correct. The covered walk areas do not count as building square footage. This said it appears that the building expansion will still be under 25% but this cannot be verified until the last approved site plan is provide as per LUC Section expansion are cumulative. 33. D.S. 2-02.2.2.A.6 The vehicle use area expansion is confusing. Provide a calculation that shows the total current vehicle use area minus the area of vehicle use area to be demolished for the proposed project, plus the new vehicle use area. Provide the percentage of vehicle use area expansion or reduction. 34. Depending on how the above comments are addressed addition comments may be forth coming. If you have any questions about this transmittal, please contact me at Steve.Shields@tucsonaz.gov or (520) 837-4956. C:\planning\site\t09cm00578 RESUBMITTAL OF THE FOLLOWING IS REQUIRED: Revised site plan and additional requested documents. |
03/19/2009 | RONALD BROWN | ZONING HC SITE | REVIEW | Denied | 1. Due to the absence of a legable, detailed Site Plan, an complete Accessible Review of this submittal is not possible. Please sumbit a completed detailed Site Plan showing clearly all the required accessible elements of a Site Plan complying with the 2006 IBC, Chapter 11 and ICC/ANSI 117.1. 2. Provide an accessible route connection to the Public Right of Way pedestrian way as per the 2006 IBC, Section 1104 and ICC/ANSI 17.1, Section 402 . 3. Where all accessible route slopes exceed 5% identify this route areas as ramps and show compliance with ICC/ANSI 117.1, Section 405, Ramps. 4. The accessible parking located on the South side of the Multi-purposed Building is clustered around the South main entrance of the building. The accessible ramp however is accessible at the South East corner of the building. As per section 1106.6, accessible parking shall be loacted on the shortest route to an accessible pedestrain entrance to the parking facility. Need to relocate the ramp or relocate the accessible parking. 5. Provide large scale details of all accessible parking layouts including ramps, aisle, slope compliance, dimensions, "Van Accessible" signage mounted 7' from the finished grade and spaces and their identification on the site plan and all required signage and their location on the site plan, actual parking design plans only, no generic details. 6. Provide actual design large scale detail of all ramps including dimensions, slopes and connection to accessible routes and show compliance with ICC/ANSI 117.1, Sections 405 and 406. Generic details are not acceptable. 7. When accessible route is extended to the Public R.O.W. as required by item 2 above, there will more than likely be the need for Marked Crossings. Provide large scale details of all different types of marked crossings required showing dimensions, markings, ramps, detectable warnings and etc. in compliance with Section 406, 406.12 and 506.14. 8. Additional comments forthcoming. |
03/30/2009 | LOREN MAKUS | ENGINEERING | REVIEW | Denied | April 3, 2009 T09CM00578 Site Review 1. Clearly label all of the exhibits with the exhibit number and description as referred in the text of the report. For example, clearly label exhibit 7. 2. Provide exhibits with enough detail to follow the narrative. The report refers to the prayer garden at the church adjacent to the project site. Provide a complete diagram of the affected area and demonstrate that the church site will not be adversely affected. 3. Number all of the pages in the drainage report, including the appendices and the exhibits. 4. Clearly delineate the extent of the floodplain for the wash that runs through the property. 5. Revise the site plan to provide for an overall view of the property. Show and dimension all existing and proposed features. 6. Include all required elements for a site plan as listed in the development standards. 7. Show sufficient information about off-site conditions to demonstrate that the development will not cause adverse impacts to adjacent properties. This should include details about the adjacent church property. 8. Show and label the solid waste container location and maneuverability for the vehicles servicing it. 9. Remove the dark shading from the plans. The shading makes it hard to read the plan and will not allow the plan to be scanned for record keeping. |
04/08/2009 | JOE LINVILLE | LANDSCAPE | REVIEW | Denied | 1) Include the legal description and address of site on the site and landscape plans. DS 2-07.2.1.b 2) All improvements and site information, such as adjacent rights-of-way and property Lines, shown on the landscape plan will be identical in size and location to those Shown on the base plan. Revise the landscape plans to show all areas of the site within the grading limits. DS 2-07.2.1.A (show area from basin to wash.). 3) Show and identify existing plants to remain in place on the landscape plan. DS 2-07.2.2.A.1.E 4) Revise the landscape plan to include the following calculations: Square footage of the vehicular use area; Number of parking spaces, including the Required and provided parking space calculations; and The calculation of the required number of canopy trees. Length and width of landscape borders and number of canopy trees per length. Square footage of the street landscape border and calculation of the percentage of vegetative coverage. DS 2-07.2.2.A.2 5) A 10' wide street landscape border ten (10) feet wide (as measured from the street property line) per luc is required along the entire street frontage. Provide dimensions for the landscape border (exclusive of vehicle overhang areas) on the site and landscape plans. 6) Revise the landscape plans to provide a 5' high screen along S Olympic Park Dr. LUC table 3.7.2-I (parking lot/street) 7) Revise the landscape border notes on the cover sheet: A) West boundary- LUC an interior landscape border is not required between two (2) adjacent nonresidential uses of equal intensity as determined by table 3.7.2-I. B) Olympia Park -street landscape border is required per LUC Table 3.7.2-I (all other uses/parking lot adjacent non-MS&R street. 8) Rain water harvesting must be conducted at this site per the requirements in land use code (LUC) Section, requiring that landscaping should accomplish natural resources conservation; LUC section requiring integration of grading, hydrology and landscaping to make the maximum use of stormwater for on-site irrigation; and LUC section requiring that stormwater and runoff harvesting be used to supplement drip irrigation for both new and preserved vegetation. Techniques to design and implement water harvesting are described in the city of Tucson's water harvesting guidance manual. This document can be downloaded as from the following website: http://dot.tucsonaz.gov/stormwater/. To comply with the above-referenced LUC sections, rain water harvested from building roofs, sidewalks, and parking lots shall be employed to assist in supporting landscaped areas including parking lot tree wells, landscape buffers, sidewalk plantings, and other vegetation locations at the site. Details and specifications for water harvesting shall be clearly indicated on site plans to ensure it is correctly implemented at all necessary stages of construction. The City of Tucson's office of Conservation and Sustainable Development is available for consultation regarding water harvesting principles, techniques and code requirements. Please contact Ann Audrey or Frank Sousa in OCSD to make an appointment. 9) Revise the landscape to include a maintenance schedule per DS 2-072.2.A.4 including: A) Pruning schedules to show that plant material will maintain pedestrian and vehicular clearances or that the material will establish opaque hedge screens. B) Replacement criteria, should plant material not survive. C) Replacement or upkeep maintenance schedules for inert ground cover materials. D) Maintenance schedules for exterior hardscape materials. E) Maintenance and replacement schedules for irrigation systems. 10) Add the following note to the landscape plan. All required landscaping, irrigation systems, walls, screening devices, curbing, and detention basin landscape improvements on the site or within the abutting right-of-way shall be maintained as shown on the approved plans. The property owner is responsible for proper maintenance to achieve permanent, safe, and successful landscaping as required by this division. Failure to maintain the improvements or landscaping required by this division constitutes a violation of the LUC. LUC 3.7.6 |
04/10/2009 | JOE LINVILLE | NPPO | REVIEW | Denied | 1) Coordinate the NPP plan and the grading plan for the area where the proposed channel meets the Palm Tree Drive wash. Although the grading plan indicates that the channel is proposed in a specific location with a prescribed width and depth and that portions will include grouted rip-rap, the NPP Plan indicates that the v-ditch may be located around and between existing native vegetation. This may not be possible due to the proposed grade changes and slope treatments. |
04/13/2009 | CPIERCE1 | PLUMBING-COMMERCIAL | REVIEW | Needs Review |
Final Status
Task End Date | Reviewer's Name | Type of Review | Description |
04/13/2009 | CPIERCE1 | OUT TO CUSTOMER | Completed |