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Permit Number: T09BU01716
Parcel: 105102530

4280 N 1ST AV

Review Status: Completed


Permit Number - T09BU01716
Review Status: Completed
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments

FROM: David Rivera
Principal Planner

4280 N. 1ST Avenue
Grading Plan Review
Vantage West Credit Union - Commercial / Financial Services Use

TRANSMITTAL DATE: December 17, 2009


1. Zoning has reviewed the grading plan for compliance with the site plan. The grading plan has been reviewed in addition to grading requirements and compliance with the approved and stamped development plan. While changes have been made on the grading plans that are not reflected on the approved and stamped development plan the following items must be addressed on the grading plan.

2. The loading zone location and size have been made and are reflected on the grading plan. The loading zone needs to be striped and signed. Show the striping and a sign that states loading only or something similar. Revise the drawing and add keynotes as required.

3. Zoning is willing to review the grading plan over the counter with an appointment on a walk-through basis assuming the requested changes that zoning has asked for are made.

4. Please ensure that all reviewers comments are addressed plans approved before requesting zoning to review and approve the plans over the counter.

If you have any questions about this transmittal, please call David Rivera, (520) 791-5608.

12/22/2009 BIANCA RAMIREZ ENGINEERING REVIEW Denied DATE: December 29, 2009
SUBJECT: Grading
TO: Peter Salonga
LOCATION: 4280 N 1st Ave, T13S, R14E, Section 19, Ward 3
REVIEWERS: Bianca Ramirez, CFM
ACTIVITY: T09BU01716 (Second Review)

RESUBMITTAL REQUIRED: Grading Plan, Drainage Statement and Geotechnical Report.

SUMMARY: Engineering Division of Development Services Department is unable to complete review of the proposed grading plan for the above referenced property. Engineering Division is requesting that copy of approved tentative plat and/or development plan be submitted prior to any further review. Please submit requested supplementary documentation accordingly and resubmit for full review.

Grading Plan: Denied

1. Add the following notes to the grading plan notes:
" "The approved Grading Plan is the only acceptable construction plan onsite. The Contractor may not use any other plans, such as the approved Tentative Plat and/or Development Plan, for construction purposes. The Contractor may ask the Development Services Inspector to consult with the other approved plans for additional information or details that might not be included on the approved grading plan but needed for completion of work."

" "The contractor shall remove the fine materials from the bottom of the detention/retention basin and scarify the basin bottom once the construction activities are completed in order to remove any fine material build up caused by construction and to restore soil percolation."

" "Any engineering work to be done below grade (i.e. toe-downs, cutoff walls, drainage pipes/structures, etc.) shall not be back filled until Development Services Inspector inspects the work and approves it."

2. Identify grading limits on grading plan and add symbol to legend.
3. Keynote 20, specify (x") curb and/or call out on grading plan.
4. Provide width of existing sidewalk along west property line. Verify that all sidewalks are properly dimensioned and/or noted on grading plan.
5. Provide width of sidewalk providing access to the site located in south portion of property.
6. Revise Detail 6 - Handicap Signage to read $532 FINE.
7. Consider indicating in Keynote 7 that pedestrian access is striped
8. Show with additional spot elevations and labeled depressed curb openings to ensure water has the ability to drain into water harvesting areas.
9. Call out curb radius throughout grading plan.
10. In drainage statement provide discussion and explanation of pre-development and post-development flows for existing pipe that crosses site and appears to be exit into northern property. If there is an increase in flows authorization from off site property owner may be required.
11. Ensure that 100% of the 10-year flow is conveyed under all sidewalks. Please provide supporting calculations to demonstrate compliance with D.S. 3-01.4.4. If the location(s) of the roof scuppers have not yet been decided, add a general note indicating sidewalk scuppers (per COT/SD) will be used when the roof scuppers locations have been designed. Area areas next to building going to be utilized for water harvesting? If they are, then please label accordingly.
12. Provide copy of Drainage Report by Arroyo referenced in Drainage Statement and include jurisdictional floodplain limits for First Ave. Minimum Finished Floor Elevation should be discussed and established if required in response.
13. A permit or a private improvement agreement will be necessary for any work performed within the Right-of-way. Contact Permits and Codes at (520) 791-5100 for permit information.
14. Placement of fill in excess of 2' above existing grade at any location in the outer 100' of the developing site is not allowed and/or shall meet the requirements per D.S. 11-01. Please address proposed grades and existing grades appear to be greater than 2' in height.
15. Provide flow arrows, grades and flow rates adjacent to site to show drainage scheme.
16. Call out peak discharges entering and exiting the site.
17. Call out First Ave as, (Arterial) and MS&R.
18. Provide a note stating that the site plan is in conformance with the MS&R overlay zone.
19. Indicate both existing and future Site Visibility Triangles along First Ave.
20. Provide dimension of existing PAAL's providing access to the site. Label appropriate one way traffic and call out signage.
21. Provide limits of 100-year floodplain limits on grading plan.
22. Call out existing and future right of way for First Ave, if existing and future are the same then please label accordingly.
23. List the consulting engineer and geotechnical professional on the plans with pertinent information. Provide information regarding referenced reports along with pertinent information.
24. Provide grading plan number is the lower right hand corner of each sheet of the grading plan.
25. Provide HC symbols in Detail 5 to indicate that parking spaces are HC.
26. Clarify if the area south of the southeast corner of building is concrete.
27. Additional comments may be forthcoming.

Drainage Statement: Denied

1. Please include a response letter to the comments along with the corrected copies of the Drainage Statement.
2. A Hydrology report is required for parcels affected by 100 year flows of 100 cfs, of more per S.M.D.D.F.M., chap. II, 2.1.2, therefore the drainage statement is not acceptable. Flows along First Avenue are indicating flows of 300 cfs.
3. The content and format of the Hydrology report should follow S.M.D.D.F.M., chap. II, 2.1.3.
4. In drainage statement provide discussion and explanation of pre-development and post-development flows for existing pipe that crosses site and appears to be exit into northern property. If there is an increase in flows authorization from off site property owner may be required. Notarized documentation will be needed to direct flows into neighboring property. Authorization to do so will be required prior to approval.
5. Additional comments may be forthcoming.

Geotechnical Report: Approved

If you have any questions, please contact me at bianca.ramirez@tucsonaz.gov or 520-837-4928.

Bianca Ramirez, CFM
Engineering Associate
City of Tucson - Planning and Development Services
Engineering Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
01/07/2010 SUE REEVES REJECT SHELF Completed