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Permit Number: T09BU01689
Parcel: 14019010A

5418 S PARK AV

Review Status: Active


Permit Number - T09BU01689
Review Status: Active
Review Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description Status Comments
03/11/2010 ANDREW CONNOR NPPO REVIEW Approved Ensure that all Engineering comments and concerns are addressed prior NPP / Landscape approval stamp.
03/24/2010 MICHAEL ST. PAUL ZONING REVIEW Approv-Cond March 24, 2010

Development Services Department
Zoning Review Section

Michael St.Paul
Planning Technician

T09BU01689 Grading Plans for S07-085


Conditionally approved. Engineering approval required.
03/25/2010 ELIZABETH EBERBACH ENGINEERING REVIEW Approved TO: Tim Burk, PE, Grenier Engineering, Inc.
SUBJECT: Blue Sky Floodplain and Grading Plan Engineering 2nd Resubmittal Review
REVIEWER: Elizabeth Leibold
LOCATION: T15S R14E Section 6

SUMMARY: The revised Grading Plan, a copy of the Tentative Plat, 2 copies of the Drainage Report, Drainage Addendum, calculation sheets, title report paperwork, Pattison-Evanoff Geotechnical Engineering Report with Addenda No.1&2, comprehensive response letter, and 3 copies of the revised SWPPP report were reviewed by Engineering. Engineering recommends approval of the Grading Plan. The Drainage Report was reviewed for Grading Plan purposes only. Floodplain Use Permit T10OT00019 will be issued at Grading Permit issuance. A reseeding bond is required to be provided prior to picking up approved grading permit. The amount of the reseeding bond is based on the square footage of disturbance for the project. The amount $11,260.25 is based on 5.17 acres of disturbance. Grading Permit conditions shall be addressed during grading construction.

The following 15 conditions apply to grading permit T09BU01689:
1) If grading is not expected to be completed / started once grading plan approval is obtained and within the next 6 months, request for grading permit extension must be submitted to Planning & Development Services Department for consideration of grading plan approval extension.
2) TCE easement dkt/pg on sheet 3 is required to be filled out prior to working in this easement area.
3) Grading Plan and SWPPP are approved for onsite clearing, utility infrastructure, drainage improvements, grading construction, and landscape grading associated with Subdivision S07-085 as shown on approved Grading Plan for Blue Sky Subdivision at Park Avenue / Minorka Road dated 2.25.10 and drainage report sealed 060108 by Chad G. Amateau P.E. with addendum dated 2.9.10 sealed by Timothy D. Burke P.E., associated geotechnical report sealed by Ralph M Pattison P.E. dated 3JUL07 and addenda by Pattison Evanoff Engineering, LLC, and SWPPP by Grenier Engineering, Inc. sealed 2.23.10 by Timothy D. Burke P.E.
4) Engineer of Record should be consulted for any revisions to plans. Proposed revisions to design must be discussed with Engineering Inspector and/or Civil Engineer at City of Tucson Planning & Development Services Department Engineering Division, prior to any construction activity, to determine whether additional details, calculations, drainage report, or revised grading plan is needed, or, whether changes may be provided on as-builts. All work completed without approval is subject to Stop Work Order. Call PDSD Engineering at 791-5550 to discuss any revisions.
5) Separate building permit applications are required for any walls.
6) Receiving waters is the Nebraska Wash.
7) For inspection purposes, post NOI or "AZPDES - Posting Requirements" green sheet at construction entrance of the site at beginning of construction activities and maintain this posted document throughout project construction.
8) Stockpile area, concrete washout area, vehicle access, vehicle parking, stockpiling, and storage areas shall be located away from the water harvest areas, basin, drainageways, or washes.
9) Any remaining operator signatures must be on site copy of the SWPPP at or before commencement of construction.
10) Interim erosion and sediment controls shall be updated, revised, and maintained throughout the life of the project per approved grading plans and SWPPP within disturbance limits. Temporary erosion/stormwater controls may be field adjusted with discussions with operators and engineer of record as necessary, and shall be located within disturbance limits for this project.
11) Temporary erosion control devices shall be placed at locations where stormwater runoff exits grading limits to prevent debris, construction silt, and/or chemicals from entering any drainage ways that eventually discharge into the receiving waters.
12) Heavy Duty Construction fence may be required to be installed and maintained inside grading limits at north boundary disturbance limits along Nebraska Wash as determined by PDSD Inspector.
13) Nebraska Wash access shall be provided as per plans. Clearing and minor grading is needed to provide access to wash along west property area. Permanent erosion control (gravel or other approved measures per TDOT) shall be placed in access area to minimize erosion potential.
14) Prior to request for final inspection approval, any outstanding fees shall be paid.
15) Prior to request for final grading inspection approval, all permanent erosion control improvements shall be installed and accepted by the City of Tucson including rock and/or established revegetation for all disturbed areas if not improved as per approved plan.

If you have any questions, please call me at 837-4934.

Elizabeth Leibold, P.E., CPM, CFM
Civil Engineer
Engineering Division
Planning & Development Services Department

Final Status

Task End Date Reviewer's Name Type of Review Description
07/26/2013 SUE REEVES APPROVAL SHELF Completed